U.S. Geological Survey: Science for a Changing World - USGS visual identifier and link to main Web site at http://www.usgs.gov/

Photographs showing high points in the channel at Great Falls that remain exposed to cosmic radiation during all but the largest floods. For a more detailed explanation, contact Paul Bierman at pbierman@zoo.uvm.edu.
Figure 14. High points in the channel remain exposed to cosmic radiation during all but the largest floods. A, Photograph of Great Falls from downstream viewing platform on the Virginia side during low-flow conditions. B, Photograph of Great Falls from same viewpoint during high-flow conditions after Hurricane Isabel, September 2003 (flow ~165,000 cubic feet per second).


U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
URL: https:// pubsdata.usgs.gov /pubs/circ/2004/1264/html/trip6/fig14.html
For more information, contact Paul Bierman
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