![U.S. Geological Survey](blupltsh.gif)
Descriptive and Grade-Tonnage Models of
Volcanogenic Manganese Deposits in
Oceanic EnvironmentsA Modification
By Dan L. Mosier and Norman J Page
U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1811
This publication modifies the descriptive and grade and tonnage models
for volcanogenic manganese deposits published in USGS Bulletin 1693,
"Mineral Deposit Models" (D.P. Cox and D.A. Singer, editors, 1986).
Four types of volcanogenic manganese deposits are distinguished on the
basis of geology and geochemical and geophysical characteristics. These
deposit types, called Franciscan, Cuban, Olympic Peninsula, and Cyprus, are
compared with respect to host rocks, associated rocks, minerals, deposit
shape, dimensions, volume, tonnage, grade, and mineral-deposit density.
Originally published in 1988, this report is presented here in
Portable Document Format. Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 is required
to view it. If you already have Acrobat Reader 3.0 installed on
your computer, click here to access the text (500 kb).
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For more information about this report contact William D. Heran at wheran@usgs.gov