A Brief Outline of the Programs DIGIT : Uses the GTCO SketchMaster digitizing tablet. Creates an ASCII .XYC file containing xy points of linework. LATLON : Converts the ASCII .XYC file from 'digit' to lat/lon file. Creates a user-readable .RAW file. REORDER : Converts the ASCII .RAW file to machine-readable binary .HDR, .ATR, and .BIN files. .MAP FILES : ASCII flat file which tell 'mapper' and 'linefix' how to use the above binary files and how to link these files with other linework. LINEFIX : Line editor which runs off an ASCII .MAP file and binary vector files created above. .GRF FILES : ASCII flat file which has information 'mapper' needs to plot points. MAPPER : Displays the vectors. Runs off an ASCII .MAP file. Creates image .XMP files (if running in extended VGA; .VMP if running in VGA etc.), mapper.MRK files, and ASCII .LAB files. XMP2LBL : Creates an ASCII label file from the .XMP files created by 'mapper'. .LBL files used with 'imvis'. REMARK : Adds the appropriate number of '_' to a name within the mapper.MRK file. Used in the .GRF file. MAKEBLB : Converts the flat ASCII .LAB files which contain the color fill information to binary label files. For use in 'mapper'. MAKERAW : Creates ASCII .RAW files from the binary .BIN and .HDR files and can be used to extract a small subset from a large area file. Command line : makeraw [MaxLat MinLat MaxLon MinLon] LBL2TGA : Allows you to make a raster targa file from .LBL, .PAL, and .DAT files.