U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR / U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIGITAL DATA SERIES DDS-13 International Phase of Ocean Drilling Seismic Line 1 Demultiplexed Data Cape Hatteras to Mid-Atlantic Ridge DISC ¯19 Demultiplexed Seismic Data Each file of seismic data is the disc-image of a SEG-Y format tape output during the demultiplexing of the original field data. The data were written to tape using the 32 bit IBM floating point format (Barry, and others, 1975). As the data were copied bit-for-bit to the CD-ROM file, this format was preserved. Each file of sesimic data is named IPD{number}, where {number} is the first shotpoint in the file. NOTE: FFID indicates the Field File Identification Number assigned each shot as it was recorded. file: ¯IPD14112.SGY sample rate: 4000.0 microsec samples per trace: ¯1301 data length: ¯5204 msec bytes per trace: ¯5444 bytes in file: ¯131367320 traces in file: ¯24130 first trace: ¯985/1 FFID/trace last trace: ¯487/34 FFID/trace file: ¯IPD14242.SGY sample rate: 4000.0 microsec samples per trace: ¯1301 data length: ¯5204 msec bytes per trace: ¯5444 bytes in file: ¯8365584 traces in file: ¯1536 first trace: ¯246/1 FFID/trace last trace: ¯277/48 FFID/trace file: ¯IPD14363.SGY sample rate: 4000.0 microsec samples per trace: ¯1301 data length: ¯5204 msec bytes per trace: ¯5444 bytes in file: ¯132080484 traces in file: ¯24261 first trace: ¯487/35 FFID/trace last trace: ¯993/7 FFID/trace 1 file: ¯IPD14616.SGY sample rate: 4000.0 microsec samples per trace: ¯1301 data length: ¯5204 msec bytes per trace: ¯5444 bytes in file: ¯131448980 traces in file: ¯24145 first trace: ¯993/8 FFID/trace last trace: ¯496/8 FFID/trace file: ¯IPD14867.SGY sample rate: 4000.0 microsec samples per trace: ¯1301 data length: ¯5204 msec bytes per trace: ¯5444 bytes in file: ¯132145812 traces in file: ¯24273 first trace: ¯496/9 FFID/trace last trace: ¯41/1 FFID/trace 2 Observer Logs The following files are digitized versions of the original observer's log sheets. Each file is named OB{number}.{format}, where {number} is the first shot point on the page, and {format} is the graphic format of the file: PCX, TIF, or GIF. No {format} extension is shown for the file names given below. OB14100 OB14150 OB14200 OB14250 OB14300 OB14350 OB14350G OB14400 OB14450 OB14500 OB14550 OB14600 OB14650 OB14700 OB14750 OB14800 OB14850 OB14900 OB14950 OB15000 OB15050 OB15100 3 REFERENCE Barry, K.M., Cavers, D.A., and Kneale, C.W., 1975, Recommended standards for digital tape formats: Geophysics, v. 40, p. 344-352. 4