Stream-Gaging Program of the U.S. Geological Survey
Reston, Virginia, 1995
By Kenneth L. Wahl, Wilbert O. Thomas, Jr., and Robert M. Hirsch
The stream-gaging program of the USGS does not represent a single
"network" of stations, but is an aggregation of networks and
individual streamflow stations that originally were established for
various purposes. Because the data from about 4,200 of the 7,292
stations are telemetered by an earth-satellite-based communications
system, those data are available in realtime for many agencies to
conduct water-resources projects and for the National Weather Service
(NWS) to forecast floods. Data from the active stations, as well as
from discontinued stations, are stored in a computer data base that
currently holds mean daily-discharge data for about 18,500 locations
and more than 400,000 station-years of record, or more than 146
million individual mean daily-discharge values. Additional data are
added to the data base each year. The stream-discharge data base is an
ever-growing resource for water-resources planning and design,
hydrologic research, and operation of water-resources
projects. Increasing the length of individual station records is
valuable for at least two reasons. Additional years of record provide
ever-improving accuracy of estimates of streamflow characteristics,
such as the magnitude of extreme infrequent floods or low flows, and
an opportunity to determine how streamflow characteristics are changing over time due
to such causes as agricultural practices, urbanization, ground-water
development, or climate change.
Figure 2.Number of stations operated by the
U.S. Geological Survey in 1994, by State or possession.
Just as the network of stations represents an aggregation, so does the
program funding. Operating funds for individual stations in the
program may come from a blend of Federal funds appropriated to the
USGS, funds from State and local agencies, and funds appropriated to
other Federal agencies (
Condes, 1994
). Federal funds used for
hydrologic data-collection activities of the USGS come from the
following primary sources: funds made available by Congress to the
USGS for matching State or local agency offerings under the USGS
Federal--State Cooperative Program (herein referred to as the
"Cooperative Program"), transfer of funds from other Federal agencies
to meet their water-resources-data needs, and funds appropriated by
Congress and designated specifically for use by the USGS for
collection of streamflow and water-quality data.
More than 50 percent of the 7,292 stations operated by the USGS are
funded through the Cooperative Program (fig. 3). Under that program,
the USGS provides up to 50 percent of the funds, and the State or
local agency provides the remainder. Currently, more than 600 State
and local agencies participate in the stream-gaging program. Other
stations in the program are operated by the USGS and funded by other
Federal agencies, such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and
the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), to provide those agencies with the
hydrologic data needed for planning and operating water-resources
projects. Additionally, some of the stations are funded by the USGS to
support national programs of water-resources investigations; to
collect data required by court decree, treaty, or compact; and to
conduct hydrologic research. The USGS provides full support for fewer
than 10 percent of the stations that it operates. Many of the stations
funded primarily by State or local funds are critically important to
USGS-funded programs, such as the National Water Quality Assessment
(NAWQA) Program (
Leahy and Thompson, 1994). As discussed below,
continuous streamflow data are essential to water-quality studies. The
NAWQA Program could not be conducted without the stations funded by
the Cooperative Program or other Federal agencies.
Figure 3. Number of stations and sources of funds, 1994 fiscal year.
Because many of the stations are funded from multiple sources
(Federal, State, and local agencies), each agency that participates in
funding the stream-gaging program has a proprietary interest in the
activity. State agencies, for example, view the data-collection
activities in the Cooperative Program as a shared governmental
responsibility in which they have a large, long-term financial
investment and vested interest. The investment and the vested interest
are carefully guarded, and changes in data-collection activities must
be negotiated to mutual satisfaction. As a result of the strong vested
interest, changes in the way the program is carried out require
sensitivity to user reactions, thereby inhibiting unilateral action by
the USGS.
We believe that the U.S.G.S. basic water quantity data
collection activities are: 1) essential, because the value of
hydrologic data increases with both the length and continuity of the
record; 2) the logical responsibility of the Federal Government,
because the States cannot possibly assume the support and leadership
role of U.S.G.S. for interstate water systems; 3) cost-effective,
because coordinated water data collection eliminates overlapping and
duplicative efforts.
Data analyses as well as research and development of new predictive
techniques can be accomplished by innumerable public or private
water-resource agencies, as the need arise, if the long-term basic
data exists. If the data is lacking, no one, including the U.S.G.S.,
can manufacture it. Accordingly, this activity must be one of
U.S.G.S.'s highest priorities [Statements of William J. Carroll,
President-elect, American Society of Civil Engineers, before the
Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies, Committee on
Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives, March 10, 1988].
Because interests in and the need for hydrologic data varies in time
and space, stream-gaging networks are continually changing with
time. The USGS attempts to balance availability of funding support
with the needs of all interested parties to ensure that essential
information is provided to all users. Budget constraints at State and
Federal levels have forced many cooperators to reduce funding support
for hydrologic data-collection activities. In some instances,
monitoring activities at a particular site are discontinued because
the needs of the supporting agency have been met. When funding support
for a monitoring site is withdrawn, the USGS attempts to notify all
potentially interested agencies of the impending changes to allow
users of the data an opportunity to make alternative arrangements for
funding the collection of data that are critical to their needs.
In the summer of 1994 the USGS learned that the California Department
of Water Resources would be unable to fund their share of support for
85 cooperatively-funded stations in California. This situation raised
considerable concern among Federal, State, and local agencies in
California. In a letter to the USGS, U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer said
she understood "that a number of California state and county agencies,
including the Department of Fish and Game and the Division of Water
Rights are dependent upon this long-term, uninterrupted data for
interpreting and satisfying water resource demands....". Senator Boxer
went on to say that she was "concerned that the loss of these stream
gaging stations would deal a serious blow to the reliable,
science-based management of our water resources.....". Despite tight
budgetary times throughout the State of California, State and local
agencies offered cooperative funds sufficient to continue streamflow
data collection at 73 of the original 85 stations scheduled for
closure [James Mullen, U.S. Geological Survey, oral commun., January
The USGS stream-gaging program provides hydrologic information needed
to help define, use, and manage the Nation's water resources. The
program provides a continuous, well-documented, well-archived,
unbiased, and broad-based source of reliable and consistent water
data. Because of the nationally consistent, prescribed standards by
which the data are collected and processed, the data from individual
stations are commonly used for purposes beyond the original purpose
for an individual station. Those possible uses include the following:
- Enhancing the public safety by providing data for forecasting and managing floods
- Characterizing current water-quality conditions
- Determining input rates of various pollutants into lakes, reservoirs, or estuaries
- Computing the loads of sediment and chemical constituents
- Understanding the biological effects of contamination
- Delineating and managing flood plains
- Operating and designing multipurpose reservoirs
- Setting permit requirements for discharge of treated wastewater
- Designing highway bridges and culverts
- Setting minimum flow requirements for meeting aquatic life goals
- Monitoring compliance with minimum flow requirements
- Developing or operating recreation facilities
- Scheduling power production
- Designing, operating, and maintaining navigation facilities
- Allocating water for municipal, industrial, and irrigation uses
- Administering compacts or resolving conflicts on interstate rivers
- Defining and apportioning the water resources at our international borders
- Evaluating surface- and ground-water interaction
- Undertaking scientific studies of long-term changes in the hydrologic cycle
Data for one or more of these purposes are needed at some point in
time on virtually every stream in the country, and a data-collection
system must be in place to provide the required information. The
general objective of the stream-gaging program is to provide
information on or to develop estimates of flow characteristics at any
point on any stream. Streamflow data are needed for immediate
decisionmaking and future planning and project design. Data, such as
that needed to issue and update flood forecasts, are referred to as
"data for current needs." Other data, such as that needed for the
design of a future, but currently unplanned, bridge or reservoir or
development of basinwide pollution control plans, are referred to as
"data for future or long-term needs." Some data, of course, fit into
both classifications; for example, a station that supplies data for
flood forecasting and also provides data to define long-term trends.
Streamflow data are needed at many sites on a daily basis for
forecasting flow extremes, making water-management decisions,
assessing current water availability, managing water quality, and
meeting legal requirements. These activities require streamflow
information at a given location for a specified time. These needs
generally are best satisfied by operating a station to produce a
continuous record of flow. The locations of the stations and the
periods of operation are dictated by the uses to be made of the data.
More than one-half of the USGS stations provide current information
(mostly by way of satellite telemetry) to agencies that operate
water-resource systems and forecast floods. The NWS is charged by law
with the responsibility of issuing forecasts and warnings of floods to
the Nation to help save lives and to help mitigate property
damage. The NWS uses data from USGS stations to forecast river stages
and flow conditions on large rivers and their associated
tributaries. Flood forecasts are issued at about 4,000 locations
strategically located throughout the Nation. The reliability of flood
forecasts depends on having reliable current data for precipitation
and streamflow. The USGS collects the streamflow data, and the NWS
collects the precipitation data and combines both types of data when
making the flood forecasts. The NWS does not fund stations, but relies
on the data from stations operated by the USGS for other agencies.
The U.S. Geological Survey stream gaging network is vital to the
National Weather Service's river forecast and warning program and the
goal to reduce flood damages and loss of life. Without data from this
network, this nation would experience increased losses from floods of
both life and property [Elbert W. Friday, Jr., Assistant Administrator
for Weather Services, National Weather Service, written commun.,
January 19, 1995].
During the 1993 Mississippi River floods, USGS field personnel made
more than 2,000 visits to stations in the flood-affected areas to
verify that the instruments were working properly, to make repairs as
needed, and to make direct measurements of the streamflow. Data from
these stations were provided continuously to the NWS and the COE and
formed the basis for flood forecasts that allowed people to be
evacuated from areas about to be inundated. The COE and local agencies
used the streamflow information to protect lives and property and to
focus flood-fighting activities where they were most needed. As a
national organization, the USGS was able to move staff from other
offices into the disaster areas. Because these hydrologists and
technicians were already familiar with the equipment and procedures,
they could begin to work immediately upon arrival in the area. This
same experience with the realtime use of USGS streamflow data is
repeated several times each year as catastrophic floods strike various
sections of the Nation.
The collection of data to meet future needs often represents a larger
challenge than does collection of data for current needs because the
future needs are seldom known precisely and, in fact, may be
impossible to anticipate. Because operating stations at all points on
all streams is physically and economically impossible, mechanisms must
be available to transfer streamflow information from stations to
points where there are no streamflow data (ungaged sites).
Transfer of streamflow information for unregulated streams may be
accomplished in many ways, ranging from the simple to the
complex. Simple methods are interpolation between or extrapolation
from gaging points on the same stream on the basis of drainage-area
size. More complex methods may involve transferring information from
basins with similar hydrologic characteristics, mapping station data
to define approximate lines of equal runoff values, or correlating
short records with long records. A statistical technique known as
multiple-regression analysis has proven to be effective for defining
equations (mathematical models) that relate streamflow characteristics
to the basin and climatic characteristics that affect streamflow. The
resulting equations usually are referred to as "regional relations"
because they can be applied to ungaged streams within a defined
hydrologic area or region. An example of a regional relation for
estimating flood discharges for central Ohio is as follows (
Koltun and
Roberts, 1989):
Q50 = 148 A^0.757
Q50 is the 50-year flood discharge,
in cubic feet per second,
that has 1 chance in 50 (0.02 probability) of being exceeded in any given year;
A is the drainage area (or size of the watershed), in square miles;
S is the main-channel slope, in feet per mile; and
St is the percentage of the watershed occupied
by lakes, ponds, and swamps.
The above equation was computed by using values of Q
50, A, S, and St at 180 stations in
central Ohio. The streamflow characteristic, Q50,
was computed at each station by using streamflow records, and the
basin characteristics A, S, and St were measured
from topographic maps. To estimate Q50 at an
ungaged site, the user determines the values of A, S and
St for a specific site of interest from a topographic map and
substitutes the values in the above equation. A compilation of
regional relations for estimating flood discharges
(like Q50) for rural and urban streams throughout the United States
was given by Jennings and others (
Studies of the uncertainties of these regional relations have been
used to guide the USGS and its cooperators in determining how to
change the stream-gaging program to reduce the uncertainty in
estimates of streamflow characteristics. These studies permit the
analyst to evaluate ways of reducing the uncertainty in the regional
relations by adding new stations with certain ranges of basin
characteristics, continuing operation of existing stations, or some
combination of both approaches (
Medina, 1987).
Regardless of the methods used to transfer information, actual
streamflow data are required. The stations that supply these data must
be representative of the streams in the region. The data provided
serve as the basis for defining and calibrating the equations (models)
that serve as the transfer mechanism.
A modeling approach does not decrease the amount of data required; in
fact, it increases it. Modeling is not a replacement for observation
[National Research Council, 1992, p. 14].
Some applications of data require long-term records to achieve a
specified accuracy. The natural variation that is inherent in the flow
of rivers produces uncertainty in estimates of the characteristics of
those flows. The uncertainty is dependent on the variability of
streamflow in the region and the length of streamflow record;
uncertainty decreases as the record length increases. This is true no
matter what is being discussed; for example, flood characteristics or
the long-term average flow of the river. The relation between the
standard error of estimate (a measure of uncertainty) and the record
length for the mean-annual flow and the 50-year flood for Minnesota is
shown in figure 4. If errors are normally distributed, then the
standard error of estimate is the error to be expected for about
two-thirds of the streamflow estimates.
Figure 4. Relation between standard error of estimate and
record length for Minnesota (from
Benson and Carter, 1973).
The relation in figure 4 shows that given a 20-year record at a
station, the 50-year flood can be estimated for that site with a
standard error of about 35 percent. As the record length increases,
the standard error or uncertainty in the 50-year-flood estimate
decreases. When streamflow characteristics from stations are used to
define a regional relation for use at ungaged sites, the error in the
streamflow characteristics is a part of the total error in the
regional relation. For example, note the scatter around the regional
(regression) relation between the 50-year flood and the drainage area
for rural streams in eastern Massachusetts (
Wandle, 1983)
(fig. 5). The scatter about the regional relation includes the error
that results when drainage area alone is used to estimate the 50-year
flood, as well as the error in estimates of the 50-year flood at the
individual stations. Thus, it is imperative that the data used in
defining the equations be as accurate as possible, and that can be
achieved only with long records. Note in figure 5 that a tenfold
increase in drainage area results in about a fivefold increase in
flood size. This is typical for flood characteristics, although the
specific relation varies with hydrologic region.
Figure 5. Relation between drainage area and 50-year flood for
small rural streams in eastern Massachusetts (from
Wandle, 1983).
Trend analysis is another application that requires long
records. Concern is widespread that increased greenhouse-gas
concentrations in the atmosphere are affecting the climate and the
hydrology of the Earth. Analysts have used actual streamflow records
to determine whether streamflows are beginning to change as a result
of human activities or global warming. Natural climatic episodes of
wetter or dryer than normal and lasting longer than a decade have been
observed. Given the occurrence of such episodes and the inherent
variability of streamflow, record lengths of more than 50 years are
essential if real trends are to be detected. Slack and Landwehr (
reviewed the USGS data base to identify streamflow records that
reflected natural conditions and could be useful in trend
analysis. They identified 1,659 stations that could be used for this
purpose in the United States and its possessions. The distribution of
record lengths for these stations is shown in figure 6. More than 500
stations identified by Slack and Landwehr (
1992) have record lengths
in excess of 50 years.
Figure 6. Number of stations and record lengths with acceptable
data for studying climate fluctuations (from
Slack and Landwehr,1992).
Detection of hydrologic change requires a committed, international,
long-term effort and requires also that the data meet rigorous
standards for accuracy [National Research Council, 1991, p. 220].
A recent nationwide evaluation of the USGS stream-gaging program
identified uses of the data for individual stations in the program
Thomas and Wahl, 1993). Between 1983 and 1988, uses of data were
defined for 6,238 of the approximately 7,000 stations then operated by
the USGS. Individual stations were identified as belonging to one or
more of nine categories on the basis of the principal uses made of the
data. The uses of data were determined through a survey of cooperators
and other known users of the data. These users were recognized as
representing only a limited sampling of all users of streamflow
data. Many other organizations and individuals use data from the
stream-gaging program, but these uses cannot be easily
documented. Many times those users (and uses) become known only when a
station is discontinued.
The station on the Green River at Warren Bridge, near Daniel, Wyoming,
was started in 1932. It was funded under the Cooperative Program with
the Wyoming State Engineer, but because of funding cuts by the Wyoming
legislature, it was discontinued, along with several other key
stations, in 1992. That station, however, was also used by numerous
other agencies: Bureau of Reclamation for planning reservoir
operations downstream, both the National Weather Service and the
Natural Resources Conservation Service in flood and water-supply
forecasting, several researchers for trend studies, and it was
identified as part of the USGS Hydro-Climatic Data Network by Slack
and Landwehr (1992). The station was restarted in 1994 and is
presently funded by the Bureau of Reclamation [Joel Schuetz,
U.S. Geological Survey, oral commun., January 1995].
Hydrologic systems.---One of the more common uses of
streamflow data is to account for and monitor the flow through a river
basin or to define the general hydrologic conditions in the
basin. Development of water resources has so altered the hydrology of
some streams that station data at a given point primarily reflects the
human manipulations. Data from about 4,200 stations operated by the
USGS are used to understand and evaluate the resource, diversions, and
return flows (water that has been used for some application and is
being returned to the stream) that must be accounted for. Data from
these stations also are useful in estimating hydraulic characteristics
of aquifers, ground-water recharge, and evapotranspiration and in
calibrating ground-water models. At State and interstate levels, many
of the stations serve a key role in the process of allocating and
regulating water rights. These stations provide data to satisfy
current and future needs.
I am writing you on behalf of the Missouri River Basin Association, a
coalition of eight states and twenty-eight Indian Tribes in the
Missouri basin. For years, we have been working closely with the
federal agencies that have jurisdiction in the basin to improve
management of the basin's water resources. As you know from your years
with USGS, good water management depends upon good data. An important
source of good data has been USGS's Coop Program [Excerpt of letter
from J. Edward Brown, President, Missouri River Basin Association, to
Gordon P. Eaton, Director, U.S. Geological Survey, February 14, 1994].
Regional hydrology.---Stations supplying data that
are largely unaffected by manmade storage or diversion furnish much of
the data needed for future or long-term needs. Because they provide
data that reflect natural conditions, these stations serve as the
basis for defining the characteristics of streamflow and for
developing the regional relations described in a previous section of
this report. Data from about 3,800 stations operated by the USGS can
be used for this purpose. Designers and planners of water-control and
water-related facilities increasingly use the statistical
characteristics of streamflow rather than the flow for specific
periods in the past. For example, many highway bridges are designed on
the basis of the flood that will be exceeded on the average of once in
50 or 100 years. Determining the appropriate design flood for a
highway bridge is critical to balancing construction costs against
risks to human safety and potential damage to property. Using too
small a design flood can lead to a bridge design that causes water to
back up and inundate the road itself or property along the flood plain
upstream from the bridge. Too large a design flood can lead to a
design that is wasteful and requires an unnecessarily wide opening, an
unnecessarily high roadway, or both. By using long-term streamflow
records, storage reservoirs can be designed on the basis of the
probability of deficiency of storage to meet given discharge rates
from storage. The water available for dilution of treated wastewater
releases or other similar purposes may be stated in terms of the mean
flow or probability of nonexceedance of flow magnitudes for periods of
a year, season, month, week, or day. For example, if estimated low
flows are understated, then there would be a requirement for
additional costly wastewater treatment to meet water-quality
standards. However, if low flows are overstated, then the treatment
requirements would lead to unacceptable water quality when low flows
Project operation.---Data from stations in this
classification are used on an ongoing basis to assist water managers
in making daily operational decisions. These decisions include
managing daily and hourly flows through gates and hydropower
penstocks, pumping water into diversion systems or hydroelectric
reservoirs. They also include extensive balancing of uses among
multiple sources of water in regional systems, including many
reservoirs and ground water supplies. Such decisions are a daily
reality when dealing with water requirements for municipal,
industrial, and agricultural uses; hydroelectric power generation; and
space for flood control in reservoirs. For example, data from about
2,900 stations operated by the USGS are used by the COE, the BOR, and
others to operate more than 2,000 flood control, navigation, and
water-supply reservoirs. Data from stations in this category satisfy a
current need.
Hydrologic forecasting.---Data from stations so
classified provide information for flood and water-supply
forecasting. These stations play a key role in efforts by Federal,
State, and local agencies to protect the lives and welfare of the
general public through the evacuation of people from areas about to be
inundated. More than 3,000 of the stations operated by the USGS are
used in the NWS's flood-forecasting system. These data supply an
immediate and high-priority current need. Because these stations are
located at critical points on streams, they also generally provide
valuable information on the statistics of flows that will be quite
useful for meeting future needs.
Water-quality monitoring.---
The stations discussed in this paper are only a part, albeit the
largest part, of the USGS hydrologic data-collection program. Other
program components provide data on the chemical quality of water
resources, sediment in streams and lakes, surface- and ground-water
resources, and water use (fig. 7). Although the various program
components are funded separately, they are highly interdependent and
complementary. The programs on water quality and sediment provide
information on the concentrations of chemical constituents in the
water. The sediment and chemical quality of a river is intimately
linked to the streamflow. Rapid variations in streamflow due to
rainfall or snowmelt typically are associated with rapid variations in
sediment or chemical concentrations. Consequently, understanding the
movement of sediment and chemicals in a river depends on the
availability of water samples at these times of rapid flow
variation. One of the ways this is accomplished is to equip the
station with an automatic pump sampler that is activated by a
microcomputer programmed to call for samples based on stage, changes
in stage, concentrations of chemical constituents, time since the last
sample, or some combination of the above. These automatic sampling
systems are vital to the study water-quality impacts of urban or
agricultural land uses in small watersheds. The stations in this
category also provide the flow data required to convert concentrations
to loads (the total amount of the material transported by the
water). The load transported by the flow is needed to understand fully
and monitor the movement and fate of the material in flowing
water. The approximately 2,700 stations operated by the USGS that
provide discharge data for water-quality monitoring are fulfilling a
current need. However, these data also may fulfill a future need if
they are used to examine long-term trends in water quality or to
determine the relative importance of various sources of pollution to a
water body such as a reservoir, lake or estuary.
Figure 7. Percentage distribution of funds for U.S. Geological
Survey hydrologic data collection, 1994 fiscal year.
The USGS operated a gaging station on the Garcia River from 1962 to
1983 as part of their cooperative program with the State. A stream
gaging station on the Garcia River would provide essential hydrologic
data to properly manage in-stream gravel mining operations on the
Garcia River. Significant bedload transport oc-curs only during larger
runoff events. Prudent management of in-stream mining calls for
limiting or curtailing mining during drought years. A stream gage
operated by the USGS would provide an objective record of the yearly
flood events. Mining operations would be requested to suspend
operations in years when the annual flood was less than a specified
size. Therefore, it is imperative that the data be collected by an
impartial and respected agency such as the USGS [Excerpt from a letter
to Senator Barbara Boxer, California, from Dennis Jackson, Mendocino
County Water Agency, Ukiah, California, October 29, 1993, requesting
assistance in getting the USGS to reestablish a stream-gaging station
on the Garcia River in Mendocino County].
Planning and design.---Data from about 1,100
stations operated by the USGS in this category are needed to plan and
design a specific project, such as a reservoir, levee, water-treatment
facility, or hydroelectric powerplant. Because these data relate to a
specific project, they generally are filling a current need.
Legal obligations.---Data from these stations satisfy
a legal responsibility of the USGS or of signatories of treaties,
compacts, and decrees. The USGS operates about 250 stations in support
of 17 interstate compacts, 2 Supreme Court decrees, and 1
international treaty.
The U.S. Supreme Court in a 1954 decree required that the USGS monitor
flows in the Delaware River at Montague, New Jersey and the diversions
out of the Delaware River basin through the Delaware and Raritan
Canal. The decree settled a water-rights suit in which four States
were involved. The USGS operates two stations to monitor the flows as
identified in the U.S. Supreme Court decree [William Carswell, Jr.,
Delaware River Master, U.S. Geological Survey, oral commun., January 1995].
Research.---Data from about 700 stations operated by
USGS are collected for a particular research or water-investigation
study. As such, the data supply a current need. The length of time
that the data will be needed is dictated by the particular
project. Some research needs, such as detection of hydrologic trends,
can be met only by long-term, high-quality streamflow records.
Detection of hydrologic change requires long-term data sets of greater
quality and reliability than are normally needed in the investigations
of processes [National Research Council, 1991, p. 223].
Other.---These stations supply data for uses that do
not fit into any of the eight categories above. These include, for
example, recreational purposes, such as providing data for canoeists,
rafters, and fishermen. Data from about 700 stations operated by the
USGS supply a current need for water-resource information.
The USGS in New Mexico instituted a direct-dial telephone number and
recording for current streamflow information. The "Streamflow Hotline"
was established to provide river rafters, fisherman, ranchers and
farmers, and other inter-ested parties with a telephone number that
they could call 24 hours a day to obtain current streamflow
information on major rivers in New Mexico. The hotline is updated
daily during the spring runoff period, and depending on river
releases, at least two to three times a week the remainder of the
year. Calls to the hotline during the spring runoff period of April
through June average about 1,000 per month and about 100 per month
during November through February. The number of stations included on
the hotline has increased to 18 due to requests from individual users
and other agencies [John Borland, U.S. Geological Survey, oral
commun., January 1995].
A growing number of stations are used for purposes that do not fit
readily into one of the above nine categories. Data needed to define
instream uses are good examples. Instream use refers to water that is
used, but not withdrawn, from a surface-water source. Instream uses
can be broadly characterized as streamflows required to meet human,
ecological, or environmental needs. Human needs include recreation,
hydroelectric power generation, transportation, waste assimilation,
aesthetics, and cultural-resource preservation. Ecological or
environmental needs include fish and wildlife habitat, wetlands
preservation, freshwater dilution of saline estuaries, and maintenance
of the riparian zone. Thus, these uses cut across most of the nine
categories discussed above.
Quantitative estimates for most instream uses are difficult to
compile. However, because such uses compete with offstream uses and
affect the quantity and quality of water resources for all uses,
effective water-resources management requires that methods,
definitions, and procedures be devised to enable instream uses to be
assessed quantitatively. The need to maintain some flow in streams has
long been recognized as an important requirement for healthy stream
ecosystems. In recent years, many court and compact decisions also
have recognized the importance of instream flows and often have
mandated an increase in instream flows to meet various environmental,
recreational, and water-quality needs. Data from stations are critical
to determine whether mandated instream flows are being maintained.
In New Jersey, the USGS operates 25 stations downstream from
water-supply reservoirs and pumping stations. These station monitor
whether the streamflow rates are being maintained at or above a
permitted minimum flow. This minimum passing flow is selected by the
State in order to protect the ecology of the streams and also the
water rights of downstream users [Robert Schopp, U.S. Geological
Survey, oral commun., January 1995].
The USGS, which was created in 1879, was authorized in 1894 to survey
irrigable lands in arid areas and to measure the flow of rivers and
streams. As noted in an earlier section, the first USGS station was
established on the Rio Grande in 1889. In 1895, the first Cooperative
Program in the Nation began in Kansas through an agreement with the
newly established Kansas Board of Irrigation Survey and Experiment
(now known as the Division of Water Resources of the Kansas Department
of Agriculture). This agreement provided for measurement of streamflow
at seven sites to ascertain water-supply potential. In 1995, 100 years
after the inception of the Cooperative Program, the USGS operates 166
stations in Kansas, 84 of which are operated in cooperation with 10
State, city, or local agencies (fig. 8). The other stations are
supported by either Federal agencies or funds appropriated to the
Figure 8. Areal distribution of stations for Kansas, by funding source.
Virtually every business day in this country consulting engineers
in the private sector, in addition to engineers working at all levels
of government, rely on the unbiased and objective scientific
information and data provided... One could even argue persuasively
that certain aspects of the USGS should be strengthened and
expanded. For instance, in the Federal/State Cooperative Program for
Water Data Collection Analysis---the critical backbone of the nation's
essential surface water data gathering network....[Excerpt from a
letter from Stafford E. Thornton, President, American Society of Civil
Engineers, January 26, 1995].
The initial growth of the stream-gaging program was slow. At the turn
of the century, only 163 stations were in operation. Most of the
stations were in the West and were used to satisfy needs for
irrigation. Growth of the program after 1900 was more dramatic, as
shown by the number of active stations in each decade from 1900 to
1990 (fig. 9).
Figure 9.
Number of stations in the U.S. Geological Survey data base, 1900--90.
The growth and evolution of the USGS stream-gaging program was related
to increased concern about floods and droughts, the increased use of
water for irrigation and hydroelectric power, and specific legislative
acts. The Federal Power Act was passed in 1920; during the next 20 to
30 years, planning for hydroelectric power development caused
increased need for data. Congress passed legislation in 1929 that
officially recognized the Cooperative Program in which costs are
shared with State and local agencies, and in the ensuing years,
cooperative stream-gaging programs were established with many State
and local agencies. Also, the severe midcontinent drought in the early
1930's and the floods in 1936--37 in the Ohio and the Potomac River
Basins increased the awareness among Federal, State, and local
agencies that management of the water resources requires
comprehensive, reliable streamflow data.
Passage of the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act of 1954
and construction of the interstate highway system in the 1960's
increased the need for streamflow data for small watersheds. Some of
this need was provided by partial-record stations that recorded data
only for flood peaks, but the numbers of continuous-record stations
also increased. The need for data at the thousands of points where the
highway systems crossed streams created an immediate need for methods
to estimate flood magnitudes at ungaged sites. This need was satisfied
by streamflow data to calibrate the regional equations used to make
those estimates. The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 increased
emphasis on flood-plain mapping and emphasized the need for reliable
flood-frequency data.
The Surface Mining and Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 also
increased the need for data on streams affected by surface mining and
other energy development. However, the additional stations constructed
in the 1970's generally were offset by reductions in other areas of
the network. Reevaluation of the program in the early 1970's (
and Carter, 1973), the beginning of stringent financial constraints on
the parties to the program, and the completion of many
water-development projects were factors in limiting expansion of the
The major factors that have affected trends in the network since the
late 1970's appear to be related to economic concerns and energy
programs. In the 1970's, the oil crises gave impetus to a large
expansion of research in coal and oil shale as sources of
energy. Definition of the effects of such energy development on
streamflow and water quality required streamflow data. Numerous
stations were installed to provide those data. As concern for energy
sources waned in the early 1980's, many of those stations were
In 1987, a poll was made of USGS offices to identify stations
discontinued or started from 1981 to 1986. This poll was taken in
response to NWS concerns that the number of stations in the USGS
stream-gaging program was declining. Between 1981 and 1986, 873
stations were added, but 1,744 stations were discontinued; thus, there
was a net loss of 871 stations from the program. This illustrates the
complexity of change; stations that were added and then deleted during
the period (125) were not counted in this poll.
A more recent poll of USGS offices in Delaware, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho,
Maryland, Michigan, Oklahoma, and South Dakota showed little net
change in numbers of stations between 1985 and 1994. These States,
which were selected as a representative sample, had 832 stations at
the beginning of the period. During the period, 189 stations were
added, and 170 were dropped; this represents about a 20-percent
turnover rate in 10 years. An additional 29 stations were started and
dropped. Of the stations that were dropped, record lengths were more
than 20 years at 97 stations and more than 40 years at 30 stations.
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Data-Collection Process
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Stream-Gaging Program of the U.S. Geological Survey
Reston, Virginia, 1995
By Kenneth L. Wahl, Wilbert O. Thomas, Jr., and Robert M. Hirsch
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