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The Chemical Analysis of Argonne Premium Coal Samples

Edited by Curtis A. Palmer

U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2144

Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen in Eight Argonne Premium Coal Samples by Using a Gas Chromatographic Analyzer with a Thermal Conductivity Detector

By Carol J. Skeen and Zoe A. Brown

Table 1. Comparison of published concentrations of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen in NIST standard reference material 1635b (coal) with concentrations determined in this study by using a gas chromatographic analyzer with a thermal conductivity detector (GC/TCD).

[All concentrations are in weight percent. NIST, National INstitute of Standards and Technology, formerly the National Bureau of Standrds (NBS)]

Element This study,
NBS (1978) Gladney and others (1987)
C 63.0 62.2   1.8 62.6
H 3.98 3.96   0.03 4.07
N 1.5 1.0   0.1 1.26

Table 2. Comparison of published concentrations of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen in eight Argonne Premium Coals with concentrations determined in this study by using a gas chromatographic analzer with a thermal conductivity detector (GC/TCD).

[All concentrations are in weight percent]

Coal samples C H N
This study Vorres (1990) This study Vorres (1990) This study Vorres (1990)
UF PC-1-1 77   4.6   2.2  
UF PC-1-2 76   4.7   1.8  
UF PC-1-3 --   --   --  
UF Average 77 74.23 4.7 4.08 2.0 1.35
WY PC-2-1 60   4.4   1.2  
WY PC-2-2 60   4.6   1.2  
WY PC-2-3 --   --   --  
WY Average 60 68.43 4.5 4.88 1.2 1.02
WY Repeat 61          
IL PC-3-1 64   4.5   1.6  
IL PC-3-2 65   4.5   1.8  
IL PC-3-3 --   --   --  
IL Average 65 65.65 4.5 4.23 1.7 1.16
PITT PC-4-1 74   5.0   2.2  
PITT PC-4-2 75   5.0   2.0  
PITT PC-4-3 --   --   --  
PITT Average 75 75.50 5.0 4.83 2.1 1.49
POC PC-5-1 86   4.4   1.9  
POC PC-5-2 86   4.3   2.0  
POC PC-5-3 --   --   --  
POC Average 86 86.71 4.4 4.23 2.0 1.27
UT PC-6-1 72   5.5   1.6  
UT PC-6-2 74   5.5   1.8  
UT PC-6-3 74   5.6   1.4  
UT Average 73 76.89 5.5 5.49 1.6 1.50
WV PC-7-1 64   4.3   1.3  
WV PC-7-2 65   4.3   1.4  
WV PC-7-3 66   4.2   1.4  
WV Average 65 66.20 4.3 4.21 1.4 1.25
ND PC-8-1 56   3.8   1.2  
ND PC-8-2 57   3.7   1.0  
ND PC-8-3 57   3.7   .93  
ND Average 57 65.85 3.7 4.36 1.0 1.04
ND Repeat 57          

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