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Mollusks common in the Paspotansa Member of the Aquia Formation. For a more detailed explanation, contact Lauck Ward at  lwward@vmnh.net.

[Mollusks common in the Paspotansa Member of the Aquia Formation. All except figure 5 were collected from the Potomac River, 0.3 mi (0.5 km) above Belvedere Beach, King George County, Va.]

FIGURE 1. Cucullaea gigantea Conrad, 1830.
Left valve of specimen (USNM 366479); length 83.3 mm, height 71.8 mm.
2. Pycnodonte sp.
Left valve of specimen (USNM 366480); length 74.2 mm, height 74.6 mm.
3. Turritella mortoni Conrad, 1830.
Apertural view of specimen (USNM 366481); height 105.0 mm.
4, 8. Ostrea sinuosa Rogers and Rogers, 1837.
4. Left valve of specimen (USNM 366482); length 152.8 mm, height 134.3 mm.
8. Right valve of specimen (USNM 366482); length 98.8 mm, height 118.3 mm.
5. Venericardia regia Conrad, 1865.
Left valve of specimen (USNM 366483) from the Potomac River, 0.1 mi (0.3
km) below the mouth of Passapatanzy Creek, King George County, Va.
(USGS Locality 26341); length 75.4 mm, height 71.7 mm.
6. Turritella mortoni Conrad, 1830.
Apertural view of nearly complete specimen (USNM 366484); height 92.3 mm.
7. Crassatellites alaeformis Conrad, 1830.
Right valve of specimen (USNM 366485); length 51.9 mm, height 22.7 mm.
9. Pitar pyga Conrad, 1845.
Right valve of specimen (USNM 366486); length 33.6 mm, height 28.1 mm.
10. Turritella humerosa Conrad, 1835.
Apertural view of an incomplete specimen (USNM 366487); height 49.8 mm.

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
URL: https:// pubsdata.usgs.gov /pubs/circ/2004/1264/html/trip9/plate2.html
For more information, contact Lauck Ward.
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