Supplemental Information

U.S. Geological Survey
Consolidating Statement of Net Costs

For the year ended September 30, 1997
(dollars in thousands)

Geologic Division National Mapping Division Water Resources Division General Administration Biological Resources Division Intra-Bureau Eliminations Bureau Total

Operational Costs
Operating Expenses: (Note 9)
    Personnel Services $ 131,997 $ 78,481 $ 239,352 $ 47,273 $ 90,139 $ 0 $ 587,242
    Contractual Services 41,026 61,584 79,499 (1,317) 40,115 (52,031) 168,876
    Communications Rental 21,312 7,351 29,683 26,269 4,895 0 89,510
    Equipment not Capitalized 10,178 4,379 17,119 7,920 6,679 0 46,275
    Grants/Subsidies 25,592 5,719 7,684 25 31,079 0 70,099
    Supplies/Materials 7,114 6,226 16,560 1,852 7,690 0 39,442
    Travel/Transportation 9,037 3,041 17,043 1,576 6,542 0 37,239
    Printing/Reproduction 997 761 2,102 429 263 0 4,552
    Other Expenses (39) (4) 34 0 4 0 (5)

Total Operating Expenses 247,214 167,538 409,076 84,027 187,406 (52,031) 1,043,230
Cost of Goods Sold 0 905 0 0 0 0 905
Depreciation 5,282 6,425 8,802 1,056 5,092 0 26,657
Loss on Disposition of Assets 927 399 1,559 721 608 0 4,214
Unfunded Expenses (4) 0 (5) (116) 0 0 (125)
Employee Benefit Expense (Note 13) 10,739 6,385 19,474 3,846 7,334 0 47,778
Bad Debt and Write-offs (80) (127) (551) (110) (125) 0 (993)
Discounts Lost 2 1 3 0 1 0 7
Interest Expense 38 26 63 13 28 0 168

Total Costs 264,118 181,552 438,421 89,437 200,344 (52,031) 1,121,841
Revenues Collected (Note 10)
Sales of Maps to the Public 0 7,951 0 0 0 0 7,951
Sales of Maps to Federal Agencies 0 293 0 0 0 0 293
Reimbursement for Services Provided to the Public 7,819 11,183 97,998 1,385 3,936 0 122,321
Reimbursement for Services Provided to Federal Agencies 22,513 29,308 112,882 40,284 43,617 (42,338) 206,266
Donated Revenue 183 0 0 0 33 0 216
Interest & Penalties (Note 11) 0 0 0 473 0 0 473
Gain on Disposition of Assets 0 0 0 111 0 0 111

Total Revenue 30,515 48,735 210,880 42,253 47,586 (42,338) 337,631
Net Cost of Operations $233,603 $132,817 $227,541 $47,184 $152,758 $(9,693) $784,210

U.S. Geological Survey Working Capital Fund

The Working Capital Fund (WCF) was established by Public Law 101-512, November 5, 1990. As codified in 43 U.S.C. 50a, Public Law 103-332, dated September 30, 1994 modified the original language; the law states:

"There is hereby established in the Treasury of the United States a working capital fund to assist in the management of certain support activities of the United States Geological Survey (hereafter referred to as the "Survey"), Department of the Interior. The fund shall be available on or after November 5, 1990, without fiscal year limitation for expenses necessary for furnishing materials, supplies, equipment, work, facilities, and services in support of Survey programs, and, as authorized by law, to agencies of the Federal Government and others. Such expenses may include laboratory modernization and equipment replacement, computer operations, maintenance, and telecommunications development of software; systems support services such as implementation assistance, training, and maintenance; acquisition and replacement of computer, publications, and scientific instrumentation, telecommunications, and related automatic data processing equipment; and, such other activities as may be approved by the Secretary of the Interior."

The WCF is divided into two entities, Capital Investments and Fee-for-Service Operations. The Capital Investments key purpose is to plan for long-term capital investments and accumulate the required funds over several fiscal years. The USGS is authorized to use the WCF to invest funds from appropriations and/or reimbursable agreements, without fiscal year limitations, for materials, supplies, telecommunications and other equipment and facilities' renovations in support of USGS programs and other agencies of the Federal Government. Normal operating expenses may not be funded through the WCF. Investments must occur, at a minimum, in two fiscal years before acquisition can occur, and are expected to be evenly balanced over the time period defined in the Investment Plan. The Capital Investment entity is divided into four investment components;

The Fee-for-Service Operations operates in a business like manner, by recovering fees for services performed based on an established fee schedule. Fees are established though a rate-setting process. The Fee-for-Service components operate in compliance with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-25, User Charges, and recover the full cost of goods, services, and resources provided to their customers. For each Fee-for-Service component, an annual budget and pricing schedule is required. User charges are reviewed no less than biennially. Presently, there are five Fee-for-Services components:

(Major customers are organizations that accounts for more than 15 percent of the fund's revenues.)

U.S. Geological Survey
Working Capital Fund Balance Sheet

As of September 30, 1997
(dollars in thousands)


Fund Balance with Treasury $ 35,065
Cash and Foreign Currency
Accounts Receivable Billed:
    Due from Federal Agencies 732
    Due from the Public 4
Accounts Receivable Unbilled:
    Due from Federal Agencies 9,560
    Due from the Public
Inventory Held for Sale
Raw Materials
Operating Materials & Supplies
Property & Equipment, Net of Depreciation 1,047
Travel Advances

Total Assets $ 46,408

Liabilities Covered by Budgetary Resources:
Accounts Payable:
    Due to Federal Agencies 193
    Due to the Public 1,726
Deferred Revenue:
    Due to Federal Agencies 29,361
    Due to the Public
Accrued Payroll & Benefits 130
Liabilities Not Covered by Budgetary Resources:
Accrued Unfunded Annual Leave
Contingent Liabilities

Total Liabilities 31,410

Net Position
Unexpended Appropriations 396
Cumulative Results of Operations 14,602

Total Net Position 14,998

Total Liabilities & Net Position $ 46,408

U.S. Geological Survey
Working Capital Fund Statement of Net Costs

For the year ended September 30, 1997
(dollars in thousands)

  Water Quality Lab Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility Mainframe Component Telecom-
munications Equipment
Equipment Facilities Publications Eastern Region Research Laboratories Washington Administrative Service Center Bureau Total

Operational Costs
Operating Expenses $16,462 $7,903 $4 $672 $646 $320 $1,125 $170 $21,180 $48,482
Cost of Goods Sold 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Depreciation 33 14 75 2 7 0 0 0 25 156
Loss on Disposition of Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unfunded Expenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Employee Benefit Expense 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bad Debt and Write-offs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Discounts Lost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interest Expense 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 10

Total Costs 16,497 7,919 79 674 653 320 1,125 170 21,211 48,648
Revenues Collected
Sales of Maps to the Public 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sales of Maps to Federal Agencies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Reimbursement for Services Provided to the Public 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Reimbursement for Services Provided to Federal Agencies 16,769 8,199 79 674 653 320 1,125 170 21,100 49,089
Donated Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interest and Penalties 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gain on Disposition of Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Revenue 16,769 8,199 79 674 653 320 1,125 170 21,100 49,089
Net Cost of Operations $(272) $(280) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $111 $(441)


This page is
Maintained by John Watson
Last updated June 19, 1998