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The Chemical Analysis of Argonne Premium Coal Samples

Edited by Curtis A. Palmer
U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2144

Rehydration of Desiccated Argonne Premium Coal Samples

By Marta R. Krasnow and Robert B. Finkelman

Table 1. Moisture of Argonne Premium Coal samples under different conditions.

[Values are in weight percent; all moisture values were determined by using the ASTM recommended procedure (ASTM, 1996a); Bit., bituminous; Sub., Subbituminous; Lig., lignite]

Sample identification (1) (2) (3)
Sample Rank
UF PC-1 Bit. 1.13 0.17 (15) 0.16 (14)
WY PC-2 Sub. 28.09 8.79 (31) 9.76 (35)
IL PC-3 Bit. 7.97 1.41 (18) 6.77 (85)
PITT PC-4 Bit. 1.65 .97 (59) 1.57 (95)
POC PC-5 Bit. .65 .10 (15) .23 (35)
UT PC-6 Bit. 4.63 .21 (05) 3.29 (71)
WV PC-7 Bit. 2.42 .85 (35) 1.29 (53)
ND PC-8 Lig. 32.24 1.94 (06) 11.90 (37)

1Samples in ampoules; data from Vorres (1993).
2Number in parentheses is the percentage of original moisture content.

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