USGS - science for a changing world

Circular 1242


Abbreviations Marina area damage
1. Executive Summary
2. Purpose
3. Background
4. NEHRP Post-Earthquake Coordination Plan
4.1 Domestic Earthquakes
4.1.1 Phase I Iamge of a craterlet Incident Report and Plan Implementation (USGS) Web Site Management (USGS) Technical Clearinghouse (USGS, FEMA, EERI) NEHRP Investigations Coordinator (USGS) National Construction Safety Team Act (NIST) Damage in Turkey
4.1.2 Phase II Phase II Meeting (Investigations Coordinator) Budget Supplemental Decision (FEMA, NIST, NSF, USGS)
4.1.3 Phase III Workshop for Setting Investigation Priorities (NSF, USGS, FEMA, NIST) Information Dissemination (USGS, NSF, FEMA, NIST) Area map
4.2 Foreign earthquakes
5. Recommendations for Further Action
5.1 Recommendation 1—Broaden Coverage and Comprehensiveness of Investigations of Earthquake Impacts
5.2 Recommendation 2—Encourage Use of Information Technology
5.3 Recommendation 3—Formalize Data Management and Archiving
5.4 Recommendation 4—Funding to Support Post-Earthquake Investigations Cypress freeway damage
6. Annual Review of Plan


1. Activities timeline for NEHRP Post-Earthquake Coordination Plan—Domestic earthquakes

2. Investigators meet at technical clearinghouse to discuss findings from field investigation of 2001 Nisqually, Washington, earthquake

3. Activities timeline for EERI post-earthquake activities—Foreign earthquakes

Captions for images on right (from top to bottom):

Collapsed building, Marina District, San Francisco California, 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake (Photograph by C.E. Meyer, USGS)
Crater formed by liquefaction near Ten Mile Hill, South Carolina, 1886 Charleston earthquake (Photograph credit: USGS 9th Annual Report, plate XX)
Damaged buildings in Korfez, Turkey, 1999 Kocaeli earthquake (Photograph by C. Mueller, USGS)
USGS rapid instrumental intensity map of 2001 Nisqually, Washington, earthquake (
Cypress Viaduct collapse, Oakland, California, 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. (Photograph by H.G. Wilshire, USGS)

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