
LongValley Caldera ArcView 3.x GIS Project



The lvogis.apr file at the root of this CD-ROM is provided to allow users with ArcView 3.x software to quickly view most of the GIS layers in the Long Valley Caldera GIS Database. The themes have been given descriptive names, and the legends have been created to display data with approriate colors and symbols. All of the legends use the default ArcView palette.


ArcView Project File

To open the lvogis.apr file directly in ArcView from this CD-ROM:
1. Start ArcView.
2. Open an existing project.
3. In the right side window, select the root level of this CD-ROM . The lvogis.apr file will appear in the left side window.
5. Select it, click OK and the Long Valley Caldera GIS Database view will open.


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