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Table 2. Results of the Mann-Whitney U-test to determine if El Niño/Southern Oscillation extremes significantly affected flow at five gaging stations.
[U1 and U2 are lower and upper sample values of the test statistic U. U0.05 and U0.95 are the lower and upper critical values of U used to accept or reject the null hypothesis HO: median of population 1 (F1) = median of population 2 (F2). The alternative hypothesis H1: median of F1 < median of F2 is supported by U1 values less than U0.05 and U2 values greater than U0.95. See Tamhane and Dunlop (2000) for discussion of technique]

Gaging station U1 U2 Decision

Mississippi River at St. Louis 89 135 Accept HO
Ohio River at Metropolis 85 139 Accept HO
Mississippi River at Vicksburg 95 145 Accept HO
Rio Grande at Embudo 39 201 Reject HO
Rio Grande at Presidio1 12 118 Reject HO

1At level of significance lower-case alpha = 0.05, U0.5 = 38 and U0.95 = 92. Presidio comparison for 1930-97; all others for 1915-97.

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U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior
This page is https://pubs.usgs.gov/bulletin/b2187/table2.html
Contact: Harry Dowsett (hdowsett@usgs.gov)
Last modified 09.07.01 (krw)