Figure 10. Generalized diagram of thermoelectric power generating plant.
The thermoelectric power generation category includes water-use activities, such as: withdrawals from ground and surface water; deliveries from water suppliers; consumptive use from cooling towers, cooling ponds, and steam venting; water and wastewater treatment; and return flow (figure 11). The water in the steam cycle usually is treated at the power plant before use to reduce impurities that would cause build-up of mineral residue inside the boiler. The cooling water, which comes from lakes, rivers, or oceans, always is separate from the boiling water/steam (non-contact cooling water) and can be (1) discharged directly to the ocean, lake, or major river (once-through cooling), (2) discharged to a canal, cooling pond, or cooling tower before returning to the river, or (3) sent to a cooling pond or cooling tower before being recycled. Although most of the water used in thermoelectric plants is cooling water for condensing the steam, water is required for makeup water to replace the water lost as steam, blowdown (purging) of boilers, washing of stacks, plant and employee sanitation, water and wastewater treatment, and in nuclear plants, to keep the nuclear fuel from overheating and melting. Water from non-cooling uses goes to either a public wastewater treatment facility or the plant's onsite wastewater treatment facility. Storm water from roof drains and area storm sewers also may be treated at the wastewater facility and may cause discharge values to be higher than expected.
Figure 11. Diagram of thermoelectric water use.
The volume of water required in the thermoelectric power generation and the rate of consumptive use are dependent on whether cooling towers are used. Some plants built on an ocean or large river simply pump in large amounts of water to cool the steam. This cooling water then is returned back to the ocean or river. The water is somewhat warmer than when it entered the plant. If the cooling water is discharged to a significant water body, such as an ocean, lake, or major river, the water can be discharged directly. However, if the water is discharged to a river, its return to the river may be delayed by routing it through a canal or cooling pond first. Some plants recycle cooling water. Cooling ponds and towers are used to transfer the heat in the cooling water to the air.
A cooling pond is a shallow reservoir having a large surface area for removing heat from water. The surface area exposed to the air may be increased through the use of spray nozzles. Cooling ponds are used where land is relatively inexpensive, cooling water is scarce or expensive, or where there are strict thermal loading restrictions in place. If cooling ponds are used, water in the pond can be reused, thus reducing the overall water-withdrawal requirement.
A cooling tower is designed to remove heat by pumping water up into the tower and allowing it to fall down inside the tower. Air comes in from the sides of the tower and passes by the falling water. As the air passes the water, it exchanges some of the heat and evaporates some of the water. This heat and evaporated water flow out the top of the tower is in the form of a fine cloud-like mist. The cooled water is collected at the bottom of the tower and pumped back into the plant for reuse. Cooling towers are used where land and (or) water are expensive, or regulations prohibit the return of once-through cooling waters.
There are two primary types of thermoelectric plants--fossil fuel plants and nuclear plants. Although there are many similarities between them, there are some important differences that affect how each plant uses water. In fossil fuel plants, coal, natural gas, or oil are burned to provide the heat necessary to turn the water into steam. Biomass or solid waste fuel types are included with fossil fuels. Water is required to take care of the ash waste created during combustion. This includes both maintaining the stacks and carrying the waste ash away from the plant (fig.11). In nuclear plants, water is not required for ash disposal but is needed to keep the nuclear material from overheating and melting. Geothermal plants are only in California, Nevada, North Dakota, and Utah (Solley and others, 1993).
Power generation is measured in watt-hours, which is an electrical energy unit of measure equal to one watt of power supplied to, or taken from, an electrical circuit steadily for one hour. Most power generated from power plants are reported in megawatt-hours, or a million (1,000,000) watt-hours.
The thermoelectric power generation water-use data are the rate of (1) withdrawal by source, (2) deliveries from public water supply, (3) evaporation, (4) return flow, and (5) recycled water. The power-generation values also are collected for quality assurance.
Individual thermoelectric power generating facilities are frequently
owned or managed by large utility companies. These major utilities
usually handle the required environmental paperwork making them a
logical first step in obtaining water-use information. Utilities that
are in densely populated areas generally are involved in some sort of
power pool, for example, New England Power Pool (NEPOOL), which may be
able to provide some data on all the power plants in the pool. Power
is bought and sold between power plants in the pool.
The State agency responsible for compliance to the USEPA's Clean Water
Act Program is an important source for two primary types of
information. The USEPA administers the Permit Compliance System (PCS)
database, which was designed to track permit, compliance and
enforcement status data for the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) program under the Clean Water Act. A NPDES
permit is required for all point discharges into United States
waterways. The PCS database contains descriptive information on major
power generating facilities, their location, and monthly return flows.
The NPDES permit application and permit itself usually includes a
detailed description of the plant which will provide basic information
on all the sources of supply for the plant, the different ways in
which water is used in the plant, and what water is included in the
reported discharge values. Additionally, monthly return-flow data are
available from PCS.
USDOE, EIA maintains power-generation statistics such as ownership,
location, generation capacity, and power generated for a given
calendar year. The information is available as hardcopy EIA Form 759.
More extensive information on each facility, such as turbine data, is
also available from USDOE, EIA. Some states may also have an energy
agency that works with USDOE,EIA from which data can be obtained. If
there is a State Agency regulating withdrawals, they probably receive
reported withdrawals from the power plants.
Information also can be obtained from the plant engineer or
environmental section of the individual power plants, specifically the
one who prepares the Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) for the NPDES
program. DMRs contain volume discharged from all pipes in the
facility, and when compared to the permit or permit application will
correlate to the source of the water and how it was used.
Gross power generation figures should be obtained, not net generation
figures. Gross power is the total amount of power generated by the
plant. Some of the power generated by the power plant is used to run
the plant so that the power available to the grid is net power
generated. The net power generated is equal to gross power generated
by plant minus the amount of power needed to run the plant.
Withdrawals can be estimated for plants with a once-through cooling
system, using the general ratio of 1 Mgal/d withdrawn to 1 megawatt
hour generated. Consumptive use is between 0.0005 and 0.001Mgal/d per
megawatt hour generated, or between 0.05 and 0.1 percent. For plants
with cooling towers, the general ratio is 0.01 Mgal/d withdrawn to 1
megawatt hour generated. Consumptive use may vary from 0.0033 to
0.001 Mgal/d per megawatt hour generated, or between 33 to virtually
100 percent. The low end may represent a mix of once-through cooling
and cooling ponds/towers. These relations are based both on published
coefficients (found in the selected references) and reported values
for New England and Colorado. Significant variation from this
relationship should be investigated by contacting the individual
plant. For instance, frequent starting up and shutting down a plant
can result in large consumptive use because steam is vented to the
atmosphere when the plant is started up and shut down. In some
instances, pump intakes may continue to run after the plant has been
shut down.
Backus, C.E., and Brown, M.L., 1976, Water requirements for solar
energy: American Water Works Association Journal, v. 68, no. 7,
p. 366-369.
Cheremisinoff, N.P., and Cheremisinoff, P.N., 1981, Cooling towers
selection, design and practice: Ann Arbor, Mich., Ann Arbor Science
Publishers, 347 p.
Dorfman, M.H., 1976, Water required to develop geothermal energy:
American Water Works Association Journal, v. 68, no. 7,
p. 370-375.
Gold, H., and others, 1977, Water requirements for steam-electric
power generation and synthetic fuel plants in the Western United
States: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Report no. 600/7-77-037,
259 p.
Graham, F.D., revised by Buffington, Charlie, 1983, Power Plant
Engineers Guide: New York, The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc.
Nero, A.V., 1979, A guidebook to nuclear reactors: Berkeley,
University of California Press, 303 p.
Sonnichsen, J.C., Jr., 1978, Calculations of evaporation loss
requirements for thermal power plants: HEDL-TME 78-33.
U.S. Department of Energy, 1994, Electric power annual, 1993: Energy
Information Administration.
Weisman, J., and Eckart, R., 1985, Modern power plant engineering:
Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 506 p.
11.J.2. Sources of thermoelectric power generation water-use
Sources of most of the above thermoelectric-power generation water-use
data are (1) the major utility companies (2) State agency responsible
for compliance to the USEPA's Clean Water Act Program; (3) the
U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration (USDOE,
EIA) or the State agency working with USDOE, EIA, if any; and (4) the
State agency regulating water withdrawals. Individual facilities also
are an important source of information. 11.J.3. Measurement, estimation, and data-collection methods for
thermoelectric power generation water-use
Thermoelectric power generation water-use data are the rate of (1)
withdrawal by source, (2) deliveries from public water supply, (3)
evaporation, (4) return flow, and (5) recycled water. Since
thermoelectric plants tend to be major water users, data generally are
metered and are available from at least two federal agencies, one or
more State agencies, from the power utility, and from individual power
plants. A reasonable approach to determine water use would be to do
(1) an inventory of secondary data, (2) compare collected data with a
coefficient, and (3) resolve inconsistencies. It generally is
considered unnecessary to measure water withdrawals because of the
availability of metered data.
11.J.3.a. Secondary data acquisition
Information for each power plant should be requested from (1) the
EPA-State agency on name, location, and monthly discharge rates by
pipe; (2) the USDOE, EIA on name, location, type of fuel, type of
cooling system, and monthly rate of power generation; and (3) the
State agency regulating withdrawals on the name, location and monthly
rate of withdrawal of water. The rate of deliveries from public water
suppliers can be obtained from (1) the plant, (2) the public water
supplier, or (3) the NPDES permit application. 11.J.3.b. Derived data
The information from the above sources should be integrated. A
coefficient relating water use (withdrawals and public water supply
deliveries), and return flow to megawatt-hours generated can be
developed for each plant. Unless there are major changes in the plant
operations, estimates of water use and return flow can be made from
power generation data for future years. 11.J.3.c. Quality assurance
There is a general relation between energy generated and water used
(withdrawn and delivered from public water suppliers), discharged and
evaporated that is primarily dependent on whether cooling towers are
used. This generalized relation should primarily be used to ensure
that the data set received from the above agencies are reasonable, and
not to estimate the rate of water use, discharge, and evaporation.11.J.4. Thermoelectric power generation selected references
These references are supplemental to the ones in the General reference
Section. Aschner, F.S., 1978, Planning fundamentals of thermal
power plants: New York, John Wiley, 738 p.