To arrive at the estimated quantity of undiscovered resources for large areas, such as provinces, regions, or the Nation as a whole, distributions estimated for basic assessment units were progressively aggregated, with geological dependency incorporated at each level. In order to aggregate plays within provinces, geologic dependencies between plays were established for the three basic attributes of charge, reservoir, and trap. Province geologists determined for each pair of plays in their province whether the correlation was high (0.9), moderate (0.5), or low (0.1) for each attribute. Thus, to determine the degree of dependency of plays A and B, if highly correlated with respect to charge (0.9), poorly correlated with respect to reservoirs (0.1), and moderately correlated with respect to trap (0.5), the mean correlation value was calculated to be (0.9+0.1+0.5)/3, or 0.5. This value of dependency would be used in aggregating plays A and B. For the aggregation of province-level estimates, the provinces within each region were assigned a dependency of 0.5. In aggregation of regions for a national total, regions were considered to be independent.

U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1118