A 1:1,000,000-scale map of Quaternary deposits has
been compiled for the glaciated area of the United States
east of the Rocky Mountains (that is, the area covered by
the Laurentide ice sheets). Parts of southern Ontario,
areas beneath the Great Lakes, and parts of the submerged
eastern seaboard are also included on the map.
The map has three components that, together, provide
the first regional three-dimensional view of these deposits.
These map components are the surface distribution of
Quaternary sediments, the total thickness of Quaternary
sediments, and the distribution of significant buried Quaternary
units. For many areas, this is the first map of
Quaternary sediment thickness published at any scale.
This report provides supporting information for the map,
preliminary interpretations of sediment distribution, and
the list of geologic sources used to generate the map.
Within the mapped area, there is a particular need
for three-dimensional geologic mapping to support decisions
on water resources and land use. Approximately 40
percent of the U.S. population resides within the mapped
area, which is less than one-quarter the size of the
conterminous United States. This map is intended to
supplement the more detailed mapping on which it is
based and is designed to be a regional planning tool.
Through the Pleistocene, large deposits of thick
glacial sediment accumulated between certain late Wisconsinan
glacial lobes, on bedrock topographic highs,
whereas relatively thin deposits generally accumulated in
the adjacent bedrock lowlands occupied by drainage and
ice lobes. The lithology of the bedrock and its resistance
to erosion in part controlled the patterns of ice lobation
and the distribution of thick sediment. On a local scale,
the spatial relation of these sediment masses to ice lobation
has been suggested in places, and a regional correlation
may have been assumed. This map provides the first
comprehensive, regional view of glacial sediment thickness
to permit such a correlation to be assessed.
First posted March 26, 2012
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