Supporting Data for the U.S. Geological Survey 2012 World Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources By U.S. Geological Survey World Conventional Resources Assessment Team Members of U.S. Geological Survey World Conventional Resources Assessment Team: Kenneth J. Bird Michael E. Brownfield Ronald R. Charpentier Troy A. Cook Donald L. Gautier Debra K. Higley David W. Houseknecht Mark A. Kirschbaum Timothy R. Klett Thomas E. Moore Janet K. Pitman Richard M. Pollastro Christopher J. Schenk Marilyn E. Tennyson Craig J. Wandrey Katherine J. Whidden Introduction This report provides information pertaining to the 2012 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) assessment of undiscovered, technically recoverable conventional oil and gas resources of the world, exclusive of the United States (U.S. Geological Survey World Conventional Resources Assessment Team, 2012). Some of the results were previously published, mostly in USGS fact sheet series (appendix 1). This readme file describes the 2012 world assessment data files in this report. Unique files are those for which there is only one file of that type and include mostly summaries of input or results. There are also multiple files, for which there exists more than one file of that type. These files are either one file per assessment unit (AU) or one file per assessment unit that has been quantitatively assessed. File Listing Unique Files AU Fractiles.xlsx AU Input.xlsx AU Summary.xlsx Code List.xlsx Country Fractiles.xlsx Country Summary.xlsx Province Fractiles.xlsx Province Summary.xlsx Region Fractiles.xlsx Region Summary.xlsx Multiple Files Official input forms (“c” followed by assessment unit number followed by “.pdf”) Full Monte Carlo output files (“em” followed by assessment unit number followed by “.pdf”) The unique files are available in two formats: Microsoft Excel files (.xlsx) and tab-delimited files (.tab). Because the fractiles workbooks have multiple worksheets, each worksheet is a separate tab-delimited file. AU Fractiles.xlsx (AU Fractiles ***.tab) Files containing a table of fractiles from the results of the Monte Carlo calculations of undiscovered oil and gas resources for individual assessment units. There are 12 worksheets in the Microsoft Excel file, one for each product in the following list. There is also a tab-delimited file for each of the 12 worksheets (with two- or three-letter codes added to the names), one for each product in the following list: ROO Risked Oil in Oil Fields, in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO) RGO Risked Gas in Oil Fields, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) RNO Risked NGL in Oil Fields, in millions of barrels of NGL (MMBNGL) COO Conditional Oil in Oil Fields, in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO) CGO Conditional Gas in Oil Fields, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) CNO Conditional NGL in Oil Fields, in millions of barrels of NGL (MMBNGL) LO Largest Oil Field, in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO) RGG Risked Gas in Gas Fields, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) RLG Risked Liquids in Gas Fields, in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL) CGG Conditional Gas in Gas Fields, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) CLG Conditional Liquids in Gas Fields, in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL) LG Largest Gas Field, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) The table contains 48 columns. Data columns are the following: (1) AU Code—USGS assessment unit code number (2) AU Name—USGS assessment unit name (3) Scenario Code—USGS scenario code number (4) Scenario Name—USGS scenario name (5) TPS Code—USGS total petroleum system code number (6) TPS Name—USGS total petroleum system name (7) Province Code—USGS province code number (8) Province Name—USGS province name (9) Region Code—USGS region code number (10) Region Name—USGS region name (11) Product—the product from the list of twelve products given above (12) Trials—the number of trials used in the Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the distribution (13) Mean—the estimated mean value of resource (14) Median—the estimated median (F50) value of resource (15) Mode—the estimated modal (most likely) value of resource, provided only when the program identifies a clearly defined mode (16) Standard Deviation—the standard deviation of the distribution of estimated resource (17) Variance—the variance of the distribution of estimated resource (18) Skewness—the skewness of the distribution of estimated resource (19) Kurtosis—the kurtosis of the distribution of estimated resource (20) Coefficient of Variability—the coefficient of variability of the distribution of estimated resource (21) Minimum—the minimum (F100) of the distribution of estimated resource (22) Maximum—the maximum (F0) of the distribution of estimated resource (23) Range Width—the range between the minimum and maximum values of the distribution of estimated resource (24) Mean Standard Error—the mean standard error of the distribution of estimated resource (25) Filtered Values—the number of trials filtered out in the Monte Carlo simulation (26) F100—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 100-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. This is the minimum. (27) F95—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (28) F90—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 90-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (29) F85—the estimated value of resource such that there is an 85-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (30) F80—the estimated value of resource such that there is an 80-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (31) F75—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 75-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (32) F70—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 70-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (33) F65—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 65-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (34) F60—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 60-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (35) F55—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 55-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (36) F50—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. This is the median. (37) F45—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 45-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (38) F40—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 40-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (39) F35—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 35-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (40) F30—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 30-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (41) F25—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 25-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (42) F20—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 20-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (43) F15—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 15-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (44) F10—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 10-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (45) F5—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (46) F0—the estimated value of resource such that there is no probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. This is the maximum. (47) Overall Oil Field Probability—the probability that there exists at least one undiscovered oil field equal to or larger than the minimum field size somewhere in the assessment unit. Overall oil-field probability is given as a fractional value from 0 to 1.0. (48) Overall Gas Field Probability—the probability that there exists at least one undiscovered gas field equal to or larger than the minimum field size somewhere in the assessment unit. Overall gas-field probability is given as a fractional value from 0 to 1.0. AU Input.xlsx (AU Files containing input data from the Geologic Data Form for Conventional Assessment Units used in this assessment. Blank cells represent no data. The table contains 268 columns. Data columns are as follows: (1) AU Code—USGS assessment unit code number (2) AU Name—USGS assessment unit name (3) Scenario Code—USGS scenario code number (4) Scenario Name—USGS scenario name (5) TPS Code—USGS total petroleum system code number (6) TPS Name—USGS total petroleum system name (7) Province Code—USGS province code number (8) Province Name—USGS province name (9) Region Code—USGS region code number (10) Region Name—USGS region name (11) Province Geologist—assessor's name (12) Date—date of assessment (13) Based on Data as of—cutoff date used for defining discovered versus undiscovered fields; also versions of databases used in the assessment (14) Notes1—space for notes; if the assessment unit was not quantitatively assessed, it is noted here (15) Notes2—additional space for notes (16) Notes3—additional space for notes (17) Area—area of the assessment unit in square kilometers (18) Minimum Size—minimum field size, in million barrels of oil equivalent, considered for assessment (19) Number Oil > Minimum—number of discovered oil fields equal to or larger than the minimum field size in the assessment unit (20) Number Gas > Minimum—number of discovered gas fields equal to or larger than the minimum field size in the assessment unit (21) Producing fields—a characterization of exploration maturity (along with columns 23, 25, 27, and 28); checked if there is at least one producing field in the assessment unit (22) Number of Producing Fields—number of producing fields in the assessment unit (23) Discoveries—a characterization of exploration maturity (along with columns 21, 25, 27, and 28); denoted if there has been at least one field discovery in the assessment unit but no producing fields (24) Number of Discoveries—number of field discoveries in the assessment unit (25) Wells—a characterization of exploration maturity (along with columns 21, 23, 27, and 28); checked if there has been at least one well drilled in the assessment unit, but no discoveries (26) Number of Wells—number of wells drilled in the assessment unit (27) Seismic—a characterization of exploration maturity (along with columns 21, 23, 25, and 28); checked if there has been seismic run in the assessment unit, but no wells drilled (28) No Seismic—a characterization of exploration maturity (along with columns 21, 23, 25, and 27); checked if there has been no seismic run in the assessment unit (29) Med Oil 1st 3rd—median size, in million barrels of oil, of the set of discovered oil fields that constitute the first third or half of the total number of oil fields ranked according to date of discovery within the assessment unit (30) Med Oil 2nd 3rd—median size, in million barrels of oil, of the set of discovered oil fields that constitute the second third or half of the total number of oil fields ranked according to date of discovery within the assessment unit (31) Med Oil 3rd 3rd—median size, in million barrels of oil, of the set of discovered oil fields that constitute the third third of the total number of oil fields ranked according to date of discovery within the assessment unit (32) Med Gas 1st 3rd—median size, in billion cubic feet of gas, of the set of discovered gas fields that constitute the first third or half of the total number of gas fields ranked according to date of discovery within the assessment unit (33) Med Gas 2nd 3rd—median size, in billion cubic feet of gas, of the set of discovered gas fields that constitute the second third or half of the total number of gas fields ranked according to date of discovery within the assessment unit (34) Med Gas 3rd 3rd—median size, in billion cubic feet of gas, of the set of discovered gas fields that constitute the third third of the total number of gas fields ranked according to date of discovery within the assessment unit (35) Analog Purpose 1—assessment variables for which the first analog set was used (36) Analog Set 1a—description of first analog set (37) Analog Set 1b—description of first analog set (38) Analog Set 1c—description of first analog set (39) Analog Purpose 2—assessment variables for which the second analog set was used (40) Analog Set 2a—description of second analog set (41) Analog Set 2b—description of second analog set (42) Analog Set 2c—description of second analog set (43) Analog Purpose 3—assessment variables for which the third analog set was used (44) Analog Set 3a—description of third analog set (45) Analog Set 3b—description of third analog set (46) Analog Set 3c—description of third analog set (47) Analog Purpose 4—assessment variables for which the fourth analog set was used (48) Analog Set 4a—description of fourth analog set (49) Analog Set 4b—description of fourth analog set (50) Analog Set 4c—description of fourth analog set (51) Scenario Probability—the probability associated with a particular scenario. The total of all scenario probabilities in an AU must equal 1. Scenario probability is given as a fractional value from 0 to 1.0. (52) Charge—probability for adequate petroleum charge for at least one undiscovered field equal to or larger than the minimum field size, somewhere in the assessment unit. Charge is given as a fractional value from 0 to 1.0. (53) Rocks—probability for adequate reservoirs, traps, and seals for at least one undiscovered field equal to or larger than the minimum field size, somewhere in the assessment unit. Rocks is given as a fractional value from 0 to 1.0. (54) Timing—probability for favorable geologic timing for at least one undiscovered field equal to or larger than the minimum field size, somewhere in the assessment unit. Timing is given as a fractional value from 0 to 1.0. (55) AU Probability—the product of charge, rocks, and timing probabilities. AU probability is given as a fractional value from 0 to 1.0. (56) Total Fields Minimum Number—estimated minimum (F100) number of undiscovered fields equal to or larger than the minimum field size in the assessment unit (57) Total Fields Median Number—estimated median (F50) number of undiscovered fields equal to or larger than the minimum field size in the assessment unit (58) Total Fields Maximum Number—estimated maximum (F0) number of undiscovered fields equal to or larger than the minimum field size in the assessment unit (59) Oil/Gas Mix Minimum—minimum estimated measure of the mix of undiscovered oil and gas fields in the assessment unit (60) Oil/Gas Mix Median—median estimated measure of the mix of undiscovered oil and gas fields in the assessment unit (61) Oil/Gas Mix Maximum—maximum estimated measure of the mix of undiscovered oil and gas fields in the assessment unit (62) Oil/Gas Type 1—option used for oil/gas mix (columns 58 to 60); type 1 is the number of oil accumulations divided by the number of total accumulations (63) Oil/Gas Type 2—option used for oil/gas mix (columns 58 to 60); type 2 is the number of oil accumulations divided by the number of gas accumulations (64) Oil/Gas Type 3—option used for oil/gas mix (columns 58 to 60); type 3 is the number of gas accumulations divided by the number of oil accumulations (65) Oil Fields Minimum Number—estimated minimum (F100) number of undiscovered oil fields equal to or larger than the minimum field size in the assessment unit (66) Oil Fields Median Number—estimated median (F50) number of undiscovered oil fields equal to or larger than the minimum field size in the assessment unit (67) Oil Fields Maximum Number—estimated maximum (F0) number of undiscovered oil fields equal to or larger than the minimum field size in the assessment unit (68) Gas Fields Minimum Number—estimated minimum (F100) number of undiscovered gas fields equal to or larger than the minimum field size in the assessment unit (69) Gas Fields Median Number—estimated median (F50) number of undiscovered gas fields equal to or larger than the minimum field size in the assessment unit (70) Gas Fields Maximum Number—estimated maximum (F0) number of undiscovered gas fields equal to or larger than the minimum field size in the assessment unit (71) Oil Fields Minimum Size—estimated minimum (F100) size, in million barrels of oil, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (72) Oil Fields Median Size—estimated median (F50) size, in million barrels of oil, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (73) Oil Fields Maximum Size—estimated maximum (F0) size, in million barrels of oil, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (74) Gas Fields Minimum Size—estimated minimum (F100) size, in billion cubic feet of gas, of undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (75) Gas Fields Median Size—estimated median (F50) size, in billion cubic feet of gas, of undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (76) Gas Fields Maximum Size—estimated maximum (F0) size, in billion cubic feet of gas, of undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (77) Minimum GOR—estimated minimum (F100) gas to oil ratio (GOR), in cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (78) Median GOR—estimated median (F50) gas to oil ratio (GOR), in cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (79) Maximum GOR—estimated maximum (F0) gas to oil ratio (GOR), in cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (80) Minimum NGLGR—estimated minimum (F100) natural gas liquids (NGL) to gas ratio (GR), in barrels of natural gas liquids per million cubic feet of gas, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (81) Median NGLGR—estimated median (F50) natural gas liquids (NGL) to gas ratio (GR), in barrels of natural gas liquids per million cubic feet of gas, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (82) Maximum NGLGR—estimated maximum (F0) natural gas liquids (NGL) to gas ratio (GR), in barrels of natural gas liquids per million cubic feet of gas, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (83) Minimum LGR—estimated minimum (F100) liquids (oil plus natural gas liquids) to gas ratio (LGR), in barrels of liquids per million cubic feet of gas, of undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (84) Median LGR—estimated median (F50) liquids (oil plus natural gas liquids) to gas ratio (LGR), in barrels of liquids per million cubic feet of gas, of undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (85) Maximum LGR—estimated maximum (F0) liquids (oil plus natural gas liquids) to gas ratio (LGR), in barrels of liquids per million cubic feet of gas, of undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (86) API Minimum—estimated minimum (F100) API gravity, in degrees, of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (87) API Median—estimated median (F50) API gravity, in degrees, of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (88) API Maximum—estimated maximum (F0) API gravity, in degrees, of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (89) Viscosity Minimum—estimated minimum (F100) viscosity, in centipoise, of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (90) Viscosity Median—estimated median (F50) viscosity, in centipoise, of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (91) Viscosity Maximum—estimated maximum (F0) viscosity, in centipoise, of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (92) Sulfur Minimum—estimated minimum (F100) sulfur content, in percent, of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (93) Sulfur Median—estimated median (F50) sulfur content, in percent, of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (94) Sulfur Maximum—estimated maximum (F0) sulfur content, in percent, of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (95) Oil Water Depth Minimum—estimated minimum (F100) water depth, in meters, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (ocean, bays, or lakes, if applicable) (96) Oil Water Depth Median—estimated median (F50) water depth, in meters, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (ocean, bays, or lakes, if applicable) (97) Oil Water Depth Maximum—estimated maximum (F0) water depth, in meters, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (ocean, bays, or lakes, if applicable) (98) Oil Drilling Depth Minimum—estimated minimum (F100) drilling depth, in meters, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (99) Oil Drilling Depth F75—estimated (F75) drilling depth, in meters, such that 75 percent of the undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit would be deeper than this value (100) Oil Drilling Depth Median—estimated median (F50) drilling depth, in meters, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (101) Oil Drilling Depth F25—estimated (F25) drilling depth, in meters, such that 25 percent of the undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit would be deeper than this value (102) Oil Drilling Depth Maximum—estimated maximum (F0) drilling depth, in meters, of undiscovered oil fields in the assessment unit (103) Inert Gas Minimum—estimated minimum (F100) inert gas content, in percent, of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (nitrogen, helium, and so forth) (104) Inert Gas Median—estimated median (F50) inert gas content, in percent, of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (nitrogen, helium, and so forth) (105) Inert Gas Maximum—estimated maximum (F0) inert gas content, in percent, of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (nitrogen, helium, and so forth) (106) CO2 Minimum—estimated minimum (F100) carbon dioxide content, in percent, of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (107) CO2 Median—estimated median (F50) carbon dioxide content, in percent, of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (108) CO2 Maximum—estimated maximum (F0) carbon dioxide content, in percent, of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (109) H2S Minimum—estimated minimum (F100) hydrogen sulfide content, in percent, of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (110) H2S Median—estimated median (F50) hydrogen sulfide content, in percent, of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (111) H2S Maximum—estimated maximum (F0) hydrogen sulfide content, in percent, of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (112) Gas Water Depth Minimum—estimated minimum (F100) water depth, in meters, of undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (ocean, bays, or lakes, if applicable) (113) Gas Water Depth Median—estimated median (F50) water depth, in meters, of undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (ocean, bays, or lakes, if applicable) (114) Gas Water Depth Maximum—estimated maximum (F0) water depth, in meters, of undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (ocean, bays, or lakes, if applicable) (115) Gas Drilling Depth Minimum—estimated minimum (F100) drilling depth, in meters, of undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (116) Gas Drilling Depth F75—estimated median (F75) drilling depth, in meters, such that 75 percent of the undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit would be deeper than this value (117) Gas Drilling Depth Median—estimated median (F50) drilling depth, in meters, of undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (118) Gas Drilling Depth F25—estimated median (F25) drilling depth, in meters, such that 25 percent of the undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit would be deeper than this value (119) Gas Drilling Depth Maximum—estimated maximum (F0) drilling depth, in meters, of undiscovered gas fields in the assessment unit (120) N of AC Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit north of the Arctic Circle (121) N of AC Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields north of the Arctic Circle (122) N of AC Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields north of the Arctic Circle (123) S of AC Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit south of the Arctic Circle (124) S of AC Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields south of the Arctic Circle (125) S of AC Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields south of the Arctic Circle (126) Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit offshore (127) Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields offshore (128) Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields offshore (129) Country 1—first country for allocation of onshore resources (130) Country 1 Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the first country (131) Country 1 Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the first country (132) Country 1 Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the first country (133) Country 2—second country for allocation of onshore resources (134) Country 2 Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the second country (135) Country 2 Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the second country (136) Country 2 Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the second country (137) Country 3—third country for allocation of onshore resources (138) Country 3 Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the third country (139) Country 3 Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the third country (140) Country 3 Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the third country (141) Country 4—fourth country for allocation of onshore resources (142) Country 4 Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the fourth country (143) Country 4 Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the fourth country (144) Country 4 Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the fourth country (145) Country 5—fifth country for allocation of onshore resources (146) Country 5 Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the fifth country (147) Country 5 Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the fifth country (148) Country 5 Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the fifth country (149) Country 6—sixth country for allocation of onshore resources (150) Country 6 Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the sixth country (151) Country 6 Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the sixth country (152) Country 6 Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the sixth country (153) Country 7—seventh country for allocation of onshore resources (154) Country 7 Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the seventh country (155) Country 7 Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the seventh country (156) Country 7 Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the seventh country (157) Province 1 Code—code for first province for allocation of resources (158) Province 1 Name—name of first province for allocation of resources (159) Province 1 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the first province (160) Province 1 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the first province (161) Province 1 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the first province (162) Province 1 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the first province (163) Province 1 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the first province (164) Province 1 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the first province (165) Province 2 Code—code for second province for allocation of resources (166) Province 2 Name—name of second province for allocation of resources (167) Province 2 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the second province (168) Province 2 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the second province (169) Province 2 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the second province (170) Province 2 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the second province (171) Province 2 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the second province (172) Province 2 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the second province (173) Province 3 Code—code for third province for allocation of resources (174) Province 3 Name—name of third province for allocation of resources (175) Province 3 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the third province (176) Province 3 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the third province (177) Province 3 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the third province (178) Province 3 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the third province (179) Province 3 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the third province (180) Province 3 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the third province (181) Province 4 Code—code for fourth province for allocation of resources (182) Province 4 Name—name of fourth province for allocation of resources (183) Province 4 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the fourth province (184) Province 4 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the fourth province (185) Province 4 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the fourth province (186) Province 4 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the fourth province (187) Province 4 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the fourth province (188) Province 4 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the fourth province (189) Province 5 Code—code for fifth province for allocation of resources (190) Province 5 Name—name of fifth province for allocation of resources (191) Province 5 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the fifth province (192) Province 5 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the fifth province (193) Province 5 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the fifth province (194) Province 5 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the fifth province (195) Province 5 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the fifth province (196) Province 5 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the fifth province (197) Province 6 Code—code for sixth province for allocation of resources (198) Province 6 Name—name of sixth province for allocation of resources (199) Province 6 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the sixth province (200) Province 6 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the sixth province (201) Province 6 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the sixth province (202) Province 6 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the sixth province (203) Province 6 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the sixth province (204) Province 6 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the sixth province (205) Province 7 Code—code for seventh province for allocation of resources (206) Province 7 Name—name of seventh province for allocation of resources (207) Province 7 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the seventh province (208) Province 7 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the seventh province (209) Province 7 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the seventh province (210) Province 7 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the seventh province (211) Province 7 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the seventh province (212) Province 7 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the seventh province (213) Province 8 Code—code for eighth province for allocation of resources (214) Province 8 Name—name of eighth province for allocation of resources (215) Province 8 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the eighth province (216) Province 8 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the eighth province (217) Province 8 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the eighth province (218) Province 8 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the eighth province (219) Province 8 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the eighth province (220) Province 8 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the eighth province (221) Province 9 Code—code for ninth province for allocation of resources (222) Province 9 Name—name of ninth province for allocation of resources (223) Province 9 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the ninth province (224) Province 9 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the ninth province (225) Province 9 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the ninth province (226) Province 9 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the ninth province (227) Province 9 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the ninth province (228) Province 9 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the ninth province (229) Province 10 Code—code for tenth province for allocation of resources (230) Province 10 Name—name of tenth province for allocation of resources (231) Province 10 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the tenth province (232) Province 10 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the tenth province (233) Province 10 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the tenth province (234) Province 10 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the tenth province (235) Province 10 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the tenth province (236) Province 10 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the tenth province (237) Province 11 Code—code for eleventh province for allocation of resources (238) Province 11 Name—name of eleventh province for allocation of resources (239) Province 11 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the eleventh province (240) Province 11 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the eleventh province (241) Province 11 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the eleventh province (242) Province 11 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the eleventh province (243) Province 11 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the eleventh province (244) Province 11 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the eleventh province (245) Province 12 Code—code for twelfth province for allocation of resources (246) Province 12 Name—name of twelfth province for allocation of resources (247) Province 12 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the twelfth province (248) Province 12 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the twelfth province (249) Province 12 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the twelfth province (250) Province 12 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the twelfth province (251) Province 12 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the twelfth province (252) Province 12 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the twelfth province (253) Province 13 Code—code for thirteenth province for allocation of resources (254) Province 13 Name—name of thirteenth province for allocation of resources (255) Province 13 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the thirteenth province (256) Province 13 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the thirteenth province (257) Province 13 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the thirteenth province (258) Province 13 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the thirteenth province (259) Province 13 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the thirteenth province (260) Province 13 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the thirteenth province (261) Province 14 Code—code for fourteenth province for allocation of resources (262) Province 14 Name—name of fourteenth province for allocation of resources (263) Province 14 Onshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the onshore of the fourteenth province (264) Province 14 Onshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the onshore of the fourteenth province (265) Province 14 Onshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the onshore of the fourteenth province (266) Province 14 Offshore Area %—areal percent of the assessment unit in the offshore of the fourteenth province (267) Province 14 Offshore Oil Volume %—volume percent of oil in undiscovered oil fields in the offshore of the fourteenth province (268) Province 14 Offshore Gas Volume %—volume percent of gas in undiscovered gas fields in the offshore of the fourteenth province AU Summary.xlsx (AU Files containing a table that summarizes the results of the Monte Carlo calculations of undiscovered oil and gas resources for individual assessment units. The table contains 38 columns. Data columns are as follows: (1) Assessment Unit Code—USGS assessment unit code number (2) Assessment Unit Name—USGS assessment unit name (3) Assessment Unit Probability—the probability that there exists at least one undiscovered field equal to or larger than the minimum field size somewhere in the assessment unit. Assessment unit probability is given as a fractional value from 0 to 1.0. (4) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered oil such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (5) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered oil such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. This is the median value. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (6) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered oil such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (7) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered oil in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (8) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), Std. Dev.—the estimated standard deviation of the distribution of undiscovered oil in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (9) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in oil fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (10) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in oil fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. This is the median value. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (11) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in oil fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (12) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered gas in oil fields in the assessment unit. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (13) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), Std. Dev.—the estimated standard deviation of the distribution of undiscovered gas in oil fields in the assessment unit. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (14) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (15) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. This is the median value. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (16) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (17) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (18) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), Std. Dev.—the estimated standard deviation of the distribution of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (19) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in gas fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (20) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in gas fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. This is the median value. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (21) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in gas fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (22) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered gas in gas fields in the assessment unit. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (23) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), Std. Dev.—the estimated standard deviation of the distribution of undiscovered gas in gas fields in the assessment unit. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (24) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (25) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. This is the median value. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (26) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (27) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (28) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), Std. Dev.—the estimated standard deviation of the distribution of undiscovered liquids in gas fields in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (29) Largest Oil Field (MMBO), F95—the estimated size of the largest undiscovered oil field in the assessment unit, such that there is a 95-percent probability of that field being this amount or larger. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (30) Largest Oil Field (MMBO), F50—the estimated size of the largest undiscovered oil field in the assessment unit, such that there is a 50-percent probability of that field being this amount or larger. This is the median value. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (31) Largest Oil Field (MMBO), F5—the estimated size of the largest undiscovered oil field in the assessment unit, such that there is a 5-percent probability of that field being this amount or larger. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (32) Largest Oil Field (MMBO), Mean—the estimated mean (average) size of the largest undiscovered oil field in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (33) Largest Oil Field (MMBO), Std. Dev.—the estimated standard deviation of the distribution of the size of the largest undiscovered oil field in the assessment unit. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (34) Largest Gas Field (BCFG), F95—the estimated size of the largest undiscovered gas field in the assessment unit, such that there is a 95-percent probability of that field being this amount or larger. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (35) Largest Gas Field (BCFG), F50—the estimated size of the largest undiscovered gas field in the assessment unit, such that there is a 50-percent probability of that field being this amount or larger. This is the median value. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (36) Largest Gas Field (BCFG), F5—the estimated size of the largest undiscovered gas field in the assessment unit, such that there is a 5-percent probability of that field being this amount or larger. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (37) Largest Gas Field (BCFG), Mean—the estimated mean (average) size of the largest undiscovered gas field in the assessment unit. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (38) Largest Gas Field (BCFG), Std. Dev.—the estimated standard deviation of the distribution of the size of the largest undiscovered gas field in the assessment unit. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). Code List.xlsx (Code Files containing code numbers used in world provinces, total petroleum systems, and assessment units. The table contains six columns. Data columns are the following: (1) Code—USGS code number (2) Name—USGS area name (3) Name and Code—the USGS area name, comma, space, and the USGS code number (4) Name, Unit, and Code—the USGS area name, comma, space, the hierarchical unit name (province, total petroleum system, or assessment unit), and the USGS code number (5) Region—USGS region name (6) Status—marking those assessment units that have been quantitatively assessed Country Fractiles.xlsx (Country Fractiles ***.tab) Files containing a table of fractiles from the results of the Monte Carlo calculations of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources aggregated to the onshore portion of individual countries. The offshore is treated as a separate unit on the same scale as a country. There are eight worksheets in the Microsoft Excel file, one for each product in the following list. There is also a tab-delimited file for each of the eight worksheets (with two- to four-letter codes added to the names), one for each product in the following list: ROO Risked Oil in Oil Fields, in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO) RGO Risked Gas in Oil Fields, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) RNO Risked NGL in Oil Fields, in millions of barrels of NGL (MMBNGL) RGG Risked Gas in Gas Fields, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) RLG Risked Liquids in Gas Fields, in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL) TG Total Gas, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) TN Total NGL, in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL) TBOE Total BOE, in millions of barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE) The table contains 25 columns. Data columns are as follows: (1) Country—name of the country (onshore) or “Offshore” (2) Product—the product from the list of eight products given above (3) Mean—the estimated mean value of resource (4) Median—the estimated median (F50) value of resource (5) F100—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 100-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. This is the minimum. (6) F95—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (7) F90—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 90-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (8) F85—the estimated value of resource such that there is an 85-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (9) F80—the estimated value of resource such that there is an 80-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (10) F75—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 75-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (11) F70—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 70-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (12) F65—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 65-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (13) F60—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 60-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (14) F55—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 55-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (15) F50—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. This is the median. (16) F45—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 45-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (17) F40—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 40-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (18) F35—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 35-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (19) F30—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 30-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (20) F25—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 25-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (21) F20—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 20-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (22) F15—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 15-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (23) F10—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 10-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (24) F5—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit (25) F0—the estimated value of resource such that there is no probability that this amount or more exists in the assessment unit. This is the maximum. Country Summary.xlsx (Country Files containing a table that summarizes the results of the Monte Carlo calculations of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources aggregated to the onshore portion of individual countries. The offshore is treated as a separate unit on the same scale as a country. Because the results in these tables were aggregated from individual AUs, standard deviations are not provided. The table contains 25 columns. Data columns are as follows: (1) Country—name of the country (onshore) or “Offshore” (2) Country Probability—the probability that there exists at least one undiscovered field equal to or larger than the minimum field size somewhere in the country. Country probability is given as a fractional value from 0 to 1.0. (3) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered oil such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (4) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered oil such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. This is the median value. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (5) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered oil such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (6) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered oil in the country. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (7) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in oil fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (8) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in oil fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. This is the median value. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (9) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in oil fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (10) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered gas in oil fields in the country. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (11) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (12) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. This is the median value. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (13) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (14) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields in the country. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (15) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in gas fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (16) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in gas fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. This is the median value. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (17) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in gas fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (18) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered gas in gas fields in the country. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (19) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (20) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. This is the median value. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (21) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the country. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (22) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields in the country. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (23) Total Gas (BCFG), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of total undiscovered gas in the country. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (24) Total NGL (MMBNGL), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of total undiscovered NGL in the country. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (25) Total BOE (MMBOE), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of total undiscovered barrels of oil equivalent in the country. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE). Province Fractiles.xlsx (Province Fractiles ***.tab) Files containing a table of fractiles from the results of the Monte Carlo calculations of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources aggregated to province. There are eight worksheets in the Microsoft Excel file, one for each product in the following list. There is also a tab-delimited file for each of the eight worksheets (with two- to four-letter codes added to the names), one for each product in the following list: ROO Risked Oil in Oil Fields, in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO) RGO Risked Gas in Oil Fields, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) RNO Risked NGL in Oil Fields, in millions of barrels of NGL (MMBNGL) RGG Risked Gas in Gas Fields, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) RLG Risked Liquids in Gas Fields, in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL) TG Total Gas, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) TN Total NGL, in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL) TBOE Total BOE, in millions of barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE) The table contains 26 columns. Data columns are as follows: (1) Province Code—USGS numeric province code (2) Province Name—USGS province name (3) Product—the product from the list of eight products given above (4) Mean—the estimated mean value of resource (5) Median—the estimated median (F50) value of resource (6) F100—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 100-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. This is the minimum. (7) F95—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (8) F90—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 90-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (9) F85—the estimated value of resource such that there is an 85-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (10) F80—the estimated value of resource such that there is an 80-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (11) F75—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 75-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (12) F70—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 70-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (13) F65—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 65-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (14) F60—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 60-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (15) F55—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 55-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (16) F50—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. This is the median. (17) F45—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 45-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (18) F40—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 40-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (19) F35—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 35-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (20) F30—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 30-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (21) F25—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 25-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (22) F20—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 20-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (23) F15—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 15-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (24) F10—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 10-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (25) F5—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province (26) F0—the estimated value of resource such that there is no probability that this amount or more exists in the province. This is the maximum. Province Summary.xlsx (Province Files containing a table that summarizes the results of the Monte Carlo calculations of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources aggregated to province. Because the results in these tables were aggregated from individual AUs, standard deviations are not provided. The table contains 26 columns. Data columns are as follows: (1) Province Code—USGS numeric province code (2) Province Name—USGS province name (3) Province Probability—the probability that there exists at least one undiscovered field equal to or larger than the minimum field size somewhere in the province. Province probability is given as a fractional value from 0 to 1.0. (4) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered oil such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (5) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered oil such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. This is the median value. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (6) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered oil such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (7) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered oil in the province. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (8) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in oil fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (9) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in oil fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. This is the median value. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (10) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in oil fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (11) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered gas in oil fields in the province. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (12) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (13) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. This is the median value. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (14) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (15) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields in the province. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (16) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in gas fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (17) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in gas fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. This is the median value. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (18) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in gas fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (19) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered gas in gas fields in the province. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (20) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (21) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. This is the median value. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (22) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the province. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (23) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields in the province. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (24) Total Gas (BCFG), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of total undiscovered gas in the province. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (25) Total NGL (MMBNGL), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of total undiscovered NGL in the province. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (26) Total BOE (MMBOE), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of total undiscovered barrels of oil equivalent in the province. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE). Region Fractiles.xlsx (Region Fractiles ****.tab) Files containing a table of fractiles from the results of the Monte Carlo calculations of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources aggregated to region. There are eight worksheets in the Microsoft Excel file, one for each product in the following list. There is also a tab-delimited file for each of the eight worksheets (with two- to four-letter codes added to the names), one for each product in the following list: ROO Risked Oil in Oil Fields, in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO) RGO Risked Gas in Oil Fields, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) RNO Risked NGL in Oil Fields, in millions of barrels of NGL (MMBNGL) RGG Risked Gas in Gas Fields, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) RLG Risked Liquids in Gas Fields, in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL) TG Total Gas, in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG) TN Total NGL, in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL) TBOE Total BOE, in millions of barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE) The table contains 26 columns. Data columns are as follows: (1) Region Code—USGS numeric region code (2) Region Name—USGS region name (3) Product—the product from the list of eight products given above (4) Mean—the estimated mean value of resource (5) Median—the estimated median (F50) value of resource (6) F100—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 100-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. This is the minimum. (7) F95—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (8) F90—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 90-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (9) F85—the estimated value of resource such that there is an 85-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (10) F80—the estimated value of resource such that there is an 80-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (11) F75—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 75-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (12) F70—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 70-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (13) F65—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 65-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (14) F60—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 60-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (15) F55—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 55-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (16) F50—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. This is the median. (17) F45—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 45-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (18) F40—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 40-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (19) F35—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 35-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (20) F30—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 30-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (21) F25—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 25-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (22) F20—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 20-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (23) F15—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 15-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (24) F10—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 10-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (25) F5—the estimated value of resource such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region (26) F0—the estimated value of resource such that there is no probability that this amount or more exists in the region. This is the maximum. Region Summary.xlsx (Region Files containing a table that summarizes the results of the Monte Carlo calculations of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources aggregated to region. Because the results in these tables were aggregated from individual AUs, standard deviations are not provided. The table contains 26 columns. Data columns are as follows: (1) Region Code—USGS numeric region code (2) Region Name—USGS region name (3) Region Probability—the probability that there exists at least one undiscovered field equal to or larger than the minimum field size somewhere in the region. Region probability is given as a fractional value from 0 to 1.0. (4) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered oil such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (5) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered oil such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. This is the median value. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (6) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered oil such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (7) Oil in Oil Fields (MMBO), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered oil in the region. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil (MMBO). (8) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in oil fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (9) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in oil fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. This is the median value. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (10) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in oil fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (11) Gas in Oil Fields (BCFG), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered gas in oil fields in the region. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (12) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (13) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. This is the median value. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (14) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (15) Natural Gas Liquids in Oil Fields (MMBNGL), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered natural gas liquids in oil fields in the region. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (16) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in gas fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (17) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in gas fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. This is the median value. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (18) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered gas in gas fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (19) Gas in Gas Fields (BCFG), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered gas in gas fields in the region. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (20) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), F95—the estimated value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields such that there is a 95-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (21) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), F50—the estimated value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields such that there is a 50-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. This is the median value. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (22) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), F5—the estimated value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields such that there is a 5-percent probability that this amount or more exists in the region. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (23) Liquids in Gas Fields (MMBL), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of undiscovered liquids in gas fields in the region. The volume is given in millions of barrels of liquids (MMBL). (24) Total Gas (BCFG), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of total undiscovered gas in the region. The volume is given in billions of cubic feet of gas (BCFG). (25) Total NGL (MMBNGL), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of total undiscovered NGL in the region. The volume is given in millions of barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL). (26) Total BOE (MMBOE), Mean—the estimated mean (average) value of total undiscovered barrels of oil equivalent in the region. The volume is given in millions of barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE). Official Input Forms These files are designated by the assessment unit number preceded by “c” (for conventional) and followed by “.pdf.” The data from these individual input forms can also be found in files AU Input.xlsx and AU Full Monte Carlo Output Files These files are designated by the assessment unit number preceded by “em” and followed by “.pdf.” They are the complete results output from the Monte Carlo simulations, including statistics and graphs of the distributions. The data from these individual output files can also be found in files AU Summary.xlsx, AU Fractiles.xlsx, AU and AU Fractiles ***.tab. Reference Cited U.S. Geological Survey World Conventional Resources Assessment Team, 2012, An estimate of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of the world, 2012: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3042, 6 p., Appendix 1.?U.S. Geological Survey Publications Relating to the 2012 World Assessment Bird, K.J., Charpentier, R.R., Gautier, D.L., Houseknecht, D.W., Klett, T.R., Pitman, J.K., Moore, T.E., Schenk, C.J., Tennyson, M.E. and Wandrey, C.J., 2008, Circum-Arctic resource appraisal—Estimates of undiscovered oil and gas north of the Arctic Circle: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008–3049, 4 p., Brownfield, M.E., Charpentier, R.R., Cook, T.A., Klett, T.R., Pitman, J.K., Pollastro, R.M., Schenk, C.J., and Tennyson, M.E., 2010, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of four west Africa geologic provinces: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2010–3006, 2 p., Brownfield, M.E., Charpentier, R.R., Schenk, C.J., Klett, T.R., Cook, T.A., and Pollastro, R.M., 2011, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the West African Coastal Province, west Africa: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2011–3034, 2 p., Brownfield, M.E., Klett, T.R., Schenk, C.J., Charpentier, R.R., Cook, T.A., Pollastro, R.M., and Tennyson, M.E., 2011, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Sud Province, north-central Africa: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2011–3029, 4 p., Brownfield, M.E., Schenk, C.J., Charpentier, R.R., Klett, T.R., Cook, T.A., and Pollastro, R.M., 2012, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the South Africa Coastal Province, Africa: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3030, 2 p., Brownfield, M.E., Schenk, C.J., Charpentier, R.R., Klett, T.R., Cook, T.A., Pollastro, R.M., and Tennyson, M.E., 2010, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Chad Basin Province, north-central Africa: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2010–3096, 2 p., Brownfield, M.E., Schenk, C.J., Charpentier, R.R., Klett, T.R., Cook, T.A., Pollastro, R.M., and Tennyson, M.E., 2012, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of four east Africa geologic provinces: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3039, 4 p., Charpentier, R.R., Schenk, C.J., Brownfield, M.E., Cook, T.A., Klett, T.R., Pitman, J.K., and Pollastro, R.M., 2012, Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of six geologic provinces of China, 2011: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3117, 4 p,. 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undiscovered oil and gas resources of the North Caspian Basin, Middle Caspian Basin, North Ustyurt Basin, and South Caspian Basin Provinces, Caspian Sea area, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2010–3094, 4 p., Klett, T.R., Schenk, C.J., Wandrey, C.J., Charpentier, R.R., Brownfield, M.E., Pitman, J.K., Pollastro, R.M., Cook, T.A., and Tennyson, M.E., 2012, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the North Sakhalin Basin Province, Russia, 2011: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2011–3149, 4 p., Klett, T.R., Schenk, C.J., Wandrey, C.J., Charpentier, R.R., Brownfield, M.E., Pitman, J.K., Pollastro, R.M., Cook, T.A., and Tennyson, M.E., 2012, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Amu Darya Basin and Afghan-Tajik Basin Provinces, Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, 2011: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2011?3154, 4 p., Klett, T.R., Schenk, C.J., Wandrey, C.J., Charpentier, R.R., Brownfield, M.E., Pitman, J.K., Pollastro, R.M., Cook, T.A., and Tennyson, M.E., 2012, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the southern Siberian craton (Baykit High, Nepa-Botuoba High, Angara-Lena Terrace, and Cis-Patom Foredeep Provinces), Russia, 2011: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2011–3155, 4 p., Klett, T.R., Schenk, C.J., Wandrey, C.J., Charpentier, R.R., Cook, T.A., Brownfield, M.E., Pitman, J.K., and Pollastro, R.M, 2012, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Assam, Bombay, Cauvery, and Krishna–Godavari Provinces, South Asia, 2011: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3059, 4 p., Pitman, J.K., Schenk, C.J., Brownfield, M.E., Charpentier, R.R., Cook, T.A., Klett, T.R., and Pollastro, R.M., 2012, Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of the Arabian Peninsula and Zagros fold belt, 2012: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3115, 4 p., Pollastro, R.M., Brownfield, M.E., Charpentier, R.R., Cook, T.A., Klett, T.R., Kirschbaum, M.A., Pitman, J.K., and Schenk, C.J., 2012, Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of Bonaparte Basin, Browse Basin, Northwest Shelf, and Gippsland Basin Provinces, Australia, 2011: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3025, 2 p., Schenk, C.J., Ahlbrandt, T.S., Charpentier, R.R., Gautier, D.L., Henry, M.E., Klett, T.R., Pollastro, R.M., Ulmishek, G.F., and Weaver, J.N., 2004, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Burgos Basin Province, northeastern Mexico, 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2004–3007, 2 p., Schenk, C.J., Ahlbrandt, T.S., Charpentier, R.R., Henry, M.E., Klett, T.R., Pollastro, R.M., and Weaver, J.N., 2005, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the North Cuba Basin, Cuba, 2004: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2005–3009, 2 p., Schenk, C.J., Bird, K.J., Brown, P.J., II, Charpentier, R.R., Gautier, D.L., Houseknecht, D.W., Klett, T.R., Pawlewicz, M.J., Shah, Anjana, and Tennyson, M.E., 2008, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the West Greenland-East Canada Province, 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008–3014, 2 p., Schenk, C.J., Bird, K.J., Charpentier, R.R. Gautier, D.L., Houseknecht, D.W., Klett, T.R., Moore, Thomas, Pawlewicz, M.J., Pitman, Janet, and Tennyson, M.E., 2008, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Timan-Pechora Basin Province, Russia, 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008–3051, 2 p., Schenk, C.J., Bird, K.J., Charpentier, R.R., Gautier, D.L., Houseknecht, D.W., Klett, T.R., Moore, T.E., Pawlewicz, M.J., Pitman, J.K., and Tennyson, M.E., 2008, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the West Siberian Basin Province, Russia, 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008–3064, 2 p., Schenk, C.J., Brownfield, M.E., Charpentier, R.R., Cook, T.A., Klett, T.R., Kirschbaum, M.A., Pitman, J.K., and Pollastro, R.M., 2010, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of southeast Asia, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2010–3015, 4 p., Schenk, C.J., Brownfield, M.E., Charpentier, R.R., Cook, T.A., Klett, T.R., Kirschbaum, M.A., Pitman, J.K., Pollastro, R.M., and Tennyson, M.E., 2012, Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of South America and the Caribbean, 2012: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3046, 4 p., Schenk, C.J., Brownfield, M.E., Charpentier, R.R., Cook, T.A., Klett, T.R., Pitman, J.K., and Pollastro, R.M, 2012, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of Papua New Guinea, eastern Indonesia, and East Timor, 2011: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3029, 2 p., Schenk, C.J., Brownfield, M.E., Charpentier, R.R., Cook, T.A., Klett, T.R., Pitman, J.K., Pollastro, R.M., and Weaver, J.N., 2012, Assessment of undiscovered, conventional oil and gas resources of Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, 2012: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3069, 4 p., Schenk, C.J., Charpentier, R.R., Klett, T.R., Brownfield, M.E., Kirschbaum, M.A., Pitman, J.K., Cook, T.A., and Tennyson, M.E., 2010, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Red Sea Basin Province: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2010–3119, 2 p., Schenk, C.J., Kirschbaum, M.A., Charpentier, R.R., Klett, T.R., Brownfield, M.E., Pitman, J.K., Cook, T.A., and Tennyson, M.E., 2010, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Levant Basin Province, eastern Mediterranean: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2010–3014, 4 p., U.S. Geological Survey North Cuba Basin Assessment Team, 2008, Jurassic-Cretaceous Composite Total Petroleum System and geologic assessment of oil and gas resources of the North Cuba Basin, Cuba: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS–69–M, 1 CD-ROM, U.S. Geological Survey World Conventional Resources Assessment Team, 2012, An estimate of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of the world, 2012: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3042, 6 p., Wandrey, C.J., Kosti, A.Z., Selab, A.M., Omari, M.K., Muty, S.A., Nakshband, H.G., Hosine, Abdul, Aminulah, Wahab, Abdul, Hamidi, A.W., Ahmadi, Nasim, Agena, W.F., Charpentier, R.R., Cook, Troy, Drenth, B.J., Klett, T.R., Lillis, P.G., Pawlewicz, M.J., and Schenk C.J., 2009, Assessment of undiscovered petroleum resources of southern and western Afghanistan, 2009: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009–3070, 2 p., Wandrey, C.J., Schenk, C.J., Klett, T.R., Brownfield, M.E., Charpentier, R.R., Cook, T.A., Pollastro, R.M., and Tennyson, M.E., 2012, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Central Burma Basin and the Irrawaddy-Andaman and Indo-Burman geologic provinces, Myanmar: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3107, 2 p., Wandrey, C.J., Schenk, C.J., Klett, T.R., Brownfield, M.E., Charpentier, R.R., Cook, T.A., Pollastro, R.M., and Tennyson, M.E., 2012, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Composite Total Petroleum System, Taranaki Basin Assessment Unit, New Zealand: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3139, 2 p., Whidden, K.J., Lewan, Michael, Schenk, C.J., Charpentier, R.R., Cook, T.A., Klett, T.R., and Pitman, Janet, 2011, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of Libya and Tunisia, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2011–3105, 2 p., 1