What data were collected and why
Types of sites sampled
of sites
Sampling frequency and period
Stream Chemistry
Basic sites-- general water chemistry
Concentrations, seasonal variation, and annual loads. Data included streamflow, nutrients, major ions, organic carbon, suspended sediment, water temperature, specific conductance, alkalinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen.
Basic Fixed Sites: representative of common land use mixes, as well as basin outflow sites
Monthly plus storms:
Quincy-Pasco subunit for 1 year
Palouse subunit, 2-3 years
Intensive sites--
Concentrations and seasonal variations in pesticides. Data included 85 dissolved pesticides plus above constituents.
Subset of basic sites: where land use was most homogeneous
Weekly to monthly:
Feb. 1993-Mar. 1994
Synoptic sites-- water chemistry
Spatial distribution of pesticides and nutrients. Data included 85 dissolved pesticides plus same constituents as basic sites.
Basic sites
Other sites plus reference sites
4 times in spring and once in summer, 1994
Once in spring, 1994
Contaminants in bed sediments
Occurrence and distribution of contaminants in bed sediment. Data included total PCBs, 32 organochlorine pesticides, 63 semivolatile organic compounds, and 44 trace elements.
Depositional zones of most stream sites sampled in other components of study
Once, mostly in 1992-93
Contaminants in fish and benthic invertebrates
Occurrence and distribution of contaminants in biota. Data included total PCBs, 30 organochlorine pesticides in clams and whole fish; 24 trace elements in clam tissue, fish livers, and caddisflies.
Most stream sites sampled in other components of study where tissue could be collected
Once in either 1992 or 1994
Stream Ecology
Intensive assessments
Relationship between biological communities and water chemistry, physical habitat, and land use. Includes spatial relationships, along with spatial and temporal variation. Data included algae, invertebrates, and fish communities; physical habitat all years; nutrients and other constituents in 1993.
Basic Fixed Sites
10 total
1 reach - 1 year (1993)
1 reach - 3 years(1993-95)
3 reaches -1 year (1994 or 1995)
Synoptic studies
Sites permitted a better spatial and temporal assessment. Data collected were same as above except fish communities were not sampled.
Synoptic sites
14 total
1 reach - 1 year (1993)
1 reach - 3 years (1993-95)
Ground-Water Chemistry
Aquifer survey-- public supply wells
Occurrence and distribution of chemicals in public supply wells. Data included major ions, nutrients, 85 pesticides, 60 volatile organic compounds, dissolved organic carbon, and radon.
Estimate risks of pesticide detection. Data included 47 pesticides only.
Public supply wells across Study Unit
Public supply wells across Study Unit
Once in 1994
Once in 1994
Land-use effects-- irrigated row crops
Describe the effects of agricultural land use on shallow ground water in the Quincy-Pasco subunit. Data included major ions, nutrients, 85 pesticides, 60 volatile organic compounds, dissolved organic carbon, and radon.
Shallow domestic wells
Very shallow monitoring wells
Wells were generally within 100 feet of row cropped fields
Once in 1993-95
Land-use effects--
Describe the effects of agricultural land use on shallow ground water in the Quincy-Pasco subunit. Data were same as above.
Shallow domestic wells
Very shallow monitoring wells
Wells were generally within 100 feet of orchards
Once in 1994-95
Land-use effects--
dryland farming (grains)
Describe effects of agricultural land use on shallow ground water in the Palouse subunit. Data were same as row crops and orchards above.
Shallow domestic wells in basalt
Very shallow monitoring wells in loess
Wells were generally next to fields in the road right-of-way
Once in 1993-94
Variation along
flow paths
Describe the processes controlling the fate of nitrogen and pesticides along a 1/4-mile flow path to an intermittent stream. Data included major ions, nutrients, 85 pesticides, 60 volatile organic compounds, dissolved organic carbon, radon, and age-dating constituents.
Cluster of eight wells at various depths along an approximate line of ground-water flow
Palouse loess near Pullman, Wash.
1 site:
8 wells
Twice in 1994
Special Studies
Palouse River nutrient processes
Processes affecting eutrophication in stream channels below wastewater-treatment plants. Data included algae biomass and nutrients, dissolved oxygen, and 24-hour temperature.
Palouse River
6-week colonization, 1994
3- to 6-hour intervals for one day in Aug. 1994
Pesticides from ground water at base flow
47 more-soluble pesticides and nutrients to compare nutrient concentrations and pesticide occurrence with what is found in shallow ground water.
Smaller irrigation drains and subsurface tile-drain outflows to surface drains
Once in winter 1995
Once in winter 1996