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Water-Resources Investigations Report 90-4144

By Alison C. Simcox


This report describes the water resources of Massachusetts. It contains sections describing the location, use, quality, and management of water resources in Massachusetts, followed by a summary of the surface water and ground-water resources of all 27 river basins designated by the State for planning purposes. The data for each basin include information about selected continuous record streamflow-gaging stations, the distribution and size of major lakes and streams, and the character of the principal aquifers. Each basin summary is accompanied by a map that shows basin and political boundaries, hydrography, locations of continuous-record streamflow-gaging stations, and aquifer areas. The aquifer areas were derived from the Hydrologic Investigations Atlases and generally show areas that are likely to yield 100 gallons per minute or more to individual wells. The report was compiled from many reports, including 30 U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlases that inventory water resources of the State.




Purpose and Scope

Physiographic setting

Glacial history

Geohydrologic setting

Hydrologic cycle

Surface water

Ground water

Stratified-drift aquifers

Bedrock aquifers

Water use

Water quality

Surface water

Ground water

Stratified drift


                      Crystalline bedrock

                      Sedimentary bedrock

                      Carbonate bedrock

Sources of contamination

Water-resources management

River basins in Massachusetts

Merrimack River basin

Nashua River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Concord River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Shawsheen River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Merrimack River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Coastal River basins

Parker River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Ipswich River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

North Coastal basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Boston Harbor (Mystic River) basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Charles River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Boston Harbor (Neponset, Weymouth and Weir Rivers) basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

South Coastal (North and South Rivers) basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

South Coastal (South Coastal Shore) basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Buzzards Bay basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Cape Cod and the Islands

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Taunton River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Blackstone River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Ten Mile River and Narragansett Bay and Mount Hope Bay Shore basins

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Thames River basin

French and Quinebaug River basins

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Connecticut River basin

Millers River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Deerfield River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Chicopee River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Westfield and Farmington River basins

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Connecticut River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Housatonic River basin

Housatonic River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water

Hudson River basin

Hoosic River basin

                      Surface water

                      Ground water


References cited


1. Physiographical provinces and subdivisions in Massachusetts

2-4. Maps showing:

2. Average annual precipitation in Massachusetts

3. Average annual runoff in Massachusetts

4. Location of planning basins in Massachusetts

5. Graph showing average instantaneous discharge as a function of drainage area for selected streamflow-gaging stations in Massachusetts with 20 or more years of continuous record

6. Photograph showing the Connecticut River, Deerfield, Massachusetts

7. Map showing location of Massachusetts planning basins within the Merrimack River basin

8-11. Maps showing location of principal streams and areas of stratified drift:

8. In the Nashua River basin

9. In the Concord River basin

10. In the Shawsheen River basin

11. In the Merrimack River basin

12. Map showing location of Massachusetts planning basins within the Coastal River basin

13-16. Maps showing location of principal streams and areas of stratified drift:

13. In the Parker River basin

14. In the Ipswich River basin

15. In the North Coastal basin

16. In the Boston Harbor (Mystic River) basin

17-24b.Maps showing location of principal streams and areas of stratified drift:

17. In the Charles River basin

18. In the Boston Harbor (Neponset, Weymouth and Weir Rivers) basins

19. In the South Coastal (North and South Rivers and

South Coastal Shore) basins

20a. In the Buzzards Bay (Weweantic River) and South Coastal drainage basins

20b. In the Buzzards Bay basin

21a. On Cape Cod

21b. On the Islands (Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket)

22. In the Taunton River basin

23. In the Blackstone River basin

24a. In the Ten Mile River basin

24b. In the Narragansett Bay, Mount Hope Bay, and Buzzards Bay basins

25. Map showing location of Massachusetts planning basins within the Thames River basin

26. Map showing location of principal streams and areas of stratified drift: in the French and Quinebaug River basins

27. Map showing location of Massachusetts State planning basins within the Connecticut River basin

28-32. Maps showing location of principal streams and areas of stratified drift:

28. In the Millers River basin

29. In the Deerfield River basin

30. In the Chicopee River basin

31. In the Westfield River and Farmington River basins

32. In the Connecticut River basin

33. Map showing location of Massachusetts planning basins within the Hudson River basin

34. Map showing location of principal streams and areas of stratified drift in the Housatonic River basin

35. Map showing location of principal streams and areas of stratified drift in the Hudson and Hoosic River basins


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The citation for this report, in USGS format, is as follows:

Simcox, A.C., 1992, Water resources of Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 90-4144, 94 p.

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