Several of the files on the original DDS-11 disk were corrupted with spurious carriage-return characters during their time in MS-DOS. The files in question are: kbge.e27 kbge.e28 The simplest way to correct the problem is to copy the files using a PC-DOS CD-ROM reader and FTP the files to a UNIX machine with a DOS communications program such as TELNET. The FTP step removes the extra carriage returns. A second alternative is to process the files through a program called dos2unix. A third alternative is the UNIX tr command: tr -d '\015'kbge.e27x mv -f kbge.e27x kbge.e27 tr -d '\015' kbge.e28x mv -f kbge.e28x kbge.e28 Another file, kbge.mos fails with the ARC/INFO MOSSARC command probably because the polygon ID number overflows. The file appears to be otherwise healthy and it was intended to be used to convert to other non-ARC/INFO systems anyway so it is probably still useful as is. 7/6/95 Fixed 4 mistagged polygons in Montana, Idaho, California and Oregon: wrong right Record kbge-id code code 757 756 ITV LTV lTv 2084 2083 IMZE LMZE lMze 2134 2133 IP2 LPZ lPz 4160 4159 IK LK lK Added the CODE.LC and ROCKDESC fields from the legend coverage, dropped the CODE and U fields. CODE "WTER" became CODE.LC "water". June 1997 In preparation for Release 2 of the DDS-11 CD-ROM, fixed several more polygon tagging errors. Digitized metamorphic overlay contacts and added a column "METAMOR" to the polygon attribute table. Re-did all the text in ArcView key view on the Mac version of ArcView. The text from the Unix version did not download very well. Please send suggestions and bug reports to:
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Geology of the Conterminous United States at 1:2,500,000 Scale
Contact: Paul Schruben
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