Coordination with agencies and organizations in the
Mississippi Embayment was integral to the success of this water-quality
assessment. We thank those who served as members of our liaison committee.
Federal Agencies
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Geological Survey, BRD
State Agencies
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks
Local Agencies
Delta Council
Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Joint Water Management District
Arkansas State University
Mississippi State University
University of Arkansas
University of Mississippi
Other public and private organizations
Wolf River Conservancy
We thank the following individuals, agencies,
and organizations for contributing to the success of this study.
- Chip Bray, Al Gibson, David Loch, Michael Beiser,
and David Singleton (Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality),
and Charles Knight (Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and
Parks) for help with biological field work
- Michael Mallory for his work as the first Project
Chief for this Study Unit
- Memphis Light, Gas and Water Utilities, the Mississippi
Department of Transportation, and numerous towns, cities, and individuals
who allowed samples to be collected on their propertyBrian Hughes and
Larry Slack (USGS), Henry Folmar and Richard Ingram (Mississippi Department
of Environmental Quality), and Bruce Reid (The National Audubon Society)
for providing technical review of the report and Carol Moss, Rebecca
Deckard, Sandra Cooper and Mary Kidd (USGS) for editorial input
- Michael Wade and Lance Cooper for graphics and
layout for this report
- Todd Slack, Stephen Ross, and Neil Douglas for
verifying and vouchering fish specimens
- Michael Thurman (USGS, Kansas District) for contributing
analyses of selected pesticides
- USGS employees Michael Manning, Brian Caskey,
Robert Joseph, Charles Lee, Darryl Wilson, Susan McIntosh, Desmond Funchess,
Paul Floyd, John Storm, Kenny Burks, David Massingill, Bobby Richards,
Larry Thomas, Lisa Zimmerman, Jim Alvis, Allen Roberts, Rachel Pike,
Jennifer Mahaney, Shane Stocks, Michelle Wates, Fred Morris III, John
Ewing, Eric Strom, Wade Bryant, Anuba Dayama, Jan Jones, Tony Schrader,
Marsha Gipson, Larry Remsing, Terry Holland, Dwight Lasker, Phil Stephens,
Aaron Pugh and others for assisting with collection and compilation
of data
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U.S. Geological Survey Circular
Suggested citation:
Kleiss, B.A., Coupe, R.H., Gonthier, G.J., and Justus, B.J., 2000, Water Quality in the Mississippi Embayment, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky,199598: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1208, 36 p., on-line at https://pubs.water.usgs.gov/circ1208/