Financial Statements


U.S. Geological Survey
Consolidating Balance Sheet

As of September 30, 1997 and 1996
(dollars in thousands)

  1997 1996
Fund Balance with Treasury (Note 2) $192,009 $158,028
Cash and Foreign Currency 306 374
Accounts Receivable Billed: (Note 3)
    Due from Federal Agencies 20,163 33,475
    Due from the Public 14,528 22,940
Accounts Receivable Unbilled: (Note 4)
    Due from Federal Agencies 58,450 59,286
    Due from the Public 54,635 42,719
Inventory Held for Sale (Note 5) 15,478 14,421
Raw Materials 2,068 1,584
Operating Materials & Supplies 284 277
Property & Equipment, Net of Depreciation (Note 6) 184,497 134,220
Travel Advances 374 810
Prepayments 508 421

Total Assets $543,300 $468,555

Liabilities Covered by Budgetary Resources:
Accounts Payable:
    Due to Federal Agencies 5,789 8,545
    Due to the Public 54,727 52,862
Deferred Revenue:
    Due to Federal Agencies 14,978 22,032
    Due to the Public 22,362 15,706
Accrued Payroll & Benefits 4,330 2,031
Liabilities Not Covered by Budgetary Resources:
Accrued Unfunded Annual Leave 44,405 44,519
Contingent Liabilities (Note 7)

Total Liabilities 146,591 145,695

Net Position (Note 8)
Unexpended Appropriations 201,650 193,328
Cumulative Results of Operations 195,059 129,532

Total Net Position 396,709 322,860

Total Liabilities & Net Position $543,300 $468,555

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

U.S. Geological Survey
Consolidating Statement of Net Costs

For the years ended September 30, 1997 and 1996
(dollars in thousands)

1997 1996
Operational Costs
Operating Expenses: (Note 9)
    Personnel Services $ 587,242 $ 575,568
    Contractual Services 168,876 164,072
    Communications Rental 89,510 95,696
    Equipment not Capitalized 46,275 35,875
    Grants & Subsidies 70,099 38,237
    Supplies & Materials 39,442 63,739
    Travel & Transportation 37,239 33,551
    Printing & Reproduction 4,552 5,385
    Other Expenses (5) 485

Total Operating Expenses 1,043,230 1,012,608
Cost of Goods Sold 905 894
Depreciation 26,657 31,179
Unfunded Expenses (125)
Loss on Disposition of Assets 4,214 3,083
Employee Benefit Expense (Note 13) 47,778
Bad Debt and Write-offs (993) 6,974
Discounts Lost 7 18
Interest Expense 168 182
Imputed Cost of PP & E (Note 6) 0 5,874

Total Costs 1,121,841 1,060,812
Revenues Collected (Note 10)
Sales of Maps to the Public 7,951 8,480
Sales of Maps to Federal Agencies 293 308
Reimbursement for Services Provided to the Public 122,321 110,815
Reimbursement for Services Provided to Federal Agencies 206,266 214,671
Donated Revenue 216 0
Other Revenue 0 6,235
Interest & Penalties (Note 11) 473 576
Gain on Disposition of Assets 111 24

Total Revenue 337,631 341,109
Net Cost of Operations $ 784,210 $ 719,703

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

U.S. Geological Survey
Consolidating Statement of Changes in Net Position

For the years ended September 30, 1997 and 1996
(dollars in thousands)

1997 1996
Net Cost of Operations $ (784,210) $ (719,703)
Financing Sources:
   Appropriations Used 682,389 705,364
   Employee Benefits (Note 13) 47,778
   Collections Returned to Treasury (447) (745)

Net Results of Operations (54,490) (15,084)
Changes in Net Position:
   Increase in Appropriated Capital 46,113 16,171
   Increase in Invested Capital 25,974 21,385
   Assets Transferred In (Note 6) 59,361 0
   Prior Period Adjustment (Note 12) (3,109) (82,084)

Total Changes in Net Position 128,339 (44,528)
Net Change in Net Position 73,849 (59,612)
Net Position, Beginning of Period 322,860 382,472

Net Position, End of Period $ 396,709 $ 322,860

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

U.S. Geological Survey
Consolidating Statement of Cash Flow

For the years ended September 30, 1997 and 1996
(dollars in thousands)

1997 1996
Cash Flows From Operating Activities
   Excess (Shortage) of Revenue and Financing Sources Over Total Expenses $(54,490) $(15,084)
   Adjustments Affecting Cash Flow:
      Appropriations Expensed (682,390) (705,364)
      Increase in Accounts Payable (1,553) 27,936
      (Decrease) Increase in Other Liabilities (3,146) (3,643)
      Increase in Accounts Receivable 23,595 (10,998)
      (Decrease) Increase in Other Assets (5,667) (5,710)
      Depreciation & Amortization 26,656 31,178
      Disposition of Assets 4,103 3,059
      Accrued Leave & Other Unfunded Expenses (1,333) 7,425
      Prior Period Adjustment for ELIMINATIONS 0 7,348
      Other Adjustments 905 774

      Total Adjustments (638,830) (647,995)

   Cash Used by Operating Activities (693,320) (663,079)

Cash Flows From Investing Activities
   Purchase of Property & Equipment (22,905) (24,084)
Cash Flows From Financing Activities
   Appropriations 751,090 731,463
   Transfers of Cash From Others 925 1,913
   Withdrawals (1,877) (2,968)

   Cash Provided by Financing Activities 750,138 730,408

   Cash Used by Operating, Investing, & Financing Activities 33,913 43,245
   Fund Balance with Treasury, Cash, & Foreign Currency, Beginning Balance 158,402 115,157

   Fund Balance with Treasury, Cash, & Foreign Currency, Ending Balance $192,315 $158,402

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

U.S. Geological Survey
Statement of Budgetary Resources

For the year ended September 30, 1997
(dollars in thousands)

Budgetary Resources:
Budget Authority $747,875
Unobligated Balances, Beginning of Period 52,784
Spending Authority From Offsetting Collections 370,867
Adjustments 18,333

Total Budgetary Resources $1,189,859

Status of Budgetary Resources:
Obligations Incurred $1,143,267
Unobligated Balances Available 35,346
Unobligated Balances Not Available 12,246

Total Status of Budgetary Resources $1,190,859

Obligations Incurred $1,143,267
Less: Spending Authority from offsetting
    Collections & Adjustments (389,200)
Obligated Balance, Net, Beginning of Period 104,188
Obligated Balance Transferred, Net 0
Less: Obligated Balance, Net, End of Period (142,506)

Total Outlays $715,749

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


This page is
Maintained by John Watson
Last updated June 19, 1998