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Water Resources Data Colorado Water Year 2003


Water-resources data for Colorado for water year 2003 consist of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; stage, contents, and water-quality of lakes and reservoirs; meteorological data; and water levels and water quality of wells and springs. This report (volumes 1 and 2) contains discharge records for 329 gaging stations, stage and contents of 19 lakes and reservoirs, discharge measurements for 1 partial-record low-flow station and 1 miscellaneous site, peak-flow information for 23 crest-stage partial-record stations, water-quality data for 128 gaging stations and 8 lakes and reservoirs, supplemental water-quality data for 182 gaged sites, water-quality data for 61 miscellaneous sites and 15 observation wells, water levels for 3 observation wells; and meteorological data for 62 sites. Three pertinent stations operated by bordering States also are included in this report. The records were collected and computed by the Water Resources Discipline of the U.S. Geological Survey under the direction of W.F. Horak, District Chief. These data represent that part of the National Water Data System collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and by cooperating State and Federal agencies.


The Colorado Water Resources Data Report for water year 2003 is available in two formats, Portable Document Format (PDF) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). To view or print this document in PDF, you will need pdf logoAdobe Acrobat® Reader installed on your computer.

Both PDF and HTML formats are linked below in the Contents lists. The PDF version can be accessed either in the "Entire Volume" or in one of the smaller "basin" PDFs as listed below. To find a particular station in the "Entire Volume" PDF, look under the bookmark titled "Contents" and then under "List of Surface-Water Stations in Downstream Order". To find a particular station in the smaller "basin" PDF documents, open the PDF, and look in the bookmarks on the left side.

The complete report also is available in HTML and is organized by an HTML page per site. Stations can be found in the HTML version by either clicking the link to "Entire Volume" HTML version (this brings you to the "List of Surface-Water Stations in Downstream Order" page) or by clicking on the "Index" HTML file (this brings you to an alphabetical listing of the surface-water stations). To access precipitation or water-quality information for those sites that have that data, locate and open the desired station page through the "Entire Volume" or the "Index" listing. Once the desired station is open, click on the "Next" button at the upper right corner of your browser screen to access additional precipitation or water-quality information. This procedure will also need to be used for some files in the "Other Hydrologic Stations" sections. There will be multiple sites under some of the main headings (e.g. precipitation and miscellaneous water-quality studies).

These reports also are available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 (or ), USGS Water-Data Report CO-03-1, 577 p., 2 figs., and USGS Water-Data Report CO-03-2, 575 p., 2 figs.

Contents lists

Volume 1. Missouri River Basin, Arkansas River Basin, and Rio Grande Basin
By R.M. Crowfoot, W.F. Payne, and G.B. O'Neill

Entire Volume

(pdf) (html)
Introduction (pdf) (html)
Platte River Basin (pdf)  
Arkansas River Part 1 (ends with station 07105490) (pdf)  
Arkansas River Part 2 (begins with station 07105500) (pdf)  
Rio Grande Basin (pdf)  
Other Hydrologic Stations
(Precipitation, ground-water, crest-stage gage, and additional water-quality data)
Index (pdf) (html)
Volume 2. Colorado River Basin
By R.M. Crowfoot, R.W. Boulger, and G.B. O'Neill

Entire Volume

(pdf) (html)
Introduction (pdf) (html)
Colorado River Basin (Headwaters to Kremmling) (pdf)  
Piney, Eagle, and Roaring Fork River Basins (and Colorado River main stem sites) (pdf)  
Divide Creek Basin to Lewis Wash Basin (and Colorado River main stem sites) (pdf)  
Gunnison River Basin (Gunnison River headwaters to Colorado River at State Line) (pdf)  
Dolores, Green, Yampa, and White River Basins (pdf)  
San Juan River Basin (pdf)  
Other Hydrologic Stations
(Precipitation, ground-water, crest-stage gage, and additional water-quality data)
Index (pdf) (html)

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