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The Chemical Analysis of Argonne Premium Coal Samples

Edited by Curtis A. Palmer
U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2144

Determination of 18 Elements in 5 Whole Argonne Premium Coal Samples by Quantitative Direct-Current Arc Atomic Emission Spectrography

By Janet D. Fletcher and Carol J. Skeen

Table 1. Wavelength, spectral lines, and determination limits for elements that can be determined by the direct-current arc atomic emission spectrography described in the paper.

Element Wavelength,
Spectrum1 Determination
limits (%)2
Group I, involatile elements
Al 265.248 I 0.01-2.0
  266.039 I .01-2.0
B 249.773 I .005-.1
Ba 455.403 II .002-.05
Ca 315.887 II .01-3
  422.673 I .005-.01
Co 345.350 I .0002-.05
Cr 302.156 I .002-.2
  425.435 I .0002-.02
Cu 327.396 I .0002-.02
Fe 259.837 II .05-3
  302.107 I .002-1.0
Mg 277.983 I .01-0.2
  285.213 I .0002-.02
Mn 279.482 I .0002-.1
  279.827 I .0002-.2
Mo 317.035 I .0005-.2
Nb 316.340 II .002-.1
Ni 305.082 I .002-.1
  341.476 I .0002-.05
  349.296 I .01-.2
Si 251.920 I .2-4
Ti 308.940 II .002-.2
  316.257 II .005-.2
V 318.341 I .0005-.1
Zr 327.926 II .001-.2
Group II, volatile elements
Ag 338.289 I .0002-.02
As 278.020 I .02-.2
Bi 306.772 I .0002-.005
Cd 326.106 I .0002-.1
Ga 294.364 I .0002-.05
Ge 265.118 I .0005-.05
  303.906 I .0002-.005
Hg 253.652 I .002-.1
Pb 283.306 I .0002-.01
Sn 317.505 I .0002-.02
Tl 276.787 I .0002-.02
Zn 334.502 I .001-.05

1 Wavelength and spectrum are from the NIST Wavelength Tables (Meggers and others, 1975). I line emitted by normal atom; II line amitted by singly ionized atom.
2 Lower and upper limits for each element are in units of weight percent.


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