Drainage basin size and cultural characteristics of National Stream Quality Accounting Network and Hydrologic Benchmark Network watersheds [NASQAN, National Stream Quality Accounting Network; HBN, Hydrolgic Benchmark Network. The drainage area statistics exclude 29 watersheds with interderminant area. The cultural characteristics were estimated using digital drainage boundaries for 507 NASQAN stations. Accounting unit boundaries were used for 85 NASQAN stations without digitized drainage basin boundaries. Cultural characteristics are not available for 26 stations located outside of the conterminous United States. Population data are from 1990 (U.S. Bureau of Census, 1991), and land-cover statistics are for 1987 (U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1989). Population and land-cover data are not reported for HBN watersheds because their small size prevents accurate estimation of these statistics. Refer to the accompanying Open-File Report 96-337 for further details] _____________________________________________________________________________ CHARACTERISTIC RANGE PERCENTILES OF STATION WATERSHEDS _____________________________________________________________ Minimum Maximum 25th 50th 75th _____________________________________________________________________________ NASQAN BASINS _____________________________________________________________________________ Drainage area (mi2) 1 1,140,500 1,238 4,390 14,910 Population density(#/mi2) 0.7 2,577 14.3 41.3 108.3 Crop area (%) 0 90.4 4.5 12.4 29.3 Forest area(%) 0 87.7 3.4 17.4 50.6 Urban area(%) 0 43.3 0.7 2.0 4.5 _____________________________________________________________________________ HBN BASINS _____________________________________________________________________________ Drainage area (mi2) 2 2,000 24 57 99 _____________________________________________________________________________