USGS Circular 1292
April 2006
By John S. Zogorski, Janet M. Carter, Tamara Ivahnenko, Wayne W. Lapham, Michael J. Moran, Barbara L. Rowe, Paul J. Squillace, and Patricia L. Toccalino
View the PDF for the entire report (9.9 mb)
Introductory Material (624 kb PDF)
1. Major findings and conclusions (353 kb PDF)
2. Introduction (590 kb PDF)
3. VOCs in ground water (1,566 kb PDF)
4. VOCs in samples from drinking-water supply wells (1,339 kb PDF)
5. Additional information for selected VOCs (1,415 kb PDF)
References Cited (77 kb PDF)
Glossary (66 kb PDF)
Appendix 1 and 2 (47)
Appendix 3 (654 kb PDF)
Appendix 4 (81 kb PDF)
Appendix 5 (156 kb PDF)
Appendix 6 (108 kb PDF)
Appendix 7 (742 kb PDF)
Appendix 8 (110 kb PDF)
Appendix 9 (86 kb PDF)
Appendix 10 (93 kb PDF)
Appendix 11 (86 kb PDF)
Key to Water Quality Data Codes (4 KB TEXT)
Volatile Organic Compound Database, Microsoft Access (4 KB ZIP)
Text Files for Data, Sites, and Parameter Codes(1.19 MB ZIP)
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