By Dennis P. Cox

DESCRIPTION Stockwork veinlets of quartz, chalcopyrite, and molybdenite in or near a porphyritic intrusion. Ratio of Au (in ppm) to Mo (in percent) less than 3 (See fig. 82).

Figure 82. Cartoon cross section of porphyry Cu-Mo deposit showing relationship between mineral- and alteration-zoning and igneous intrusion.

fig 82



Rock Types Tonalite to monzogranite stocks and breccia pipes intrusive into batholithic, volcanic, or sedimentary rocks.

Textures Intrusions contemporaneous with ore commonly are porphyries with fine- to medium-grained aplitic groundmass. Porphyry texture may be restricted to small dikes in some deposits (Brenda).

Age Range Mainly Mesozoic to Tertiary, but can be any age.

Depositional Environment High-level intrusive porphyry contemporaneous with abundant dikes, faults, and breccia pipes. Cupolas of batholiths.

Tectonic Setting(s) Numerous faults in subduction-related volcanic plutonic arcs. Mainly along continental margins but also in oceanic convergent plate boundaries.

Associated Deposit Types Cu, Zn, or Fe skarns may be rich in gold, gold + base-metal sulfosalts in veins, gold placers. Volcanic-hosted massive replacement and polymetallic replacement.


Mineralogy Chalcopyrite + pyrite + molybdenite. Peripheral vein or replacement deposits with chalcopyrite + sphalerite + galena ± gold. Outermost zone may have veins of Cu-Ag-Sb-sulfides, barite, and gold.

Texture/Structure Veinlets and disseminations or massive replacement of favorable country rocks.

Alteration Quartz + K-feldspar + biotite (chlorite) ± anhydrite (potassic alteration) grading outward to propylitic. Late white mica + clay (phyllic) alteration may form capping or outer zone or may affect the entire deposit. High-alumina alteration assemblages may be present in upper levels of the system (see table 3).

Ore Controls Ore grade is, in general, positively correlated with spacing of veinlets and mineralized fractures. Country rocks favorable for mineralization are calcareous sediments; diabase, tonalite, or diorite.

Weathering Intense leaching of surface; wide areas of iron oxide stain. Fractures coated with hematitic limonite. Supergene copper as chalcocite may form blanket below leached zone. Residual soils may contain anomalous amounts of rutile.

Geochemical Signature Cu + Mo + Ag ± W + B + Sr center; Pb, Zn, Au, As, Sb, Se, Te, Mn, Co, Ba, and Rb in outer zone. Locally Bi and Sn form distal anomalies. High S in all zones. Ratio of Au (ppm): Mo (percent)<3. Magnetic low.


Brenda, CNBC (Soregaroli and Whitford, 1976)

Sierrita Esperanza, USAZ (West and Aiken, 1982)