A color image is a 5 dimensional graph -- nothing more -- nothing less. If you understand this concept, and can work with it, image processing becomes almost trivial. The three dimensions are x, y, red, green and blue. The first two are spatial dimensions and the last three are spectral dimensions. The image can be rotated spatially by using a dot product of a unit vector in x and y. The result is to simply turn the image so that the top of the image is no longer up. The same thing is possible with the spectral dimensions. One way to rotate the spectral dimensions is to use eigen vectors. An image is a more general thing than a picture. A picture is an image, but an image may not be a picture. Pictures are representations of what we see and are, therefore, limited to the three color receptors in the eye, namely red, green and blue (RGB). Images can be made of other spectral channels, many of which we cannot see with the eye. By combining other channels of information and assigning red, green and blue to them we can make a color image. These are sometimes called false color images because the colors are arbitrary and not what would be seen by the eye. These images are no more false color than the graph of a sound wave is a false graph. Sound does not make air move up and down as it moves through the air but the pressure changes can be plotted as y along an x axis of time to help visualize the process. The same is done with color to help visualize spectral data. Without getting into a long discussion on color perception the point needs to be made that we do not see red, green and blue as color axis. We see intensity, hue, and saturation (IHS) axis which are perceptually orthogonal (changing one does not effect the other axes). Since we use red, green and blue to make images this is the color coordinate system we will use to plot images. Plotting images in IHS is considerably more complicated than using RGB and does not neces- sarily produce a better product. An experienced observer can perceive both systems on an RGB graph. The system presented here allows you to (1) look at full color images, (2) make color images by combining different spectral planes, (3) spectrally rotate the images using an eigen vector program and finally (4) to view any RGB image in all 5-dimensions at once. Moreover, all of this can be done on an inexpensive computer with VGA color. The first two options are done with a program called imvis, the 3rd by program eigen and the last by program make5d. In order to make a 5-D image you must have an 8-bit color image, preferrably one made by imvis from a set of red, green and blue images. The label file must look like example 3 above with the file names of the input files. Program 'make5d' will read these images and the 8-bit color composit and make a 4 pannel display file which can be quickly recalled in the future. A sampled version of the original 8-bit image will be in the upper right corner of the screen. The lower half of the screen will show the three sides of the color cube and the pixels will be plotted on them. This is a representation of a 3-D histogram giving the (1) front, (2) side and (3) top of the color cube. After the '.X5D' (or '.S5D' if you are using standard VGA) file is created you may use the view option of the program. Option 1: "cursor on image" A cursor will appear ont the sampled image and, using the arrow keys and '+' and '-', it can be moved around on the sampled image. As it moves it will plot in the upper right quadrant of the screen (1) pixel location on the screen, (2) the 8-bit number ploted on the screen (DN value), (3) the RGB colors used by the color look up table to plot the image pixel, and (4) the actual data file values of the red, green and blue channels. At the same time 3 other cursors will appear on the color cube histogram plots and move to show where this pixel is spectrally. Option 2: "rectangle image" Option 2 allows a rectangle of any size and shape to be placed on the image and all of the pixels within its bourders marked in white on the color cube plots below. Hitting the lower case 'f' on the keyboard will flash these points black and white. Hitting 'c' will change the colors through all of the 16 VGA colors available to the system. The 'Enter' key marks the pixels and the 'Esc' key exits the mode. Option 3: "slice RGB scatter" This option allows you to cut a box out of the color cube and see where these pixels are on the spatial display -- the image. Hitting a number from 1 to 3 will change the active color cube display you are working with. The active box has a white number rather than light grey. The arrow keys move the sides of the box in or out. Use 'i' for in or 'o' for out to change direction. Use 'Enter' to plot, 'f' to flash and 'Esc' to exit as before.