U.S. Geological Survey: Science for a Changing World - USGS visual identifier and link to main Web site at http://www.usgs.gov/

Normative plot showing normalized REE concentrations from 15 felsic rock samples plotted against chondrite standard of Taylor and McLennan (1985). For a more detailed explanation, contact Jonathan Tso at jtso@radford.edu.
Figure 11. Normative plot showing normalized REE concentrations from 15 felsic rock samples plotted against chondrite standard of Taylor and McLennan (1985). All elements except scandium are enriched compared to the standard. Refer to McDowell (2001) for sample locations and analytical results.

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
URL: https:// pubsdata.usgs.gov /pubs/circ/2004/1264/html/trip4/fig11.html
For more information, contact Jonathan Tso
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