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The Chemical Analysis of Argonne Premium Coal Samples

Edited by Curtis A. Palmer

U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2144

Determination of Selected Elements in Coal Ash from Eight Argonne Premium Coal Samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Atomic Emission Spectrometry

By Michael W. Doughten

Table 6. Major-element concentrations (in weight percent) in coal ash from eight Argonne Premium Coal samples.

[Element concentrations were determined by inductively coupled argon plasma-atomic emission spectrometry]

Coal ash Al Ca Fe K Mg Na P Ti
UF PC-1-1 11.9 3.31 13.8 2.10 0.61 0.24 0.056 0.58
UF PC-1-2 11.9 3.30 14.0 2.10 .61 .24 .059 .59
UF PC-1-3 11.8 3.28 13.6 2.10 .61 .24 .061 .58
WY PC-2-1 8.18 14.2 4.21 .33 2.83 1.40 .31 .66
WY PC-2-2 8.21 13.6 4.46 .33 2.78 1.37 .29 .66
WY PC-2-3 8.26 14.3 4.28 .31 2.81 1.40 .30 .65
IL PC-3-1 7.75 5.82 16.8 1.20 .47 .60 .036 .43
IL PC-3-2 7.70 5.96 16.4 1.20 .48 .61 .037 .43
IL PC-3-3 7.72 6.00 17.2 1.20 .47 .58 .037 .42
PITT PC-4-1 10.8 2.29 14.6 1.20 .41 .35 .12 .62
PITT PC-4-2 10.9 2.23 14.3 1.20 .41 .35 .12 .61
PITT PC-4-3 10.8 2.21 14.2 1.20 .40 .34 .12 .60
POC PC-5-1 10.4 8.75 9.67 .51 1.06 1.57 .042 .72
POC PC-5-2 10.4 8.53 9.52 .53 1.04 1.57 .041 .72
POC PC-5-3 10.3 8.53 9.50 .53 1.04 1.54 .040 .72
UT PC-6-1 7.56 9.07 6.16 .30 .64 2.75 .020 .50
UT PC-6-2 7.50 8.70 6.09 .30 .65 2.70 .021 .49
WV PC-7-1 16.1 .29 2.04 2.52 .48 .17 .046 1.34
WV PC-7-2 16.4 .30 1.96 2.58 .49 .18 .045 1.34
WV PC-7-3 16.3 .30 1.95 2.55 .49 .18 .038 1.34
ND PC-8-1 4.17 16.0 4.91 .13 4.16 4.84 .13 .21
ND PC-8-2 4.22 16.1 4.95 .16 4.16 4.89 .13 .20
ND PC-8-3 4.25 16.5 5.05 .15 4.26 5.00 .13 .21
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