Figure 15. Photographs of mineral deposits ("slagging and fouling")
on boiler pipes. A, Slag deposits forming on tubes in platen
area of a coal-fired boiler at Alliant Energy WP&L, Columbia
Energy Center Unit 1, Portage, Wisc. Tubes are about 1.75 inches
in diameter. B, Ash deposit removed from steam tubes in a coal-fired
boiler at an AmerenUE plant using subbituminous coal from
the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. The plant was originally
designed to use bituminous coal. Ash fragment is approximately
12 inches long by 5 inches wide by 3 inches tall at its tallest point.
This deposit was removed by explosive cleaning. Photographs by
C.J. Zygarlicke (University of North Dakota Energy and
Environmental Research Center, Grand Forks, N.D.); used with
permission of Alliant Energy, Portage, Wisc. (A), and AmerenUE,
St. Louis, Mo. (B).