Version History for U.S. Geological Survey Data Report 1160 Concentrations of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Selected Rivers and Streams in Massachusetts, 2020 By Jennifer G. Savoie and Denise M. Argue ----------------------------------------------------- First posted online July 20, 2022 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted February 17, 2023, as version 1.1 On page 7 of the text, in the first column, "more" was corrected to "less" in the sentence that reads as follows after its revision: "Environmental results less than or equal to 10 times the 95-percent upper confidence limit for the 95th percentile of the PFHxA concentrations measured in blanks (Mueller and others, 2015) were qualified with a “V” remark code." ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted October 2, 2023, as version 2.0 In figure 1 (page 2), the locations of sampling sites 8 and 12 were corrected. The explanation was revised to clarify that samples were collected upstream and downstream from wastewater treatment facilities. Table 1 (pages 9 and 10) was revised for ease of reference when viewed in conjunction with figure 1. Rows were reordered by site number. The column "Location relative to nearby WWTF [wastewater treatment facility]" was replaced by the column "Sampling site," which describes station locations relative to the site number shown in figure 1. The "Sampling site" column was inserted immediately to the right of the first table column. The table title was revised to describe the table contents by column, from left to right. The bracketed table headnote was removed. In the section "Results of Analyses of Environmental and Quality-Control Samples" (pages 5, 6, and 7), two paragraphs were expanded and rewritten as three paragraphs to include discussion of the use of the “V” remark code, as well as the value qualifier “v” in the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System (NWIS), to qualify laboratory method blanks and field blanks with one or more detections of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). In the first sentence of the section "Results of Analyses of Environmental and Quality-Control Samples" (page 5), the date range of the study period was corrected from "(August to November, 2022)" to "(August to November 2020)." The name "Bashbish Brook" (site 2, station 01362147) was corrected to "Wright Brook" in the text (pages 5 and 7) and tables 1 and 2. The spelling of "Lanides [Lane]" (site 13, station 01094445) was corrected in tables 1 and 2. The spelling of "Mellen Street" (site 30, station 01103139) was corrected in tables 1 and 2. The names of stations 01108414 and 01108415 (both site 36) were corrected in tables 1 and 2 to match the names in NWIS. In table 1, latitude and longitude were corrected for site 1, station 01095862, and longitude was corrected for site 34, station 011006065. The reference information for the associated data release (Savoie and Argue, 2022) was updated to version 2.0, published in July 2023. Definitions of PFDA and PFHxS were added to the abbreviations list (page vi).