Water Quality in the White River Basin, Indiana, 1992-96

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Summary of Findings

The White River Basin was one of 20 Study Units in the United States to have a water-quality assessment completed between 1992 and 1996.

Location map of the study unit

A variety of pesticides were commonly found in streams throughout the White River Basin. In contrast, only a few pesticides were detected in ground water, and these were at much lower concentrations (p. 6).

In streams:

In shallow ground water:

The occurrence of pesticides in streams is controlled by a variety of factors (p. 8-11).

Regional patterns in pesticide use (p. 8):

Temporal patterns in pesticide use (p. 9):

Land use (p. 10):

Soil drainage (p. 10-11):

  • Pesticide concentrations in streams are highest in watersheds with permeable, well-drained soils, all other factors being equal. Agricultural tile drains play a major role in transporting pesticides to streams in areas with poorly drained soils where drainage has been enhanced with tile drains.

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Nitrate concentrations in ground water are low (commonly not detected) in some aquifer settings and high (sometimes exceeding the Federal drinking-water standard) in others. Nitrate concentrations in stream water typically are between these extremes (p. 12-15).

In streams:

In ground water:

Urban areas degrade the quality of streams and ground water (p. 16-17).

In streams:

In ground water:

Fish communities have significantly improved since the early 1970's. However, poor communities of fish are still found in streams with poor water quality (p. 18-19).

  • Some streams with good fish habitat presently have poor communities of fish, a disparity indicating nonhabitat stresses (such as poor water quality). In areas where the fish communities are poorer than expected on the basis of fish habitat, nutrient and pesticide concentrations are high.

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U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1150

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Suggested citation:
Fenelon, J.M., 1998, Water Quality in the White River Basin, Indiana, 1992-96: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1150, on line at <URL:>, updated April 6, 1998 .

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Last modified: April 6, 1998 2:23 pm