Organic Geochemistry Data of Alaska
Database Documentation
By Charles N. Threlkeld1 and Raymond C. Obuch2
USGS Central Region Energy TeamBox 25034, MS 977
Denver, CO 80225
USGS Central Region Energy TeamBox 25034, MS 939
Denver, CO 80225
Any use of trade, product or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U. S. Government.
Overview and Background
Relational Database Tables, Structures and Definitions
Index and Encoding Schemes
Appendix A -- Definitions of Some Commonly Used Terms
Appendix B -- Manufacturers of Products and Services Mentioned
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Central Energy Resources Team’s Organic Geochemistry Laboratory (CERTOGL) is a research laboratory devoted to the investigation of the origin and occurrence of fossil fuels. One such study involved the petroleum potential of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (1988). In order to archive geochemical results of this study, the USGS developed an Alaskan Organic Geochemical Database (AOGDB) in 1978 to house the data generated from USGS laboratories and various sub-contracted laboratories. The accumulated data resided in a flat text file entitled "PGS" and was originally maintained by Petroleum Information Corporation. The information herein is a breakout and creation of tables from the master flat file form into a relational database format. No electronic data, such as chromatograms, are available for this data file. Additional information about "PGS" and Alaska geochemistry data and interpretation can be obtained in Geology and Exploration of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, 1974-1982, USGS Professional Paper 1399 (see the sections by Claypool and Magoon, p.451-481, and Magoon and Claypool, p. 519-549.)
The database management software originally used in the creation of the AOGDB is MicroRim Corporation's RBase for DOS, a database package designed for use on IBM XT or AT or equivalent computers with MS-DOS or equivalent disk operating systems. The AOGDB consists of Rbase tables, which have subsequently been converted to Microsoft Access 97 tables and ASCII tables. Each table consists of vertical columns and horizontal rows of information where each row represents one sample and the columns within each row represent specific information about the sample. There is only one driving table: HEADER_PGS which contains generic sample information and permits a relational pathway to the data tables via the primary key: WMO (derived from World Meteorological Organization and the American Petroleum Institute; see below.)
There can be any number of data tables, one for each analytical technique that produces data in some numeric format. The USGS AOGDB has 19 data tables and one legend table that attempts to correlate tabular information back to the original PGS notations. Additionally, five other tables exist from which a number of elements were transferred to form parts of the HEADER_PGS table. The tables below are the breakout products of the PGS flat file.
HDSP_13c_40_PGS --
d 13C, d D, and d 34S stable isotopes of headspace gas.WHLOIL_13C_65_PGS --
d 13C stable isotopes of whole oils.SAT_ARO_13C_39_PGS --
d 13C stable isotopes of saturate and aromatic fractions.COMMENTS_PGS -- Sample/analytical comments.
ELEM_36_PGS -- Weight percent carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and ash.
ELEM_37_PGS -- Weight percent oxygen, sulfur, and ash.
FRAC_2930_PGS -- Weight percent saturates, aromatics, and non-hydrocarbon fractions.
CANGAS_8081_PGS -- Chemical analyses of canned headspace gas.
GASRNG_23_PGS -- C5–C8 gasoline range components by gas chromatography.
GC_3162_PGS -- C7-C35 paraffin range components by gas chromatography.
HEADER_PGS -- Location, lithology, age, and rock unit information.
ISOT_38_PGS --
d 34S, d 15N Stable isotopes of saturates and ashpaltenes.LEGEND_PGS -- Correlates to PGS analytical tables (contained herein).
MASTER_PGS -- Codes in the data file and the COMMENTS_PGS comments field.
RKEV_41_PGS -- Standard Rock-Eval pyrolysis data.
SPGR_60_PGS -- Specific gravity of oils.
TAI_35_PGS -- Thermal alteration index of macerals.
TC_TOC_2728_PGS -- Weight percent total carbon and total organic carbon values.
TEAFID_26_PGS -- Percent volatiles, tmax, and hydrocarbon yield (thermal evolution analysis).
VISKER_34_PGS - Visual kerogen analysis.
VITREF_33_PGS - Vitrinite Reflectance analysis.
Please note that throughout the text part of this document UNDERLINED words are actual table names and BOLD words are table elements (field/column titles).
The data tables are structured such that the first four columns of each data table are identical in structure and provide a linking "key" to the HEADER_PGS table. Note that the column entitled RC_* is not present in the HEADER_PGS table but exists in all the Data tables. The internal "key" for the AOGDB is the WMO reference number.
The WMO number is a concatenation of four basic components: WSC UNIQ HCST and SEQ and is derived by combining the World Meteorological Organization’s global quadrant naming convention with the American Petroleum Institute’s naming convention for wells. Please also note that the API number for wells lies between the second and fifteenth position of the WMO number. The following explains the formation of the WMO number: (note: these are not table elements)
1. WSC (World, State, County). Text field formed by the World State County combined codes of the WMO number. Samples collected within the U.S.A (including Alaska, Hawaii, and its Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ)) are identified by the world quadrant number of "9," then a two digit State code followed by a three digit county code. In instances of samples received outside the U.S.A or the EEZ, the State and county codes become pseudo State and county codes by substituting two digits of latitude for the State code and three digits of longitude for the county code. The 6 digits in the WSC are the first six digits in the WMO number.
2. UNIQ (unique well number). The unique part of an API well number. In the case of outcrops, the UNIQ value becomes a serial five digit number greater than 94999. The UNIQ part of the WMO number contains five digits beginning at the 7th position of the WMO number.
3. HCST (hole change side track). Side Track and Hole Change. The HCST field consists of four digits and begins at the 12th position of the WMO number. It is normally "0000."
4. SEQ (sequence). The last 4 digits of the WMO number. Provides for multiple (9999) samples from one location. This part begins at the 16th position of the WMO number.
The data types used in the following tables are:
Type Character length |
Text 0-255 |
Integer 1-9 |
Real 1-9 |
Double 1-16 |
To minimize the database size, many text fields are encoded. Refer to the section Encoding Schemes on page 30 for more information.
Table HEADER_PGS contains information about the sample including latitude, longitude location, elevation, depth, other location information, sample identification, sample type(s), lithology, formation names and ages, well and outcrop (surface) samples, and any additional information. All of these data elements are contained in the HEADER_PGS table. In addition, the table contains other information that may be used in data retrieval for specialized reports, charts, and maps. HEADER_PGS contains information from a number of the original tables in the original PGS flat file.
Table HEADER_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 22,326)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
Text |
14 |
3 |
Text |
8 |
4 |
DI_B001 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
M1 |
Text |
1 |
6 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
7 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
8 |
Text |
2 |
9 |
Text |
6 |
10 |
Text |
17 |
11 |
Text |
40 |
12 |
Text |
10 |
13 |
Text |
7 |
14 |
Text |
2 |
15 |
Text |
10 |
16 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
17 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
18 |
Text |
4 |
19 |
Text |
4 |
20 |
LC_R020 |
Text |
4 |
21 |
Text |
20 |
22 |
P1 |
Text |
4 |
23 |
Text |
20 |
24 |
P2 |
Text |
4 |
25 |
Text |
20 |
26 |
P3 |
Text |
4 |
27 |
Text |
20 |
28 |
P4 |
Text |
4 |
29 |
Text |
20 |
30 |
CP1 |
Text |
4 |
31 |
Text |
20 |
32 |
CP2 |
Text |
4 |
33 |
Text |
1 |
34 |
Text |
1 |
35 |
Text |
4 |
Description of elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 API -- Unique American Petroleum Institute Well Number.
3 LABNO -- Prime Contractor’s (USGS) Lab number.
4 DI_B001 -- Date sample entered into system. A login date.
5 M1 -- Metric or English indicator units (depths, etc.)
6 TOP -- Top depth of sampled interval (if from a well).
7 BOT -- Bottom depth of sampled interval (or blank if spot sample).
8 STY -- Sample source or type code (core, cuttings, gas, etc.)
9 CONTAINER -- External/Internal condition (ec,ic,ad codes) of container.
10 ADDNL -- Additional comments, fieldnames, special ID’s.
11 SAMPID -- Sample identification: either a well number and name (if from a well database) or the submitter's field sample name [if an outcrop (surface) sample.]
12 ELEV -- Elevation of well or outcrop (units as in M1).
13 TLD -- Total depth (if from a well).
14 WELCLAS -- Well Class (unknown encoding scheme).
15 SRT -- For samples within the U.S., the Township direction (D), Township (NNN), Range direction, Range, and section number in the following format: DNNNDNNNNN.
16 LAT -- Latitude, 5 decimals.
17 LONG -- Longitude, 5 decimals.
18 FAGE -- Formation age code.
19 FUNIT -- Formation name code.
20 LC_R020 -- Lab Code Notation in PGS.
21 LITHO1 -- Gross lithology #1 Encoded text field.
22 P1 -- Percent of lithology #1.
23 LITHO2 -- Gross lithology #2 Encoded text field.
24 P2 -- Percent of lithology #2.
25 LITHO3 -- Gross lithology #3 Encoded text field.
26 P3 -- Percent of lithology #3.
27 LITHO4 -- Gross lithology #4 Encoded text field.
28 P4 -- Percent of lithology #4
29 CONTAM1 -- Contaminant #1 Encoded text field.
30 CP1 -- Percent of contaminant #1.
31 CONTAM2 -- Contaminant #2 Encoded text field.
32 CP2 -- Percent of contaminant #2.
33 POR -- Gross porosity code.
34 SHO -- Gross SHOW code.
35 SWT -- Sample Weight.
The HEADER_PGS table contains one row per sample, each row comprised of all 35 columns as defined above.
The table HDSP_13C_40_PGS contains data on the stable carbon isotopic signature (d13C) of headspace gas. The number "40" in the table references the old PGS code of 040 for this analysis. The leading 7 characters of the HDSP_13C_40_PGS table attempt to convey that this table consists of stable carbon isotopic values on headspace (HDSP) gas.
Table HDSP_13C_40_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 548)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_R040 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_R040 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_R040 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
C13_HDSP |
Text |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_R040 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis. Note that the lower case "r" originally implied that the original sample fraction received into the lab was a rock sample. In this instance, even though a gas sample was analyzed, it originated from the desorption of a canned core (rock) sample.
3 LC_R040 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_R040 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 C13_HDSP -- Parts per thousand
d from the international standard (PeeDee Belemnite) PDB. Note: Several isotope values were reported without the negative ("-") notation. These values were, in all likelihood, improperly keypunched into the system. This observer thinks that in fact, no positive values exist in this data set. No attempt has been made here to remedy this oversight.The Table WHLOIL_13C_65_PGS contains information on the Stable Carbon Isotopes of Whole Oils. The last six digits of the table name relate to the old PGS analytical code of 065 for this analysis.
Table WHLOIL_13C_65_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 112)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
20 |
2 |
RC_o065 |
7 |
3 |
LC_o065 |
4 |
4 |
DO_o065 |
6 |
5 |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_o065 -- Old PGS record code for this analysis. Note that the lower case "o" implied that the original sample fraction received into the lab was an oil sample.
3 LC_o065 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_o065 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 13CWHLOIL --
d stable carbon isotopic value in parts per thousand d variance from that of the international standard: PDB.
The table SAT_ARO_13C_39_PGS contains information on the Stable Carbon Isotopes of the C15+ saturate and C15+ aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of oils and rock extracts. This table is a combination of the old PGS r039 and o039 data tables.
Table SAT_ARO_13C_39_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 805)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_039 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_039 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_039 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
C13_S15 |
Text |
8 |
6 |
C13_A15 |
Text |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_039 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis. Note that there exists no lower-case designation for (r)ock samples or (o)il samples as in other tables.
3 LC_039 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_039 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 C13_S15 -- The delta
d 13C stable isotopic value in parts per thousand variance from that of the international standard: PDB of the C15+ saturate fraction.6 C13_A15 -- The delta
d 13C stable isotopic value in parts per thousand variance from that of the international standard: PDB of the C15+ aromatic fraction.
The table COMMENTS_PGS is a forum for the contracting lab to make statements regarding the sample condition, analytical technique, or to list problems encountered with the sample. Preserved in the table are the original API values before they were modified to WMO numbers. NOTE: The comment field of this table has been transferred to the MASTER_PGS table to facilitate the use of the comments field in data table lookups to insure the sample integrity.
Table COMMENTS_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 2,698)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
20 |
2 |
14 |
3 |
SQ |
4 |
4 |
7 |
5 |
40 |
6 |
6 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 API -- The original API designation of the sample in PGS.
3 SQ -- The original sequence number in PGS.
4 RECNO -- The original record number in PGS.
5 COMMENT -- Any Comment regarding the sample.
6 FILDTE -- Filing date of the comment.
The table ELEM_36_PGS contains information on the elemental composition of a sample including: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and ash.
Table ELEM_36_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 1,813)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_R036 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_R036 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_R036 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
6 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
7 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
8 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_R036 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_R036 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_R036 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 WPCT_C -- Weight Percent carbon.
6 WPCT_H -- Weight Percent hydrogen.
7 WPCT_N -- Weight Percent nitrogen.
8 WPCT_ASH -- Weight Percent ash.
The table: ELEM_37_PGS contains information on the elemental composition of the sample including sulfur and oxygen.
Table ELEM_37_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 910)
# 1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_R037 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_R037 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_R037 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
6 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
7 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_R036 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_R036 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_R036 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 WPCT_O -- Weight percent oxygen.
6 WPCT_S -- Weight percent sulfur.
7 ASH_WPCT -- Weight percent ash.
The table FRAC_2930_PGS is a combination of two PGS tables and includes data on the fractional composition of rock extracts or oils.
Table FRAC_2930_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 1,534)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_R029 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_R029 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_R029 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
6 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
7 |
RC_030 |
Text |
7 |
8 |
LC_R030 |
Text |
4 |
9 |
DO_R030 |
Text |
6 |
10 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
11 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
12 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
13 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_029 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_R029 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_R029 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 GM_RK_WT -- Weight in grams of rock.
6 PPM_BIT -- Parts per million (ppm) of bitumen.
7 RC_030 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
8 LC_R030 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
9 DO_R030 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
10 PCT_SATS -- Percentage of saturated components in the sample.
11 PCT_AROM -- Percentage of aromatic components in the sample.
12 PCT_N_HC -- Percentage of non-hydrocarbon components in the sample.
13 PCT_RECV -- Percent of sample recovered.
The CANGAS_8081_PGS table is again a combination of two PGS tables. This table contains chemical composition data as well as stable carbon isotopic data for the methane and CO2 compounds in the headspace part of canned samples.
Table CANGAS_8081_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 75)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_G080 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_G080 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_G080 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
6 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
7 |
CO2 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
8 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
9 |
H2S |
Number(Double) |
8 |
10 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
11 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
12 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
13 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
14 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
15 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
16 |
RC_G081 |
Text |
7 |
17 |
LC_G081 |
Text |
4 |
18 |
DO_R081 |
Text |
6 |
19 |
13C_C1 |
Text |
8 |
20 |
13C_CO2 |
Text |
8 |
21 |
Text |
40 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_G080 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_G080 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_G080 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 AIR -- Mole percentage of both air and nitrogen in the sample.
6 METHANE -- Mole percentage of methane in the sample.
7 CO2 -- Mole percentage of carbon dioxide in the sample.
8 ETHANE -- Mole percentage of ethane in the sample.
9 H2S -- Mole percentage of hydrogen sulfide in the sample.
10 PROPANE -- Mole percentage of propane in the sample.
11 IBUTANE -- Mole percentage of iso-butane in the sample.
12 NBUTANE -- Mole percentage of normal butane in the sample.
13 IPENTANE -- Mole percentage of iso-pentane in the sample.
14 NPENTANE -- Mole percentage of normal pentane in the sample.
15 HEXANES -- Estimated mole percentage of hexanes+ in the sample.
16 RC_G081 -- The old record code from PGS for this analysis.
17 LC_G081 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
18 DO_R081 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
19 13C_C1 -- Stable carbon d13C isotope of the methane homolog as compared to the international standard, PDB.
20 13C_CO2 -- Stable carbon d13C isotope of the carbon dioxide peak as compared to the international standard, PDB.
21 COMMENT -- Analytical comments regarding the sample. NOTE: this comment field is not the same as the comment field in the COMMENTS_PGS or MASTER_PGS tables.
The GASRNG_23_PGS table summarizes the content of most of the more commonly found peaks in the C5-C8 chromatogram.
Table GASRNG_23_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 1,296)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_023 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_RO23 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_R023 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
IC4 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
6 |
NC4 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
7 |
NEO_C5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
8 |
IC5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
9 |
NC5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
10 |
22DM_C4 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
11 |
CYC_C5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
12 |
23DM_C4 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
13 |
2M_C5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
14 |
3M_C5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
15 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
16 |
M_CYC_C5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
17 |
22_DM_C5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
18 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
19 |
24_DM_C5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
20 |
223_TMC4 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
21 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
22 |
33_DM_C5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
23 |
11DMCYC5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
24 |
2_M_HEX |
Number(Double) |
8 |
25 |
23_DM_C5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
26 |
1C3DMCC5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
27 |
3_M_HEX |
Number(Double) |
8 |
28 |
1T3DMCC5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
29 |
1T2DMCC5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
30 |
3_ETH_C5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
31 |
224TM_C5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
32 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
33 |
1C2DMCC5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
34 |
M_CYC_C6 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
35 |
113TMCC5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
36 |
22DM_C6 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
37 |
E_CYC_C5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
38 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
39 |
C4_C8PPM |
Number(Double) |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_023 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_RO23 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_R023 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 IC4 -- Weight percent iso-butane.
6 NC4 -- Weight percent normal butane.
7 NEO_C5 -- Weight percent neo-pentane.
8 IC5 -- Weight percent iso-pentane.
9 NC5 -- Weight percent normal pentane.
10 22DM_C4 -- Weight percent 2,2,dimethyl butane.
11 CYC_C5 -- Weight percent cyclo pentane.
12 23DM_C4 -- Weight percent 2,3, dimethyl butane.
13 2M_C5 -- Weight percent 2 methyl pentane.
14 3M_C5 -- Weight percent 3 methyl Pentane.
15 N_HEX -- Weight percent normal hexane.
16 M_CYC_C5 -- Weight percent methyl cyclo pentane.
17 22_DM_C5 -- Weight percent 2,2, dimethyl pentane.
18 BENZENE -- Weight percent benzene.
19 24_DM_C5 -- Weight percent 2,4, dimethyl pentane.
20 223_TMC4 -- Weight percent 2,2,3 tri methyl butane.
21 CYC_HEX -- Weight percent cyclo hexane.
22 33_DM_C5 -- Weight percent 3,3 dimethyl pentane.
23 11DMCYC5 -- Weight percent 1,1 dimethyl cyclo pentane.
24 2_M_HEX -- Weight percent 2 methyl hexane.
25 23_DM_C5 -- Weight percent 2,3 dimethyl pentane.
26 1C3DMCC5 -- Weight percent 1-cis-3 dimethyl cyclo pentane.
27 3_M_HEX -- Weight percent 3 methyl hexane.
28 1T3DMCC5 -- Weight percent 1-trans-3 dimethyl cyclo pentane.
29 1T2DMCC5 -- Weight percent 1-trans-2 dimethyl cyclo pentane.
30 3_ETH_C5 -- Weight percent 3 ethyl pentane.
31 224TM_C5 -- Weight percent 2,2,4 trimethyl pentane.
32 N_HEP -- Weight percent normal heptane.
33 1C2DMCC5 -- Weight percent 1-cis-2 dimethyl cyclo pentane.
34 M_CYC_C6 -- Weight percent methyl cyclo hexane.
35 113TMCC5 -- Weight percent 1,1,3 trimethyl cyclo pentane.
36 22DM_C6 -- Weight percent 2,2, dimethyl hexane.
37 E_CYC_C5 -- Weight percent ethyl cyclo pentane.
38 TOLUENE -- Weight percent toluene.
39 C4_C8PPM -- Parts Per Million (ppm) all C4-C8 compounds.
The GC_3162_PGS table contains information on the C7-C35 normal alkanes within the saturate fraction of the sample.
Table GC_3162_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 1,061)
# 1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_031 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_031 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_031 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
N_C7 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
6 |
N_C8 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
7 |
N_C9 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
8 |
N_C10 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
9 |
N_C11 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
10 |
N_C12 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
11 |
N_C13 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
12 |
N_C14 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
13 |
N_C15 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
14 |
N_C16 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
15 |
N_C17 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
16 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
17 |
N_C18 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
18 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
19 |
N_C19 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
20 |
N_C20 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
21 |
N_C21 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
22 |
N_C22 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
23 |
N_C23 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
24 |
N_C24 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
25 |
N_C25 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
26 |
N_C26 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
27 |
N_C27 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
28 |
N_C28 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
29 |
N_C29 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
30 |
N_C30 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
31 |
N_C31 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
32 |
N_C32 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
33 |
N_C33 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
34 |
N_C34 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
35 |
N_C35 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
36 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
37 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
38 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_031 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_031 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_031 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 N_C7 -- Weight percent normal C7.
6 N_C8 -- Weight percent normal C8.
7 N_C9 -- Weight percent normal C9.
8 N_C10 -- Weight percent normal C10.
9 N_C11 -- Weight percent normal C11.
10 N_C12 -- Weight percent normal C12.
11 N_C13 -- Weight percent normal C13.
12 N_C14 -- Weight percent normal C14.
13 N_C15 -- Weight percent normal C15.
14 N_C16 -- Weight percent normal C16.
15 N_C17 -- Weight percent normal C17.
16 PRIST -- Weight percent pristine.
17 N_C18 -- Weight percent normal C18.
18 PHYT -- Weight percent phytane.
19 N_C19 -- Weight percent normal C19.
20 N_C20 -- Weight percent normal C20.
21 N_C21 -- Weight percent normal C21.
22 N_C22 -- Weight percent normal C22.
23 N_C23 -- Weight percent normal C23.
24 N_C24 -- Weight percent normal C24.
25 N_C25 -- Weight percent normal C25.
26 N_C26 -- Weight percent normal C26.
27 N_C27 -- Weight percent normal C27.
28 N_C28 -- Weight percent normal C28.
29 N_C29 -- Weight percent normal C29.
30 N_C30 -- Weight percent normal C30.
31 N_C31 -- Weight percent normal C31
32 N_C32 -- Weight percent normal C32.
33 N_C33 -- Weight percent normal C33.
34 N_C34 -- Weight percent normal C34.
35 N_C35 -- Weight percent normal C35.
36 PCT_RESL -- Percent resolved peaks.
37 CPI -- Carbon preference index.
38 PR_PH -- Ratio pristane/phytane.
The ISOT_38_PGS table contains information on the asphaltene fraction of the sample.
Table ISOT_38_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 103)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_O038 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_O038 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_O038 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
6 |
34S_ASPH |
Text |
8 |
7 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
8 |
15N_ASPH |
Text |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_O038 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_O038 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_O038 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 WPCT_S -- Weight percent sulfur.
6 34S_ASPH --
d 34S of asphaltenes.7 WPCT_N -- Weight percent nitrogen.
8 15N_ASPH --
d 15N of asphaltenes.The LEGEND_PGS table is a tool to document the original table names and contents into the present-day scheme.
Table LEGEND_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 24)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
8 |
2 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
3 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
4 |
Text |
8 |
5 |
Text |
8 |
6 |
Text |
8 |
7 |
Text |
8 |
8 |
Text |
40 |
Description of the elements:
1 TABN -- Table ID.
2 NUMCOLS -- Number of columns.
3 NUMROWS -- Number of rows.
4 ORIGPGS1 -- Original PGS table ID of 1st table.
5 ORIGPGS2 -- Original PGS ID of 2nd table.
6 ORIGPGS3 -- Original PGS ID of 3rd Table.
7 ORIGPGS4 -- Original PGS ID of 4th Table.
8 COMMENT -- Comments on naming convention.
The RKEV_41_PGS table contains information on Rock-Eval (pyrolysis) samples.
Table RKEV_41_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 7,534)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_R041 |
Text |
8 |
3 |
LC_R041 |
Text |
8 |
4 |
DO_R041 |
Text |
8 |
5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
6 |
S1 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
7 |
S2 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
8 |
S3 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
9 |
PI |
Number(Double) |
8 |
10 |
S2S3 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
11 |
PC |
Number(Double) |
8 |
12 |
OC |
Number(Double) |
8 |
13 |
HI |
Number(Double) |
8 |
14 |
OI |
Number(Double) |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_R041 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_R041 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_R041 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 TMAX -- Tmax (maximum temperature) of S2 peak (°C)
6 S1 -- Amount of volatile hydrocarbons (hc) (S1, milligrams rock) (hc/gram rock).
7 S2 -- Amount of pyrolyzable hydrocarbons (hc) (S2, milligrams rock) (hg/gram rock).
8 S3 -- Amount of CO2 released during pyrolysis (milligrams CO2 / gram rock).
9 PI -- Rock-Eval Production Index (S1/S1+S2).
10 S2S3 -- S2/S3 Ratio of pyrolyzable hydrocarbons to CO2.
11 PC -- Total pyrolyzable organic carbon (in weight percent of rock).
12 TOC -- Total organic Carbon (in weight percent of rock).
13 HI -- Rock-Eval Hydrogen Index (mg hc/gram organic carbon).
14 OI -- Rock-Eval Oxygen Index (mg CO2 /gram organic carbon).
The SPGR_60_PGS table contains information on the Specific Gravity of crude oils.
Table SPGR_60_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 84)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_O060 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_O060 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_O060 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_O060 The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_O060 A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_O060 Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 SPGR API gravity (crude oils only).
The TAI_35_PGS table contains information on the Thermal Alteration Index of the sample.
Table TAI_35_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 3,846)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_R035 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_R035 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_R035 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_R035 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_R035 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_R035 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 TAI -- Thermal Alteration Index.
The TC_TOC_2728_PGS combined table contains information on the total carbon and total organic carbon concentrations of rock samples.
Table TC_TOC_2728_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 18,493)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_R027 |
Text |
4 |
3 |
LC_R027 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_R027 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
6 |
LC_R028 |
Text |
4 |
7 |
DO_R028 |
Text |
6 |
8 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_R027 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_R027 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_R027 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 TOC_WTPC -- Weight percent total organic carbon.
6 LC_R028 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
7 DO_R028 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
8 TC_WTPCT -- Weight percent total carbon.
The TEAFID_26_PGS table contains information on the pyrolysis of rock samples via thermal evolution analysis (TEA).
Table TEAFID_26_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 6,338)
# 1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_R026 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_R026 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_R026 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
6 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
7 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_R026 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_R026 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_R026 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 HC_YIELD -- Weight PCT hydrocarbon yield.
6 VOLATILE -- Parts per million volatile Hydrocarbons <300 oC.
7 TEA_MAX -- Maximum temp of hydrocarbon yield by TEA.
The VISKER_34_PGS table contains information on the visual kerogen types.
Table VISKER_34_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 4,538)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_R034 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_R034 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_R034 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
6 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
7 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
8 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_R034 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_R034 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_R034 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 AMORP -- Normalized percent amorphous kerogen.
6 HERBA -- Normalized percent herbaceous kerogen.
7 WOODY -- Normalized percent woody kerogen.
8 INERT -- Normalized percent inert kerogen.
The VITREF_33_PGS table contains information on the vitrinite reflectance of samples.
Table VITREF_33_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 4,830)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
RC_R033 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
LC_R033 |
Text |
4 |
4 |
DO_R033 |
Text |
6 |
5 |
Text |
8 |
6 |
Text |
8 |
7 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
8 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
9 |
Text |
8 |
10 |
Text |
8 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 RC_R033 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
3 LC_R033 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
4 DO_R033 -- Assumed to be the date of completion of the analysis or the date the data was encoded into the file.
5 P_QUAL -- Quality of the polish.
6 EASE_CY1 -- Ease of selecting the first cycle.
7 RO_MEAN -- Mean value of all reflectance measurements.
8 MODAL -- Median reflectance value
9 PYRITE -- Abundance of pyrite.
10 ROS -- Individual reflectance measurements.
Other tables in the Alaskan database are designed to be used as reference tables or lookup tables. These tables are included but are not intended to be used as stand-alone data tables (see LEGEND_PGS table for explanations.)
The R_UNIT_PGS table contains data that is included in the HEADER_PGS table. This table is useful to obtain English conversion of the many rock unit codes used in the Header_PGS table.
Table R_UNIT_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 742)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
4 |
2 |
Text |
4 |
3 |
FM |
Text |
43 |
4 |
Text |
40 |
Description of the elements:
1 FAGE -- Formation age code.
2 FUNIT -- Formation unit code.
3 FM -- English formation name.
4 ERA -- Major geologic Era.
The POINTS_PGS table contains outcrop location information included in the HEADER_PGS table.
Table POINTS_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 2,933)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
ID |
Text |
20 |
3 |
Text |
20 |
4 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
5 |
LO |
Number(Double) |
8 |
6 |
Text |
10 |
7 |
Text |
4 |
8 |
Text |
4 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 ID -- Sample identification.
3 UNKN1 -- Unknown field.
4 LATTIT -- Latitude.
5 LO -- Longitude.
6 ELE -- Elevation.
7 FAGE -- Formation age code.
8 FUNIT -- Formation unit code.
The MASTER_PGS table contains information on the correlation between WMO numbers and their associated records. It also includes the comment field from COMMENTS_PGS.
Table MASTER_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 131,459)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
Text |
7 |
3 |
Text |
40 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 CODES -- Record codes.
3 COMMENT -- Analytical comments regarding the analysis from the contracting lab.
The A001_Wells_PGS table contains information on the wells sampled. This information is contained in the HEADER_PGS table.
Table A001_WELLS_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 19,103)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
Text |
14 |
3 |
X |
Text |
4 |
4 |
RC_A001 |
Text |
7 |
5 |
Text |
40 |
6 |
Text |
10 |
7 |
Text |
7 |
8 |
Text |
2 |
9 |
Text |
10 |
10 |
FD_A001 |
Text |
6 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 API -- Unique American Petroleum Institute well number.
3 X -- Unknown field.
4 RC_A001 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
5 WELLN -- Well name.
6 ELEV -- Elevation.
7 TLD -- Total depth.
8 WELCLAS -- Well class.
9 SRT -- Location of well in DTTTDRRRSS notation.
10 FD_A001 -- File date.
The B001_Outcrops_PGS table contains data on the outcrops sampled in the study. This information resides in the HEADER_PGS table.
Table B001_OUTCROPS_PGS column definitions (Record Count: 21,941)
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Field Length (Characters) |
1 |
Text |
20 |
2 |
Text |
14 |
3 |
SQ |
Text |
4 |
4 |
RC_B001 |
Text |
7 |
5 |
LC_B001 |
Text |
4 |
6 |
Text |
8 |
7 |
DI_B001 |
Text |
6 |
8 |
M1 |
Text |
1 |
9 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
10 |
Number(Double) |
8 |
11 |
Text |
2 |
12 |
Text |
17 |
13 |
FD_B001 |
Text |
6 |
Description of the elements:
1 WMO -- Modified form of the API number.
2 API -- Unique American Petroleum Institute well number.
3 SQ -- Sequence number.
4 RC_B001 -- The old PGS record code for this analysis.
5 LC_B001 -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed.
6 LABNO -- Laboratory ID number.
7 DI_B001 -- Date sample entered into laboratory.
8 M1 -- Measurement in (F)eet or (M)eters.
9 TOP -- Top depth.
10 BOT -- Bottom depth.
11 STY -- Sample type.
12 ADDNL -- Additional comments.
13 FD_B001 -- File date.
ADDNL -- Submitter's Additional Description (free format ASCII)
API -- Modified American Petroleum Institute number (assigned for all samples from within the United States and the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone [USA/EEZ]); or see WMO.
BD -- Bottom Depth sampled in units specified by M1 (8 bytes, integer or floating point number)
CONTAINER -- A code formed by the concatenation of the container type (CT), 1 character + the external condition of the container (EC), 2 characters + the internal condition of the container (IC), 1 character + any additional information on the sample within the container (AD) 2 characters. Below is a breakout of these fields:
CT container type code (1 byte maximum):
Code: Container type:
B Pressure cylinder (bomb)
C Can
E Paper or plastic envelope or bag
G Glass bottle
P Plastic bottle
U None (or unknown)
EC Container external condition code (2 bytes maximum):
Code: External condition:
AT Tightly sealed, no holes or tears (air-tight)
NT Not tightly sealed, damaged
UK Unknown
IC Container internal condition code (1 bytes maximum)
Code: Internal condition:
-0- (null) not applicable
A Sample absent
D Dry
M Wet
U Unwashed
Q Unknown
AD Known additional information on the sample within the container. A 2- byte (maximum) code is used here to describe the following:
Code: Additional information:
CL Control sample
CO Coal
CS Composite
DT Drill stem test
OS Oil-stained rock
UK Unknown
RS Research sample (not applicable directly to mapping.
CONTAM -- (Possible or probable) Contaminant codes, usually provided by submitter or sample prep lab technician. Modeled after PI PGS "Catalog of contaminants" 6 byte code, first 3 bytes = contaminant code, last 3 bytes = % abundance.
Code: Contaminant:
-0- (null) = no observable contaminants (default)
B01 Unknown contaminant
B02 Varied organic contaminants
B03 Varied inorganic contaminants
B04 Carvings (from borehole)
B05 Casing cement
B06 Drilling mud
B07 Mud additives
B08 Walnut shells
B09 Straw
B10 Mica
B11 Rubber
B12 Oil-base drilling mud
B13 Pipe dope
B14 Gilsonite
B15 Asphalt
B19 No contaminants
B21 Diesel oil
B22 Crude oil
B23 Lignosulfonate
B25 Sample package contaminant (core box wax)
% Abundance = 000 through 100%; 001 implies 1% or less estimated abundance of suspect contaminant; default 000 implies no contaminants or not applicable.
ELEV -- Elevation of well or surface sample in units specified by M1 (8 bytes, integer or floating-point number)
FAGE -- Formation age code (3 decimal digits):
The FAGE and FUNIT codes are the concept of Petroleum Information Corp. (PI) and the FAGE code is a combination of two fields: the first two digits for encoding the geologic time table SYSTEM, and the last digit for encoding the geologic time table EPOCH or (series). Please note that the Fage and Funit elements do not necessarily conform to accepted USGS naming conventions or standards in appropriate naming of lithological sections.
Code, Series: |
00 Unknown |
0 Unknown |
70 Quaternary |
9 Undifferentiated |
2 Holocene |
1 Pleistocene |
66 Quaternary |
9 Tertiary (boundary) |
65 Tertiary |
9 Undifferentiated |
5 Pliocene |
4 Miocene |
3 Oligocene |
2 Eocene |
1 Paleocene |
61 Tertiary |
9 Cretaceous (boundary) |
60 Cretaceous |
9 Undifferentiated |
5 Gulfian |
4 Montanan |
3 Coloradoan |
2 Comanchean |
1 Coahuilan |
56 Jurassic |
9 Cretaceous (boundary) |
55 Jurassic |
9 Undifferentiated |
3 Upper |
2 Middle |
1 Lower |
51 Triassic |
9 Jurassic (boundary) |
50 Triassic |
9 Undifferentiated |
3 Upper |
2 Middle |
1 Lower |
46 Permo |
9 Triassic (boundary) |
45 Permian |
9 Undifferentiated |
4 Ochoan |
3 Guadalupian |
2 Leonardian |
1 Wolfcampian |
41 Permo |
9 Pennsylvanian (boundary) |
40 Pennsylvanian |
9 Undifferentiated |
6 Virgilian or Cisco or Monogahelan |
5 Missourian or Canyon or Conemaughan |
4 Desmoinesian or Strawn or Alleghenian |
3 Atokan or Bend or Pottsvillian |
2 Morrowan |
1 Springeran |
36 Mississippian) |
9 Pennsylvanian (boundary |
35 Mississippian |
9 Undifferentiated |
4 Chesterian |
3 Meramecian |
2 Osagean |
1 Kinderhookian |
31 Mississippian |
9 Devonian (boundary) |
30 Devonian |
9 Undifferentiated |
6 Upper |
5 Bradfordian |
4 Chautauquan |
3 Senecan |
2 Erian or Middle |
1 Ulsterian or Lower |
26 Silurian |
9 Devonian (boundary) |
25 Silurian |
9 Undifferentiated |
3 Cayugan |
2 Niagaran |
1 Albion or Alexandrian |
21 Silurian |
9 Ordovician (boundary) |
20 Ordovician |
9 Undifferentiated |
3 Cincinnatian |
2 Champlainian |
1 Canadian |
16 Cambro |
9 Ordovician (boundary) |
15 Cambrian |
9 Undifferentiated |
3 Croixian |
2 Albertan |
1 Waucoban |
11 Precambrian |
9 Cambrian (boundary) |
10 Precambrian |
9 Undifferentiated |
FUNIT -- Formation name code (as many as 5 bytes, alphabetic).
The FUNIT code is an abbreviation of localized naming of the sample collection zone. The codes are 4 - 5 characters in length and for this data set can be found in the table entitled: R_UNIT_PGS. See comments on FAGE above.
HCST -- Side-track/hole change part of API number (4 numeric digits).
LAT -- Sampling location latitude (a +/- real value to 5 decimal places).
LC_* -- A code depicting the subcontracting laboratory in which the sample was analyzed. The first 2 alpha characters of the 4 character code is the contractor code (CC):
AK Alaska Div of Oil & Gas
CL Core Labs, Inc.
CS Canadian Geological Survey
GC Geochem Research
GS USGS Organic Geochem Lab, Denver, CO
MO Mobil Oil Co.
NA Not Available/unknown
SH Shell Oil Co.
TE Tenneco Oil Co.
UN Unical Oil Co.
WH Woods Hole
The next two characters in the LC_* codes are the laboratory codes for the analytical lab performing the analyses (LC):
BR Brown & Ruth Labs
CL Core Labs, Inc.
CS Canadian Geological Survey
GC Geochem Research
GG Global Geochemistry Corp.
GS USGS Organic Geochem Lab, Denver, CO
NA Not Available/unknown
SH Shell Oil Co.
TE Tenneco Oil Co.
UN Union Oil Co.
WH Woods Hole
LITHO -- Lithology codes having as many as 4 alphabetic characters for the actual lithology, then 3 decimal digits expressing the approximate percentage of the lithology, as determined by the submitter or laboratory technician. (The sum of all LITHO and CONTAM percentages should be 100.)
Code: Lithology:
XXXX Not available or not determined
ANHY Anhydrite
CCRN Concretion
CHRT Chert
DOLL Limey dolomite
DOLO Dolomite
FLMD Mudstone
FLSH Shale
FMCY Claystone
LSAR Argillaceous limestone
LSCH Cherty limestone
LSDL Limey dolomite
LSFL Laminated limestone
LSND Limestone
MICR Micrite
SHBT Bituminous shale
SILT Siltstone
SSBT Tar or solid bitumens
SSLS Limey sandstone
SSND Sandstone
TUFF Volcanic tuff
LONG -- Sampling location longitude (a +/- real value to 5 decimal places).
M1 -- English or Metric units indicator (one character, either F for depths and elevations in feet, or M for depths and elevations in meters).
POR -- Porosity code (one numeric digit), supplied by the submitter, estimated (not measured, see below).
Code: Porosity:
0 Unknown (default)
1 Tight
2 Very poor
3 Poor
4 Fair
5 Good
6 Excellent
SQ -- (as many as 4 ASCII characters, but usually integer numbers).
The last 4 digits of the WMO number designed to provide unique WMO numbers for down-hole samples.
SHO -- Included for compatibility with PI PGS (Oil) "SHOW" code supplied by the submitter. This element contains one numeric digit.
Code: Quality of oil show:
0 Unknown (default)
1 No show
2 Very poor
3 Poor
4 Fair
5 Good
6 Excellent
SRT -- For samples within US/EEZ; by Township, Range and Section:
(10 alphanumeric characters)
Character Definition:
1 Township direction (N or S)
2-4 Township number (right justified, leading blanks)
5 Range direction (E or W)
6-8 Range number (right justified, leading blanks)
9-10 Section number (right justified, leading blanks)
STY -- Sample source code, 2 alpha characters:
Code: Sample source:
CO Core
CT Cuttings
EN Emulsion
GC Suspected contaminant
GS Natural gas
IG Inorganic
LO Generic liquid
MD Drilling mud
OL Crude oil or natural gas condensates
OT Outcrop
SO Generic solid
SW Side wall core
UK Unknown
WT Water
SW -- Sample weight in grams (0 to 9999, right justified).
TD -- Top Depth sampled in units specified by M1.
(8 bytes, integer or floating-point number)
TLD -- Total depth of well in units specified by M1.
(8 bytes, integer or floating-point number)
UNIQ -- Unique well code part of API (digits 6-11 of the API number); compare with API encoding scheme.
WMO - A modified World Meteorological Organization number (assigned for all samples outside the USA/EEZ. The total number of digits in the modified API (or WMO) number is 19, defined thus:
1 World code based on 4 quadrants relative to the
Equator and the Greenwich Meridian:
Digit Definition:
1 = northeast quadrant
3 = southeast quadrant
5 = southwest quadrant
7 = northwest quadrant
2-3 Two digit State or latitude code:
(a) State code as defined by API for USA/EEZ (World = 9)
(b) Latitude of location truncated to the nearest degree
(World = 1, 3, 5, or 7)
4-6 Three digit county or longitude code:
(a) County code as defined by API for USA/EEZ (World = 9)
(b) Longitude of location truncated to the nearest degree
(World = 1, 3, 5, or 7)
7-11 Five-digit unique well code:
(a) 0000-64999 assigned by API for USA/EEZ (World = 9)
(b) 10000-94999 assigned by USGS WAPI for wells outside
the USA/EEZ (World = 1, 3, 5, or 7)
(c) 65000-94999 used for wells for which API has
not assigned a number (World = 9) assigned by USGS WAPI
(d) 95000-99999 assigned by USGS WAPI for non-
well samples (surface, outcrops, speleological,
mines, seeps, etc.)(World = 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9)
12-13 Two-digit side track code assigned by API (World = 9)
14-15 Two-digit hole change code assigned by API (World = 9)
16-19 Four-digit sample sequence number assigned by USGS WAPI
Note: digits 2-15 of the USGS WMO number are identical to the fourteen digit unique API number for all wells within USA/EEZ.
(World = 9). The expanded API/WMO number was developed to assign unique numbers to specific samples collected worldwide.
WSC -- World/State/County or World/Lat/Long part of API (digits 1-6 of the API number); compare with API encoding scheme.
ASCII -- American Standard Code for Information Interchange; usually refers to the characters, numbers, and punctuation marks found on a typewriter or computer keyboard.
CHROMATOGRAPHY -- A method of separating complex mixtures into individual chemical compounds or classes of chemical compounds by differences in their chemical behavior.
EXTRACTION -- The process of dissolution of particular chemical compounds from a solid matrix (that is, rock) into a liquid solution (that is, bitumen or rock extract).
FRACTION -- A group of chemical compounds with similar chemical and physical properties (i.e., saturated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, resins, asphaltenes, kerogen).
GLOBAL -- Applicable to all users.
LOCAL -- Applicable to a small group of users (not global).
PYROLYSIS -- The heating of a sample in the absence of air; followed by subsequent analysis of the products obtained in order to determine quantities of products and/or reaction kinetic factors. Hydrous pyrolysis is done in the presence of an overabundance of water; anhydrous pyrolysis is done on the dry sample.
ROCK-EVAL -- A rapid anhydrous pyrolysis technique used to semi- quantitatively determine the type and quantity of petroleum that could be generated from an oil or gas source rock. A less rapid Rock-Eval technique can also determine kinetic factors.
VITRINITE -- A maceral derived from wood or coaly material that exhibits higher optical reflectivity with increasing exposure to higher temperatures; a thermal maturity indicator.
American Petroleum Institute
Production Department
211 N. Ervay, suite 1700
Dallas, TX 75201 USA
3925 159th Ave NE
PO Box 97022
Redmond, WA 98073-9722 USA
MicroSoft Corporation
16011 NE 36th Way
PO Box 97017
Redmond, WA 98073-9717 USA
Perkin-Elmer/Nelson Chromatography
10061 Bubb Road
Cupertino, CA 95014 USA
Petroleum Information Corporation
4100 E. Dry Creek Road
Littleton, CO 80122 USA
Rock-Eval pyrolysis instrument
Delsi Inc.
600 Kenrick, Suite D-7
Houston, TX 77060 USA
World Meteorological Organization numbering system
National Oceanographic Data Center
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
Washington, DC USA