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WLCI Fact Sheet 1

Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative Data Management and Integration

By Natalie Latysh and Sky Bristol

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (2.65 MB)Abstract

Six Federal agencies, two State agencies, and two local entities formally support the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative (WLCI) and work together on a landscape scale to manage fragile habitats and wildlife resources amidst growing energy development in southwest Wyoming. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) was tasked with implementing targeted research and providing scientific information about southwest Wyoming to inform the development of WLCI habitat enhancement and restoration projects conducted by land management agencies. Many WLCI researchers and decisionmakers representing the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the State of Wyoming, and others have overwhelmingly expressed the need for a stable, robust infrastructure to promote sharing of data resources produced by multiple entities, including metadata adequately describing the datasets. Descriptive metadata facilitates use of the datasets by users unfamiliar with the data. Agency representatives advocate development of common data handling and distribution practices among WLCI partners to enhance availability of comprehensive and diverse data resources for use in scientific analyses and resource management. The USGS Core Science Informatics (CSI) team is developing and promoting data integration tools and techniques across USGS and partner entity endeavors, including a data management infrastructure to aid WLCI researchers and decisionmakers.

First posted September 30, 2011

For additional information contact:
Director, Core Science Informatics
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, Mail Stop 306
Denver, CO 80225

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Suggested citation:

Latysh, Natalie, and Bristol, Sky, 2011, Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative Data Management and Integration: WLCI Fact Sheet 1, 2 p.

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