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Stream Chemistry

Basic and Intensive Fixed Sites (see Glossary) were selected to assess the occurrence of dissolved compounds and select compounds associated with solid materials in stream water or streambed sediment. Basic Fixed Sites were sampled less frequently and for fewer compounds than Intensive Fixed Sites.

Basic and Intensive Fixed Sites

  1. Sacramento River above Bend Bridge near Red Bluff
  2. Sacramento River at Colusa
  3. Yuba River at Marysville
  4. Feather River near Nicolaus
  5. Cache Creek at Rumsey
  6. Colusa Basin Drain at Road 99E near Knights Landing
  7. Sacramento Slough near Knights Landing
  8. Sacramento River at Verona
  9. Arcade Creek near Del Paso Heights
  10. American River at Sacramento
  11. Sacramento River at Freeport
  12. Yolo Bypass at Interstate 80 near West Sacramento

Special Studies

A study of metals transport from an acid mine drainage site and a generalized study of mercury transport along a reach of the Sacramento River down-stream from Shasta Lake were completed.

Stream Ecology

Ecological assessments were completed along mountain to valley reaches (synoptic studies) of 3 streams, at 7 of the 12 Basic Fixed Sites, and at 1 reference site to determine variations in the community structure of aquatic biota.

Ground-Water Chemistry

Surveys of water quality in a used portion of the Sacramento Valley aquifer and the effects of agricultural and urban land uses on water quality were completed.

Three maps showing Stream sites, Stream ecology sites and Ground-water sites.




Study component

What data were collected and why

Types of sites sampled

Number of sites

Sampling frequency and period

Stream Chemistry

Basic Fixed Sites--General water chemistry

Streamflow, nutrients, major ions, suspended sediment, water temperature, specific conductance, organic carbon, trace metals, mercury, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity and pH; to describe concentrations, loads, and seasonal variations.

Large rivers, most with continuous streamflow measurements available; streams with continuous streamflow measurements that drain forested, agricultural, and mining areas.


Monthly, 02/97-04/98

Intensive Fixed Sites--Agricultural and large river

In addition to the above constituents, 84 pesticides; to describe concentrations and seasonal variations.

One agricultural stream that drains primarily agricultural areas; one large river site near the mouth of the basin.


Monthly, 02/96-04/98; Monthly for pesticides, 11/96-03/97 and 08/97-04/98; twice per month for pesticides 04/97-07/97

Intensive Fixed Sites--Urban

The same constituents as Basic Fixed Sites and Intensive Fixed Sites and, in addition, 85 volatile organic compounds; to describe concentrations and seasonal variations.

One stream that drains a primarily urbanized area.


Monthly for pesticides and volatile organic chemicals, 11/96-12/96 and 01/98-04/98; twice monthly for pesticides, 01/97-11/97. Storm sampling for volatile organic chemicals, 04/96 and 10/96

Contaminants in streambed sediments

Trace elements and organic compounds; to determine presence of potentially toxic compounds attached to streambed sediments.

Depositional zones of large rivers and select tributaries, including fixed sites.

17 in 1996; 19 in 1997

One sampling for trace elements and organic compounds in 1995; one sampling for trace elements in 1997

Contaminants in tissues of aquatic organisms

Asiatic clams and bottom-feeding fish were collected to determine the presence of contaminants that can accumulate in tissues of aquatic organisms. The tissue samples were analyzed for trace elements and organic compounds.

Fixed sites and other select sites of large rivers and select tributaries.


One sampling in 1997

Stream Ecology

Intensive Assessments

Fish, macroinvertebrates, and algae; to assess biological communities and habitat in streams representing primary ecological regions.

Sites at or near a fixed site or at a pristine or reference location.


Three samplings, 1996-98

Synoptic Studies

Fish, macroinvertebrates, and algae; to determine spatial distribution and communnity structure of aquatic species and habitat.

Sites along an elevation gradient from the Sierra Nevada to the Sacramento Valley.


Two samplings, 1997-98

Ground-Water Chemistry

Aquifer Survey

Major ions, nutrients, pesticides, trace elements, volatile organic compounds, and radon; to describe the overall water quality and natural chemistry in a surficial aquifer.

Domestic wells in the southeastern Sacramento Valley.

31 wells

Once in 1996

Land-Use Effects-- Agriculture (rice)

Major ions, nutrients, trace elements, and pesticides; to describe the water quality and natural chemistry in a surficial aquifer in an agricultural setting.

Newly drilled monitoring wells completed near the water table in a surficial aquifer beneath or near rice fields.

28 wells

Once in 1997

Land-Use Effects--Urban

Major ions, nutrients, pesticides, trace elements, volatile organic compounds, and radon; to describe the overall water quality and natural chemistry in a surficial aquifer.

Newly drilled monitoring wells completed near the water table in a surficial aquifer beneath a recently urbanized area.

19 wells

Once in 1998

Special Studies

Sacramento River Trace Metals Study

Trace elements measured in whole water, filtered water, ultrafiltered water, and on colloids.

Sacramento River and select tributaries including an acid mine drainage site.


During selected high flow and low-flow stream conditions, 07/96-06/97


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U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1215

Suggested citation:

Domagalski, J.L., Knifong, D.L., Dileanis, P.D., Brown, L.R., May, J.T., Connor, Valerie, and Alpers, C.N., 2000, Water Quality in the Sacramento River Basin, California,1994–98: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1215, 36 p., on-line at

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