Simulation of Advective Flow under Steady-State and Transient Recharge Conditions, Camp Edwards, Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, MassachusettsBy DONALD A. WALTER and JOHN P. MASTERSON
The U.S. Geological Survey has developed several ground-water models in support of an investigation of ground-water contamination being conducted by the Army National Guard Bureau at Camp Edwards, Massachusetts Military Reservation on western Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Regional and subregional steady-state models and regional transient models were used to (1) improve understanding of the hydrologic system, (2) simulate advective transport of contaminants, (3) delineate recharge areas to municipal wells, and (4) evaluate how model discretization and time-varying recharge affect simulation results.
A water-table mound dominates ground-water-flow patterns. Near the top of the mound, which is within Camp Edwards, hydraulic gradients are nearly vertically downward and horizontal gradients are small. In downgradient areas that are further from the top of the water-table mound, the ratio of horizontal to vertical gradients is larger and horizontal flow predominates. The steady-state regional model adequately simulates advective transport in some areas of the aquifer; however, simulation of ground-water flow in areas with local hydrologic boundaries, such as ponds, requires more finely discretized subregional models. Subregional models also are needed to delineate recharge areas to municipal wells that are inadequately represented in the regional model or are near other pumped wells.
Long-term changes in recharge rates affect hydraulic heads in the aquifer and shift the position of the top of the water-table mound. Hydraulic-gradient directions do not change over time in downgradient areas, whereas they do change substantially with temporal changes in recharge near the top of the water-table mound. The assumption of steady-state hydraulic conditions is valid in downgradient area, where advective transport paths change little over time. In areas closer to the top of the water-table mound, advective transport paths change as a function of time, transient and steady-state paths do not coincide, and the assumption of steady-state conditions is not valid. The simulation results indicate that several modeling tools are needed to adequately simulate ground-water flow at the site and that the utility of a model varies according to hydrologic conditions in the specific areas of interest.
Purpose and Scope
Geologic Setting
Hydrologic Setting
Site Description and History
Development of Models
Steady-State Regional Models
1993 Regional Model
1998 Regional Model
2000 Regional Model
Steady-State Subregional Models
Camp Edwards Subregional Model
Grid and Boundaries
Aquifer Properties and Stresses
Southern J-Ranges Subregional Model
Grid and Boundaries
Aquifer Properties and Stresses
Transient Regional Models
Simulation of Transient Stresses
Long-Term Recharge and Pumping Stresses
Seasonal Recharge and Pumping Stresses
Limitations of Models Simulating Time-Varying Recharge
Simulation of Transient Streamflow
Comparison of Transient Model Results to Measured Heads
Particle-Tracking Methodology
Steady-State Simulations
Regional Modeling
Delineation of Ground-Water Flow and Advective Transport of Contaminants
Delineation of Ground-Water-Flow Patterns
Simulation of Advective Transport to Support Field Investigations
Comparison of Particle Tracks From 1993, 1998, and 2000 Regional Models
Areas Contributing Recharge to Municipal Wells
Subregional Modeling
Camp Edwards Model
Southern J-Ranges Area
Transient Simulations
Effects of Transient Recharge on Heads and Gradients
Effects of Long-Term Transient Recharge on Advective Transport
Demolition Area 1 and Impact Area
J-Ranges Area
Implications for the Use of Transient and Steady-State Models
Summary and Conclusions
References Cited
1, 2. Maps showing:
1. Location of Camp Edwards and its firing ranges, also known as the Impact Area, on the Massachusetts Military Reservation, western Cape Cod, Massachusetts
2. Surficial geology of western Cape Cod, water-table-altitude contours from March 1993, and the locations of the Hatchville precipitation gage and selected long-term monitoring wells
3. Schematic showing generalized vertical section (vertically exaggerated) illustrating hydrologic boundaries and general flow lines in the ground-water system of western Cape Cod
4-8. Maps showing:
4. Location of sampling locations in and around Camp Edwards and wells in which Royal Dutch Explosive was detected
5. Regional model domains and simulated hydrologic boundaries in the 1993, 1998, and 2000 regional models of western Cape Cod 10
6. Extent of subregional model domains within the regional model of western Cape Cod, and the subregional model of the Camp Edwards Area 14
7. (A) Model-derived water-table contours and (B) vertical layering and horizontal discretization used in the regional model of western Cape Cod, and in the subregional model of the Camp Edwards area, Massachusetts Military Reservation
8. (A) Local hydrologic features and (B) vertical layering and horizontal discretization used in the subregional model of the southern J-Ranges Area, Western Cape Cod
9-11. Graphs showing:
9. Changes in precipitation at Hatchville for the period 193196 and changes in heads in well SCW253 for the period 1963 96
10. Precipitation and estimated recharge rates at Hatchville for the period 1931 96
11. Changes in measured and model-calculated heads in wells (A) BHW215, (B) SDW253, and (C) FSW167 for the periods 196296, 197596, and 1975 96, respectively, western Cape Cod
12. Map showing model-calculated horizontal hydraulic gradients in the Camp Edwards area and the simulated location of the top of the water-table mound as determined from the 2000 regional model, western Cape Cod
13. Schematic showing flow paths calculated by the 2000 regional model along regional model row 45, and approximate locations of the northern J-Ranges Area and Demolition Area 1, western Cape Cod
14-15. Maps showing:
14. Advective flow paths and distribution of Royal Dutch Explosive (RDX) contamination in Demolition Area 1, 2000 regional model, western Cape Cod
15. Advective flow paths determined by the the 2000 regional models particle-trackingroutine from locations of Royal Dutch Explosive (RDX) detections at depth in the aquifer to possible source areas in the Central Impact Area, western Cape Cod
16. Schematic showing advective flow paths calculated by the 2000 regional model from two monitoring wells within the Central Impact Area, (A) MW44, and (B) MW59, and the approximate positions of nearby wells contaminated with Royal Dutch Explosive (RDX), western Cape Cod
17-23. Maps showing:
17. Model-derived advective flow paths from the water table at selected monitoring wells within Camp Edwards, western Cape Cod
18. Recharge areas to existing and proposed municipal wells downgradient of Camp Edwards, western Cape Cod
19. Areas at the water table across which water recharges the aquifer and discharges to South Sagamore Well 1 as simulated by the regional and subregional models, western Cape Cod
20. The effect of model discretization on simulated contributing areas to four municipal wells in close proximity to one another, by comparison of (A) regional and (B) subregional model results, western Cape Cod
21. Advective flow paths from selected monitoring wells in the southern J-Ranges Area and simulated water-table contours calculated by the regional and subregional models, western Cape Cod
22. Water-table contours and the position of the top of the water-table mound for steady-state, high-recharge (1955), and low-recharge (1965) conditions, western Cape Cod
23. Simulated differences in hydraulic heads and in magnitude and direction of the hydraulic gradient between high-recharge (1955) and low-recharge (1965) conditions on western Cape Cod
24. Graph showing relation between simulated differences in hydraulic-gradient directions and magnitudes for all active model cells for high-recharge (1955) and low-recharge (1965) conditions on western Cape Cod
25-28. Maps showing:
25. Changes in gradient direction between high-recharge (1955) and low-recharge (1965) conditions for the northern part of the western Cape Cod flow cell and steady-state advective flow paths from selected locations
26. Steady-state and transient advective flow paths of particles started in 1955, 1965, 1975, and 1985 from three locations in the Central Impact Area, western Cape Cod
27. Steady-state and transient advective flow paths of particles started in 1955, 1965, 1975, and 1985 from Demolition Area 1, western Cape Cod
28. Steady-state and transient advective flow paths for particles started in 1955, 1965, 1975, and 1985 from three locations the J-ranges Area, western Cape Cod
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The citation for this report, in USGS format, is as follows:
Walter, D.A. and Masterson, J.P., 2003, Simulation of Advective Flow under Steady-State and Transient Recharge Conditions, Camp Edwards, Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4053, 68 p.
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