There are a variety of projects around the Hawaiian islands that needaccurate offshore basemaps. These projects range from; Marine disposal site studies - Maps generated from the multibeam surveyscan show the location and movement of the dredge material. Specific dumpvolume, area, and cross-section can be calculated using GIS and other software. Coral reef studies - The USGS has active projects in Mamala Bay, Oahuthat need accurate bathymetric maps to help unravel the fate of sedimentthat has been transported across the reefs and onto the insular slope. Marine Sanctuary studies - The National Oceanographic and AtmosphericAdministration (NOAA) has recently established the Hawaiian Humpback WhaleNational Marine Sanctuary between the islands of Maui, Molokai, Lanai, andOahu. Now accurate bathymetric maps exist for this large area to help understandthe morphology and geologic make-up of the ocean floor. |