Geologic and Grade-Tonnage Information on
Tertiary Epithermal Precious- and Base-Metal
Vein Districts Associated with Volcanic Rocks
By Dan L. Mosier, W. David Menzie, and Frank J. Kleinhampl
U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1666

This publication is a compilation of data on grade, tonnage, and geology
of 215 Tertiary epithermal precious- and base-metal vein districts
associated with volcanic rocks worldwide. The data were collected for
constructing both descriptive and grade-tonnage models but are given here
in tabular form for the ease of examination and comparison among districts.
Originally published in 1986, this report is presented here in
Portable Document Format. Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0™ is required
to view it. If you already have Acrobat Reader 3.0 installed on
your computer, click here to access the text (5 Mb).
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For more information about this report contact William D. Heran at wheran@usgs.gov