ArcGIS Map Document Readme The map documents and shapefiles used to create the trackline maps in this archive can be found in the file located in the arc subfolder of the software folder located at the top level of the disc’s file listings. The map documents were created with PC-compatible Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) ArcGIS 10.2 software. The file also contains an images folder, which stores .gif images of each trackline's subbottom profile. To access these images using ArcMap 10.2, open a map document, then click on the hyperlink button (the symbol is a lightning bolt) located on the toolbar. Once this button is activated, the tracklines will all change to blue, indicating they have hyperlinks. Selecting a trackline will open the associated printable profile image. Shapefiles may also be viewed using other versions of Esri ArcGIS for Desktop software including their free software, ArcGIS Explorer (; however, the hyperlink feature is disabled when using this software. The map document displays trackline navigation, the start-of-line (green dots), and 1,000-shot-interval locations (black dots) along each line. The Points to Lines ArcScript, downloadable at, was used to create the trackline layer. The list below describes the shapefiles provided with the ArcGIS map document. Metadata are available as FGDC-compliant text and Extensible Markup Language (XML) documents (used by ArcCatalog). *Note: ArcMap 10.2 .mxd files are not backward compatible; however, the shapefiles can be viewed using earlier versions of ArcGIS software. 13bim02_trkln: Line layer of 13BIM02 chirp trackline navigation 13bim02_shots: Point layer of 13BIM02 chirp 1,000-shot-interval locations 13bim02_sol: Point layer of the start of 13BIM02 chirp tracklines 13bim07_trkln: Line layer of 13BIM07 chirp trackline navigation 13bim07_shots: Point layer of 13BIM07 chirp 1,000-shot-interval locations 13bim07_sol: Point layer of the start of 13BIM07 chirp tracklines