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Lithofacies and Palynostratigraphy of Some Cretaceous and Paleocene Rocks, Surghar and Salt Range Coal Fields, Northern Pakistan

By Peter D. Warwick, Shahid Javed, S. Tahir A. Mashhadi, Tariq Shakoor, Asrar M. Khan, and A. Latif Khan


[The section is in the downfaulted block of the Lum-shiwal and Hangu Formations below working coal mines. Samples were collected for pollen analysis. The approximate location is lat 32°51' N., long 71°08'45" E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic sheet 38 P/1. Measured by Peter D. Warwick and Tariq Shakoor on October 20, 1990 (revised from unpublished notes of Shahid Javed, S. Tahir A. Mashhadi, and A. Latif Khan, Geological Survey of Pakistan, 1989)]

Lockhart Limestone (lowermost part):
27. Limestone (890), nodular, fossiliferous withforaminifers Not
Hangu Formation:
26. Covered (000), thickness estimated 1.83
25. Sandstone (543), light-gray, with gray claystone interbeds, quartzose interbeds, flat-bedded, thickness estimated 4.49
24. Mudstone (320/120), dark-gray, thickness approximate . 1.52
23. Sandstone (543), light-gray, with gray claystone interbeds, more shaly at places 1.98
22. Claystone (120), dark-gray, mostly covered .30
21. Mudstone (332), light-gray, gray claystone layers, burrows, sandy in places .61
20. Carbonaceous shale (123/023) with coaly streaks, weathered, possible upper coal bed locally mined (see section 2, units 1B and 2B, for description and location of upper coal bed samples); same interval as SAMPLE NF89P-5 .52
19. Mudstone (323), dark-gray, clay streaks, rooted, burrowed .46
18. Sandstone (543), light-gray, clay interbeds, flat-bedded, fine-grained, burrows 2.44
17. Carbonaceous shale (123), dark-gray, sandy streaks, burrows, SAMPLE PW-90-5 1.52
16. Mudstone (332), light-gray, claystone streaks, burrows, SAMPLE NF89P-4 .91
15. Sandstone (540), light-gray, massive to flat-bedded, fine-grained .61
14. Mudstone (332), light-gray, sandy in places, burrows, thin carbonaceous shale layers 1.68
13. Claystone (124), dark-gray, massive .15
12. Mudstone (332), light-gray, with coal streaks, burrowed, flat-bedded 2.13
Section moves laterally west, up the canyon to better exposures
11. Carbonaceous shale (123), coaly, SAMPLE PW-90-4 .61
10. Mudstone (332), light-gray, iron-stained, coarsens upward into sandstone 4.57
9. Carbonaceous shale (123/022) with coaly layers, weathered, should be lower coal bed locally mined (see section 2, unit 2A, 3A, and 4A for description and location of samples from lower seam) .46
8. Claystone (120), dark-gray, carbonaceous, fissile, flat-bedded, SAMPLE PW-90-3 .76
Total Hangu Formation 27.63
Lumshiwal Formation (upper part):
7. Sandstone (540), light-gray, medium-grained, fining upward, coaly spars, and rooted, fractured, fewer iron stains than below (lower part is probable interval of SAMPLE NF89P-3) 2.29
6. Claystone (123), brownish-black (5YR 2/1), carbonaceous, coaly streaks with resins, SAMPLE PW–90–2 (same interval as SAMPLE T–SH–2 and probable interval of SAMPLE NF89P–2 .30
5. Mudstone (332), medium-reddish-brown, mottled, burrows in places, upper 0.30 m rooted 2.29
4. Sandstone (543), thin claystone interbeds, moderate-reddish- brown (10R 4/6), coarse-grained at base, mottled throughout, beds about 15 cm thick 1.37
3. Sandstone (544), light-gray, fine- to medium-grained, quartzose, mottled, upper part burrowed, iron-stained in cracks 1.52
2. Mudstone (322), medium-gray (N 4), clayey in places with carbonaceous and coaly streaks, ironstone nodules, SAMPLE PW-90-1 (same interval as SAMPLE K-SH-1 and probable interval of NF89P-1 .70
1. Sandstone (544), quartzose, fine- to medium-grained, flat bedded to low-angle cross beds +6.00
Section starts near the base of the Lumshiwal Formation


[Mine section from Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation (PMDC) mine, Haq tunnel 1, Maadan-e-Haq, at Lumshiwal Nala. The Makarwal coal bed is about 18 m below the upper coal bed, according to Mr. Haq, PMDC Chief Geologist (Makarwal Operations). The approximate location is lat 32°51' N., long 71°08'45'' E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic sheet 38 P/1. The section was measured by Shahid Javed, Peter D. Warwick, S. Tahir A. Mashhadi, and A. Latif Khan on April 2, 1989. The coal samples were collected by Peter D. Warwick on Oct. 30, 1989. Samples also were collected for pollen analysis]

Hangu Formation (in part):
Upper coal bed:
3B. Mudstone (327), carbonaceous, sandy, pyritic, rooted, resins 0.30
2B. Coal (020), bright, resins, cleats, gypsum along fractures, thin clayey stringers scattered throughout, SAMPLE MK-HT-1 .6
1B. Claystone (124), dark-gray (N 3), carbonaceous, tiny sand inclusions, pyritic, SAMPLE SH–MK–HT–1 .15
Makarwal coal bed:
4A. Coal (020), bright, resins, pyritic in veins, banded, SAMPLE MK-HT-3. About 0.30 m of coal at base is not exposed or sampled 1.46
3A. Claystone (124), dark-gray (N 3), massive, coal streaks, SAMPLE SH–MK–HT–2 .30
2A. Coal (020), bright, resinous, SAMPLE MK–HT–2 .76
1A. Claystone (123), dark-gray (N 3), carbonaceous, abundant coal stringers, resins .30


[The section is located in the Surghar Range, Lumshiwal Nala, adjacent to and above working mine facilities. Mined coal beds are not well exposed in outcrop. The approximate location is lat 32°51' N., long 71°08'45'' E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic sheet 38 P/1. Measured by Shahid Javed, Peter D. Warwick, S. Tahir A. Mashhadi, and A. Latif Khan on April 2, 1989]

Lockhart Limestone (lowermost part):
25. Limestone (990), pale-yellowish-brown (10YR 6/2), fossiliferous with pelecypods Not
Hangu Formation:
24. Mudstone (400), light-brownish-gray, slightly calcareous 3.05
23. Covered (000), probably mudstone, slightly calcareous 4.57
22. Sandstone (541), grayish yellow (5Y 8/4), fine- to medium-grained, quartzose, soft, friable, iron-stained, burrowed, low-angle crossbeds, black metallic minerals 7.01
21. Mudstone (333), light-brownish-gray, carbonaceous 5.18
20. Sandstone (541), pinkish-gray (5YR 8/1), quartzose, coarse-grained, rounded grains, some black metallic minerals, scoured base, sharp contact, burrowed, crossbedded 3.50
19. Mudstone (338), light-brownish-gray, burrowed, iron-stained, plant material 1.68
18. Sandstone (548), moderate-greenish-yellow (10Y 7/4), fine-grained, burrowed, ferruginous at places, massive .91
17. Mudstone (333), light-brownish-gray, burrowed, iron-stained, fine mica specks 4.57
16. Mudstone (137), light-brownish-gray, carbonaceous matter 1.52
15. Claystone/ironstone (124), moderate-reddish-brown (10R 4/6), iron nodules 1.07
14. Carbonaceous shale (123), light-olive-gray, sand and silt intermixed .61
Total Hangu Formation: 33.67
Lumshiwal Formation (in part):
13. Sandstone (548), yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), fine- to coarse-grained, medium-bedded, burrowed, iron-stained, massive 4.94
12. Mudstone (330), light-gray, carbonaceous matter, iron staining .15
11. Sandstone (548), fine-grained, more burrowed than below 1.68
10. Sandstone (540), very light-gray (N 8), coarse-grained, quartzose, rounded grains, iron-stained, some black minerals (may be ilmenite), low-angle flat beds, burrowed, small scours, possibly beach facies 7.92
9. Sandstone (541), same as unit 7, more massive 3.81
8. Sandstone (541), same as unit 7 6.71
7. Sandstone (541), grayish-pink (5R 8/2), coarse-grained interbeds, crossbedded, large tabular crossbeds, iron staining, ferruginous, friable, calcareous, iron nodules, coal specks, coarsening-upward sequence, upper part becoming trough crossbedded. Paleocurrent direction is N. 80° E. or S. 80° W., as indicated by small-scale trough crossbeds 0.35 m wide and 8 cm high 16.46
6. Arenacious limestone (800), light-gray (N 7) to medium-light-gray (N 6), glauconitic, coarse quartz grains, ironstone concretions 1.22
5. Sandstone (540), pale-yellowish-brown, coarse-grained, quartz pebbles .21
4. Sandstone (548), pale-yellowish-brown, fine-grained, thick-bedded, burrowed, iron-stained 8.84
3. Sandstone (540), pale-yellowish-brown, coarse-grained, massive quartz pebbles up to 2 mm, sharp contact with the lower strata .46
2. Sandstone (548), same as unit 1 10.97
1. Sandstone (548), pale yellowish-brown (10YR 6/2), fine-grained, burrowed, flat-and thick-bedded, carbonaceous streaks, iron-stained along fractures, ferruginous in places, friable 10.36
Section starts in the lower part of the Lumshiwal Formation.


[The section is located in the Surghar Range, Siddiqui Nala, at the abandoned Charles mine workings that are above the Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation central tunnel and were described by Danilchik and Shah (1987). Samples were collected for pollen analysis. Dip ranges from 26° W. to 45° W. Measurements were made to approximate true thicknesses. The approximate location is lat 32°47'30'' N., long 71°08'45'' E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic sheet 38 P/1. Measured by Shahid Javed, Peter D. Warwick, S. Tahir A. Mashhadi, and A. Latif Khan on April 3, 1989]

Lockhart Limestone (lowermost part):
39. Limestone (996), light-gray (N 7), nodular Not
Hangu Formation:
38. Claystone (423) with limestone interbeds, transitional with overlying limestone 0.91
37. Sandstone (548), same as unit 36 4.57
36. Sandstone (548), yellowish-gray, fine-grained, burrowed, iron-stained, carbonaceous matter 4.88
35. Mudstone (333), yellowish-gray, burrowed, carbonaceous streaks, iron-stained, flat-bedded 1.83
34. Limestone (996), light-gray, fossiliferous (foraminifers), nodular 1.37
33. Mudstone (330), light-gray (N 7) 4.57
32. Limestone (800), very light-gray, silty .36
31. Sandstone (748), yellowish-gray, fine-grained, abundant coal streaks and carbonaceous matter 2.44
30. Carbonaceous shale (123), dusky-brown (5YR 2/2), carbonaceous .30
29. Sandstone (548), yellowish-gray, fine- to medium-grained, calcite cement, iron-stained, upper part contains carbonaceous matter, coal streaks, burrowed, rooted 5.18
28. Sandstone (548), yellowish-gray, fine- to medium-grained, burrowed, iron-stained at places, upper part contains lime cement 16.76
27. Sandstone (543), yellowish-gray, fine- to medium-grained, carbonaceous matter, interbedded with subordinate mudstone and carbonaceous shale beds, burrowed 2.29
26. Sandstone (540), dark-yellowish-orange (10YR 6/6), coarse-grained, coal streaks .76
25. Coal (020), weathered, SAMPLE T-SH-3 1.83
24. Mudstone (133), brownish-gray (5YR 4/1), carbonaceous, burrowed .91
23. Claystone (132), light-brownish-gray, carbonaceous .27
Total Hangu Formation 49.23
Lumshiwal Formation (in part) (the contact with the Hangu Formation is not clear):
22. Sandstone (544), olive-gray (5Y 4/1), fine-grained, abundant carbonaceous matter 0.36
21. Claystone (133), light-brownish-gray, carbonaceous 0.30
20. Sandstone (548), same as unit 18, upper few centimeters are more ferruginous 7.62
19. Coal (020), weathered, powdery, has been mined, SAMPLE K-SH-4 .06
18. Sandstone (548), white (N 9) to very light-gray, quartzose, fine-grained, loose, friable, sugary, some black minerals, burrowed; in places, bands of rounded coarse sandstone nodules that are calcite cemented and ferruginous; upper part fine- to coarse-grained with some carbonaceous matter 3.96
17. Sandstone (548), yellowish-gray, (5Y 7/2), fine-grained, massive, burrowed, iron-stained, local dip is 26° W 1.22
16. Mudstone (338), yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), thin-bedded, carbonaceous, burrowed, SAMPLE K-SH-3 1.07
15. Sandstone (548), yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), fine-grained, massive, burrowed, iron-stained 2.13
14. Mudstone (334), grayish-orange to light-brownish-gray (5YR 6/1), carbonaceous material, thin-bedded, burrowed 6.40
13. Sandstone (640), medium- to coarse-grained, calcareous cement, ferruginous-rich iron bands, glauconitic .76
12. Sandstone (548), medium-light-gray (N 6), fine-grained, argillaceous, burrowed, iron-stained, iron concretions 1.83
11. Mudstone/sandstone (328), dark-gray (N 3), carbonaceous, burrowed, iron-stained, SAMPLE K-SH-2 .61
10. Sandstone (541), same as unit 6 4.11
9. Claystone (124), dark-gray, carbonaceous .15
8. Sandstone (541), same as unit 6, coarse-grained, large tabular crossbeds 11.58
7. Sandstone (541), same as unit 6 14.33
6. Sandstone (541), white (N 9) to light-gray, quartzose, coarse- to fine-grained, loose, friable, large-scale crossbeds, iron-stained, black minerals, thick-bedded to massive, rounded coarse sandstone nodules with calcareous cement in the upper part 11.89
5. Sandstone (541), yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), very fine-grained, quartzose, large crossbeds in the upper part, burrowed, iron concretions 7.62
4. Sandstone (548), yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), very fine-grained, argillaceous, abundant carbonaceous streaks, burrowed, iron-stained, massive 7.92
3. Sandstone (541), covered, same as unit 1 9.75
2. Sandstone (541), mostly covered, same as unit 1 15.54
1. Sandstone (541), very light-gray (N B), quartzose, very coarse-grained, soft, friable, iron-stained and concretions, burrowed, massive- to thick-bedded, occasionally crossbedded, occasional coarse to pebbly quartz bands 6.71
Section starts in the lower part of the Lumshiwal Formation.


[Because the main mine area was under repair, a coal channel sample was collected from a part of the coal bed left in a mined-out area. The roof had fallen at various places, and the coal face was inaccessible. A coal bed approximately 2.4 m thick was visible on one of the mine sides, but it was difficult to sample because of poor wall supports. Coal-bed thickness generally varies between 0.61 and 1.07 m. The maximum length of the mine is about 3,350 m, and the bed at the active mine face is about 1.37 m thick. The mine-mouth location is approximately lat 32°52'39'' N., long 71°09'30'' E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic sheet 38 P/1. The section was measured, and the coal sample collected, by Shahid Javed and S. Tahir A. Mashhadi on April 9, 1989]

Hangu Formation (in part):
3. Sandstone (550), very light-gray, quartzose, fine-grained, coal specks, iron-stained +0.30
2. Coal (020), bright, vitreous, SAMPLE MKCT-6 .49
1. Sandstone (550), fine-grained, quartzose, iron-stained, carbonaceous matter +.30


[The section is located in the Surghar Range, Baroch Nala, north of Haji Maula Khan and Akhbar Badshah coal mines. Dip at the base of the section in the Lumshiwal Formation is about 52° NW., and strike is N. 28° E. Samples were collected for pollen analysis. The approximate location of the section is lat 32°55'35'' N., long 71°08'50'' E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic sheet 38 P/1. The section was measured by Peter D. Warwick, Shahid Javed, and S. Tahir A. Mashhadi on April 4, 1989. The section was revisited and resampled by Peter D. Warwick, Tariq Shakoor, Edward Johnson, Edward Landis, James Fassett, and Shaukat Qureshi on October 20, 1990]

Lockhart Limestone (lower part):
19. Limestone (890), light-gray, nodular, fossiliferous Not
Hangu Formation:  
18. Sandstone (548), light-gray (N 7), very fine-grained, calcite cement, heavily burrowed, burrows occasionally filled with ferruginous material, thick-bedded to massive 8.23
17. Mudstone (118), black, carbonaceous, resins, heavily burrowed in the upper part where burrows are filled with sand, silty stringers throughout 1.83
16. Sandstone (548), yellowish-gray (5Y 8/1) to olive-gray (5Y 4/1), fine-grained, burrowed, flat-bedded, lower part friable 10.36
15. Mudstone (328), brownish-gray, carbonaceous material, burrowed, flat-bedded 1.22
14. Sandstone (548), yellowish-gray, fine-grained, abundant carbonaceous matter, heavily burrowed, iron-stained. 3.20
13. Carbonaceous shale (123), thickens across canyon where miners have tried excavations for coal, SAMPLE PW-90-8 .15
12. Sandstone (548), yellowish-gray, fine-grained, abundant carbonaceous matter, heavily burrowed, iron-stained 4.57
11. Coal (022), black, sand-filled burrows in top of bed, sandy inclusions, several mines active, thickness varies, sampled thickness is 0.33 m thick, SAMPLE PW–90–7; see section 7 .61
10. Claystone (124), light-olive-gray (5Y 4/4), iron-stained, pisolitic, spheres up to 5 cm in diameter, fractured, pyritic, possible paleosol, SAMPLE PW–90–6 .91
Total Hangu Formation 31.08
Lumshiwal Formation:
9. Sandstone (541), very light-gray (N 8) to grayish-orange (10YR 7/4), coarse-grained, heavily burrowed, tabular crossbed sets, iron-stained 6.10
8. Claystone (123), dark-gray (N 3), carbonaceous, sandy, SAMPLE K-SH-5 1.04
7. Sandstone (541), white, quartzose, hard, friable, fine-grained, medium- and flat-bedded, small-scale tabular crossbeds, burrowed, iron-stained 11.58
6. Sandstone (543) with claystone interbeds; sandstone is yellowish gray, fine grained, very thin bedded; clay-stone is interbedded with carbonaceous material, brownish-gray 9.14
5. Sandstone (541), generally yellowish-gray to dark-yellowish-orange, fine- to coarse-grained, burrowed, large tabular crossbed sets; mixed with dark-yellowish-brown sandstone that is quartzose and coarse grained, friable, iron stained, with thin carbonaceous claystone beds in the lower horizons 15.24
4. Sandstone (540), dark-gray (N 3), sandy nodules, pyritic, coal specks, highly carbonaceous, burrowed, local diggings for possible coal in this unit .91
3. Sandstone (541), very light-gray to dark-yellowish-orange (10YR 6/6), coarse-grained, large tabular cross-beds, quartzose, friable, iron-stained, burrowed, carbonaceous matter 19.81
2. Sandstone (541), very light-gray to dark-yellowish, quartzose, burrowed, thick-bedded, carbonaceous matter, iron-stained, coal streaks, coarse-grained, medium-bedded, crossbedded, with coarse quartz bands in the upper part, crossbed sets up to 1.2 m thick, tabular crossbeds, ferruginous bands 24.38
1. Sandstone (540), grayish-orange (10YR 7/4) to yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2) and grayish-yellow (5Y 8/4), fine-grained, iron-stained in bands, carbonaceous matter, massive- to very thick-bedded, Fatmi (1972) collected the fossils Gryphaea and Hibolithes from the basal 3m of this unit 30.48
Section starts at the base of the Lumshiwal Formation.


[Mine section from the Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation Sardar Wilayat Shah mine, north incline, level No. 1. Dip of the rocks is about 49° N. The approximate location of the mine mouth is lat 32°55'35'' N., long 71°8'50'' E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic sheet 38 P/1. The section was measured by Shahid Javed and S. Tahir A. Mashhadi on April 10, 1989. A channel sample of coal from the working face was collected by Shahid Javed on Oct. 30, 1989, for chemical and physical characterization]

Hangu Formation (in part):
3. Claystone (133), medium-gray to medium-light-gray, coaly specks, claystone has a plastic and swelling behavior at the coal contact +0.30
2. Coal (020), bright, vitreous, top of bed heavily burrowed, SAMPLE MKD3-7. Coal thickness laterally swells and pinches; about 9.0 m south from the sample location, the bed is 1.50 m thick along a length of about 9.0m, then farther south the bed thickness increases to 0.36 m and in places becomes 0.24 m .94
1. Sandstone (748), medium-gray (N 5), fine grained, coal streaks, carbonaceous matter +.30


[The section is located in the Landa Pusha stream canyon, north of the villages of Banda Girdhari and Doya. The base of the section is approximately located at lat 32°58'24'' N., long 71°11'54'' E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic map 38 P/1. The section was measured by Shahid Javed and S. Tahir A. Mashhadi on April 6, 1989]

Lockhart Limestone (lower part):
28. Limestone (996), fossiliferous, nodular +15.00
Hangu Formation:  
27. Sandstone (643), same as unit 26, interbedded with lime-stone, light-gray (N 7) 3.05
26. Sandstone (558), white to yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), fine-grained, some black minerals, quartzose, burrowed, iron-stained at places, carbonaceous material, medium-bedded 3.05
25. Sandstone (558), white to yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), fine- to coarse-grained, some black minerals, quartzose, burrowed, calcareous cement in places, fine-grained in the upper part, iron-stained, carbonaceous material in places 14.33
24. Sandstone (551), very light-gray (N 8), medium- to coarse-grained, quartzose, hard, carbonaceous material, small crossbed sets, burrowed, medium- to thick-bedded 7.47
23. Coal (020), black (N 1), resin, sandy layers, bright, burrowed at top, burrows filled with sand, coal bed thickness ranges from 0.15 to 0.38 m .38
22. Mudstone (137), brownish-gray, abundant carbonaceous matter, sandstone bands, rooted .49
Total Hangu Formation: 28.77
Lumshiwal Formation (in part):  
21. Sandstone (551), very light-gray (N 8), quartzose, fine-grained,friable, hard, iron-stained, carbonaceous material, flat- to crossbedded, some black minerals 16.76
20. Sandstone (548), pale-greenish-yellow (10Y 8/2), very fine-grained, burrowed, interbedded with claystone, brownish-gray (5YR 4/1) to dark-gray (N 3), carbonaceous 5.49
19. Sandstone (548), very light-gray (N 8), quartzose, fine-grained, burrowed, iron-stained, medium-bedded 1.83
18. Mudstone (113), black (N 1), carbonaceous, sandy .12
17. Sandstone (548), very light-gray (N 8) to very pale-orange, burrowed, iron-stained 2.74
16. Claystone (113), carbonaceous, black (N 1) 1.22
15. Sandstone (558), very light-gray (N 8), fine-grained, quartzose, friable, burrowed, iron-stained, abundant carbonaceous matter 1.37
14. Mudstone (113), carbonaceous, black (N 1), sandy .15
13. Sandstone (558), very light-gray (N 8), quartzose, coarse-grained, burrowed, carbonaceous material, friable, iron-stained, thick-bedded 2.29
12. Sandstone (551), black (N 1), clayey, carbonaceous .30
11. Sandstone (551), same as unit 9 6.10
10. Sandstone (551), same as unit 9 13.41
9. Sandstone (551), very light-gray (N 8) to pale-yellowish-orange (10YR 8/6), quartzose, coarse-grained, iron-stained, bands of coarse quartz grains at intervals, iron-stained in places, flat-bedded 7.62
8. Sandstone (551), white to very light-gray (N 8), quartzose, friable, some black minerals, fine- to medium-grained, crossbedded, burrowed, iron-stained, coarse quartz bands at places 5.79
7. Sandstone (551), same as unit 6 5.18
6. Sandstone (551), very light-gray (N 8) to yellowish gray (5Y 7/2), quartzose, very fine-grained, friable, burrowed, bands of very coarse quartz grains in places, small tabular crossbed sets, iron-stained, medium- to thick-bedded, carbonaceous matter 4.57
5. Sandstone (543), same as unit 1 3.05
4. Sandstone (543), same as unit 1 7.01
3. Sandstone (543), same as unit 1, contains sandstone nodules (3.5-cm diameter) filled with ferruginous matter 10.06
2. Sandstone (543), same as unit 1 3.66
1. Sandstone (543), yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), very fine-grained, argillaceous, burrowed, burrows filled with ferruginous matter, thick- to massive-bedded, calcite veins in places 9.14
Section starts in the lower part of the Lumshiwal Formation.


[The section is located in the large canyon north of the villages of Gula Khel and Narmia in the northeastern part of the Surghar Range. Along the line of section is the Makarwal New C Narmia mine where a coal sample was collected. The approximate location of the base of the section is lat 32°58'54'' N., long 71°13'23'' E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic sheet 38 P/1. The section was measured by Shahid Javed and S. Tahir A. Mashhadi on April 5, 1989. One coal sample was collected by Shahid Javed on Oct. 30, 1989, for coal chemistry and physical characteristics]

Lockhart Limestone (lower part):
23. Limestone (906), nodular +15.24
Hangu Formation:  
22. Sandstone (548), yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), fine- to medium-grained, medium- to thick-bedded, burrowed, iron-stained 9.14
21. Sandstone (543), very light-gray (N 8) to dark-gray, carbonaceous, fine-grained, burrowed, thin- to medium-bedded .55
20. Sandstone (548), very light-gray (N 8) to yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), fine-grained, ferruginous, burrowed 1.37
19. Claystone (123), dark-gray, carbonaceous 1.07
18. Sandstone (553), same as unit 17 .76
17. Sandstone (553), very light-gray (N 8) to yellowish-gray, fine-grained, quartzose, burrowed, flat-bedded, carbonaceous material, iron-stained, thin beds of carbonaceous shale in the lower part, some black minerals 6.10
16. Coal (020), black, weathered, pinches to 6 cm laterally, SAMPLE MK-NCN-4 .30
15. Mudstone (123), brownish-gray (5YR 4/1), silty carbonaceous matter, pyritic .30
Total Hangu Formation: 19.59
Lumshiwal Formation(?) (in part):  
14. Sandstone (748), very light-gray (N 8) to yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), fine-grained, burrowed, abundant carbonaceous material, coal streaks 9.14
13. Mudstone (112), black (N 1), carbonaceous, coarse quartz grains .20
12. Sandstone (541), very light-gray, quartzose, coarse-grained, friable, carbonaceous material, iron-stained, some black minerals, medium- to thick-bedded, burrowed, coal specks 8.84
11. Sandstone (543), black, carbonaceous .15
10. Sandstone (548), light-gray, carbonaceous material, fine- to medium-grained, iron-stained, burrowed .30
9. Sandstone (543), black, carbonaceous .15
8. Sandstone (551), same as unit 5 3.96
7. Sandstone (551), same as unit 5 5.18
6. Sandstone (551), same as unit 5, small tabular crossbed sets 10.97
5. Sandstone (551), very light-gray (N 8), fine- to coarse-grained, quartzose, iron-stained, burrowed, large tabular crossbed sets, some black minerals, very coarse quartz grain bands in places 14.93
4. Sandstone (551), very light-gray (N 8), fine- to coarse-grained, generally flat-bedded with some tabular crossbeds, iron-stained, some iron nodules, burrowed, bands of very coarse grains in places, some black minerals, quartzose 19.81
3. Sandstone (551), very light-gray (N 8) to very pale-orange (10YR 8/2), quartzose, fine-grained, hard, friable, burrowed, iron-stained, carbonaceous material, crossbedded, medium- to thick-bedded 9.14
2. Sandstone (553), very pale-orange (10YR 8/2), quartzose, burrowed, thick-bedded, fine-grained, some black minerals, iron-stained 9.45
1. Sandstone (548), very light-gray (N 8) to dark-yellowish-orange (10YR 6/6), fine-grained, burrowed, burrows filled with ferruginous material, iron-stained, massive, carbonaceous material, ferruginous sandstone nodules 0.03 ´ 0.18 m 12.19
Section starts in the lower part of the Lumshiwal Formation.


[The section is located north of the village of Nasriwala at the head of the large canyon of Wahan Bhoji. The location of the base of the section is approximately lat 32°01'10'' N. and long 71°18'10'' E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic sheet 38 O/8 and was measured by Shahid Javed and S. Tahir A. Mashhadi on April 7, 1989]

Lockhart Limestone (lower part):
20. Limestone (896), fossiliferous, nodular, clayey +15.24
Hangu Formation:
19. Sandstone (643), very light-gray (N 8) to grayish-yellow (5Y 8/4), fine-grained, carbonaceous bands in places 3.96
18. Sandstone (548), yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), fine-grained, argillaceous, iron-stained, ferruginous in places 8.53
17. Sandstone/mudstone (548), yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), fine-grained, argillaceous, carbonaceous, ferruginous material, thin-bedded 1.52
16. Sandstone (748), same as unit 15, ferruginous 3.96
15. Sandstone (748), very light-gray (N 8), fine- to coarse-grained, quartzose, coal streaks, burrowed, friable, iron-stained 3.35
14. Mudstone (338), light-brownish-gray (5YR 6/1), burrowed, carbonaceous material, sandy nodules, resins. .91
13. Coal (020), black (N 1), bright resins, associated with clay bands .27
12. Mudstone (333), light-brownish-gray interbedded with dark gray (N 3) claystone 8.84
11. Carbonaceous shale (030), black (N 1), resins .20
10. Coal (020), black .08
9. Sandstone (543), very light-gray (N 8), fine-grained, burrowed, abundant carbonaceous material, iron-stained .91
Total Hangu Formation: 32.53
Lumshiwal Formation (in part):
8. Sandstone (543), black (N 1), carbonaceous 0.08
7. Sandstone (551), same as unit 6, fine- to medium-grained in the upper part 7.62
6. Sandstone (551), very light-gray (N 8), to pale-yellowish-orange (10YR 8/6), coarse-grained, quartzose, large tabular crossbed sets, burrowed, iron-stained, bands of very coarse quartz in places, friable 9.14
5. Sandstone (551), white (N 9) to very light-gray (N 8), thick-bedded, fine-grained, coarse-grained in the upper part, coarse quartz grains in bands at places, burrowed, iron-stained, crossbedded, quartzose, friable 7.01
4. Sandstone (551), same as unit 3 10.97
3. Sandstone (551), white (N 9) to very light-gray (N 8), unit 3, crossbedded in the upper part, bands of coarse quartz grains in the upper part 17.07
2. Sandstone (558), very light-gray to pale-greenish-yellow (10Y 8/2), fine-grained, medium- to thick-bedded, quartzose, friable, burrowed, iron-stained, carbonaceous material 11.28
1. Sandstone (548), very light-gray (N 8), fine-grained, massive, burrowed, iron-stained, carbonaceous material, argillaceous in the lower part 8.53
Section starts in the lower part of the Lumshiwal Formation.


[The section is located in Chichali Nala. Dip is about 40° W., strike is N. 65° E. Approximate location of the base of the section is lat 33°00'30'' N., long 71°24'25'' E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic sheet 38 O/8. The section was measured by Shahid Javed, Peter D. Warwick, and S. Tahir A. Mashhadi on April 4, 1989. Samples were collected for pollen analyses]

Lockhart Limestone (lower part):
10. Limestone (906), light-gray, nodular +22.00
Hangu Formation (?):
9. Covered (000), probably claystone or limestone 1.22
8. Claystone (133), light-brownish-gray, carbonaceous, iron-stained, contains alum 3.66
Total Hangu Formation: 4.88
Lumshiwal Formation:  
7. Claystone (123), black, carbonaceous 0.30
6. Coal (020), dull, weathered, SAMPLES K-SH-6, NF89P-8, NF89P-9 .05
5. Mudstone (337), olive-gray, rooted, iron-stained .01
4. Sandstone (558), very light-gray, fine-grained, quartzose, heavily burrowed 1.52
3. Sandstone (540), black, carbonaceous .91
2. Sandstone (551), very light-gray, fine-grained, quartzose, friable, large tabular crossbed sets, carbonaceous matter, iron-stained, coarser and more ferruginous in the upper horizons, rounded fine sandstone nodules with calcite cement in the upper part, nodules with about 10-cm diameter 18.90
1. Sandstone (548), medium-dark-gray to light-olive-gray (5Y 6/1), fine-grained, thick-bedded to massive, heavily burrowed, carbonaceous material throughout, iron-stained 42.67
Total Lumshiwal Formation 64.36
Section starts in the lower part of the Lumshiwal or upper part of the Chichali Formation.


[The section is located near Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation mine E–3, north of the village of Muhabbat Khel. The approximate location of the base of the section is lat 32°59'52'' N., long 71°25'31'' E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic sheet 38 P/5. The section was measured by Shahid Javed and S. Tahir A. Mashhadi on April 8, 1989]

Lockhart Limestone (lower part):
20. limestone (996), light-gray, fossiliferous, nodular +9.00
Hangu Formation:
19. Mudstone (330), light-olive-gray (5Y 6/1) .46
18. Sandstone (543), very light-gray (N 8), fine-grained, iron-stained .76
17. Mudstone (434), light-olive-gray (5Y 6/1), with thin light-gray limestone interbeds 4.88
16. Sandstone (550), pale-reddish-brown, fine-grained, iron-stained, soft, friable, coarse quartz grains .99
15. Mudstone (333), interbedded mudstone and claystone, light-brownish-gray to dark-gray, abundant carbonaceous material, highly carbonaceous in places 5.79
14. Carbonaceous shale (030), dark-gray .30
13. Sandstone (548), very light-gray, very fine-grained, argillaceous, abundant carbonaceous material, burrowed 2.74
12. Sandstone (743), yellowish-gray, quartzose, fine- to medium-grained, coal streaks, heavily burrowed, flat-bedded 1.98
11. Claystone (123), dark-gray (N 3), carbonaceous material abundant 1.52
10. Coal (020), bright, sandy layers in lower parts .46
9. Sandstone (748), very light-gray, fine-grained, quartzose, abundant coal streaks, with 0.61-m-thick coal band in middle .91
8. Coal (020), black, bright, sandy inclusions .33
7. Sandstone (743), very light-gray, fine-grained, quartzose, carbonaceous material, abundant coal streaks, thin coal layers at intervals, rooted 1.83
Total Hangu Formation 22.95
Lumshiwal Formation (in part):  
6. Claystone (123), dark-gray (N 3), carbonaceous, resins 0.08
5. Sandstone (748), very light-gray, fine-grained, friable, abundant coal streaks .27
4. Sandstone (543), black, carbonaceous .08
3. Sandstone (550), dark-gray (5Y 7/2), coarse-grained, bands of very coarse quartz grains in places, carbonaceous material, coal streaks 1.83
2. Sandstone (548), dark-gray, fine-grained, carbonaceous, burrowed .09
1. Sandstone (548), grayish-yellow, fine-grained, burrowed, carbonaceous material, massive 5.49
Section starts in the lower part of the Lumshiwal Formation.


[Mine section from Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation lease area, mine E–3, gate 1, tunnel 1, near the village of Muhabbat Khel. The mine is located at Muhabbat Khel at lat 32°59'52'' N., long 71°25'31'' E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic sheet 38 P/5. The section was measured by Shahid Javed and S. Tahir A. Mashhadi on April 8, 1989. Composite coal channel sample was collected by Shahid Javed on Oct. 30, 1989, for chemical and physical characterization]

Hangu Formation (in part):
5. Sandstone (550), very light-gray, fine-grained, quartzose, friable, abundant coal streaks +0.30
4. Coal (020), bright, sandy inclusions, SAMPLE MKE 3-5 (combined with unit 2) .23
3. Sandstone (748), very light-gray, fine-grained, quartzose, abundant coal streaks .52
2. Coal (020), bright, sandy layers, SAMPLE MKE 3-5 (combined with unit 4) .30
1. Sandstone (748), very light-gray, fine-grained, abundant coal streaks, burrowed, quartzose +.30


[The section is located about 0.4 km south of the Mianwali-Talagang road, in a small canyon cutting the Jurassic to Tertiary section in the western Salt Range. Beds dip approximately 45° NE. Section starts in the upper part of the Jurassic Datta Formation and continues to the Paleocene Lockhart Limestone. Samples were collected for pollen analysis. The approximate location of the section is lat 32°40'30'' N., long 71°47'10'' E. on Survey of Pakistan 1:50,000-scale topographic sheet 38 P/14. The section was measured by Peter D. Warwick and Tariq Shakoor on November 15, 1990]

Lockhart Limestone (lower part):
19. Limestone/marly claystone (800), partly covered +6.00
Hangu Formation:
18. Mudstone (300), mostly covered, marly in places, thickness estimated 7.62
17. Mudstone (337), light-gray, rooted, partly covered, locally displaced, includes thin carbonaceous shale layers that laterally develop into beds (several centimeters thick) of carbonaceous shale with coaly streaks, mudstone SAMPLE PW-90-13, carbonaceous shale SAMPLE NF89P-10, with roof above carbonaceous shale SAMPLE NF89P-11 3.66
16. Sandstone (540), light-gray, flat-bedded, weathered, stained red 10.97
15. Claystone (133), light-gray, massive, bauxitic, locally mined, complete leaf fossil found, claystone for pollen SAMPLE PW-90-12 7.62
Total Hangu Formation 29.87
Lumshiwal and Datta Formations, undivided (in part):  
14. Sandstone (540/543) with claystone interbeds, light-gray, iron-stained in places, flat-bedded 2.13
13. Carbonaceous shale/mudstone (123/322), interbedded with fine sandstone, locally bauxitic, SAMPLE PW-90-11 .82
12. Sandstone (543), light-gray, claystone interbeds, flat-bedded, rippled 3.35
11. Sandstone (541), light-gray, medium-grained, very quartzose, crossbedded, scoured base 5.49
10. Claystone (122), dark-gray, silty layers, SAMPLE PW-90-10 .15
9. Sandstone (543), light-gray, interbedded with claystone, flat-bedded 1.22
8. Claystone (122), dark-greenish-gray, siltstone layers .15
7. Sandstone (540), light-gray, fine- to medium-grained, bedded with 0.30-m-thick beds, clayey breaks 6.40
6. Sandstone (543), light-gray with iron stains, interbedded with claystone, burrowed, flat-bedded .30
5. Sandstone (543), light-gray, interbedded with claystone, flat-bedded .79
4. Mudstone (332), light-gray, layers of claystone .30
3. Sandstone (543), light-gray, interbedded with claystone, flat-bedded .61
2. Claystone (122), dark-gray, stained yellow, silty, SAMPLE PW-90-9 .30
1. Sandstone (540), light-gray, iron-stained quartzose, medium-grained, rooted(?) 15.24
Section starts in upper part of the Datta Formation(?) at the top of a red quartzose sandstone; the contact between the Datta and Lumshiwal Formations is not clear.  
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