Label |
Code |
Name |
Age |
ow |
1 |
Open water |
Holocene |
g |
2 |
Glacier |
Holocene and
Pleistocene |
Qabl |
252 |
Andesite of
Boulder Lake |
Pleistocene |
Qac |
302 |
Andesite of
Cabin Creek |
Pleistocene |
Qacl |
308 |
Andesite west
of Clear Lake |
Pleistocene |
Qae |
224 |
Andesite of
Enola Hill |
Pleistocene |
Qah |
233 |
Andesite of
Hiyu Mountain |
Pleistocene |
Qahr |
221 |
Andesite of
Horseshoe Ridge |
Pleistocene |
Qal |
31 |
Alluvium |
Holocene and
Pleistocene |
Qall |
226 |
Andesite of
Laurance Lake |
Pleistocene |
Qam |
251 |
Andesite of
McCubbins Gulch |
Pleistocene |
Qap |
222 |
Andesite of
Perry Lake |
Pleistocene |
Qas |
303 |
Andesite of
Skyline Road |
Pleistocene |
Qaw |
306 |
Andesite of
Wapinitia Pass |
Pleistocene |
Qbaa |
202 |
andesite of Aschoff Buttes |
Pleistocene |
Qbac |
206 |
andesite of Cloud Cap |
Pleistocene |
Qbac? |
207 |
andesite of Cloud Cap |
Pleistocene |
Qbal |
203 |
andesite of Lost Lake Butte |
Pleistocene |
Qbap |
205 |
andesite of The Pinnacle |
Pleistocene |
Qbas |
204 |
andesite of Stump Creek |
Pleistocene |
Qbc |
208 |
Basalt of
Crutcher Bench |
Pleistocene |
Qbdc |
209 |
andesite of Devil Canyon |
Pleistocene |
Qbdr |
241 |
andesite of Dog River |
Pleistocene |
Qbp |
201 |
andesite of Parkdale |
Holocene |
Qbr |
223 |
andesite of Blue Ridge |
Pleistocene |
Qca |
32 |
Colluvial and
alluvial slope deposits |
Holocene and
Pleistocene |
Qdf |
307 |
Dacite of Frog
Lake Buttes |
Pleistocene |
Qg |
41 |
deposits |
Holocene and
Pleistocene |
Qget |
43 |
deposits, till of Evans Creek age |
Pleistocene |
Qgnt |
42 |
deposits, till of neoglacial age |
Holocene |
Qha |
133 |
rocks of Mount Hood, andesite and dacite lava |
Pleistocene |
Qhc |
131 |
rocks of Mount Hood, pyroclastic-flow and debris-flow deposits |
Pleistocene |
Qhc? |
132 |
rocks of Mount Hood, pyroclastic-flow and debris-flow deposits |
Pleistocene |
Qhdl |
111 |
deposit of Ladd Creek |
Holocene |
Qhoc |
102 |
Old Maid
eruptive period, pyroclastic-flow and debris-flow deposits |
Holocene |
Qhol |
101 |
Old Maid
eruptive period, lava flows |
Holocene |
Qhpc |
122 |
eruptive period, pyroclastic-flow and debris-flow deposits |
Pleistocene |
Qhpl |
121 |
eruptive period, lava |
Pleistocene |
Qhtc |
108 |
eruptive period, pyroclastic-flow and debris-flow deposits |
Holocene |
Qiba |
62 |
basalt and basaltic andesite |
Pleistocene |
Qls |
34 |
deposits |
Holocene and
Pleistocene |
Qo |
44 |
Outwash |
Pleistocene |
Qob |
304 |
Olivine basalt |
Pleistocene |
Qoba |
305 |
Older basaltic
andesite |
Pleistocene |
Qoe |
45 |
Outwash of
Evans Creek age |
Pleistocene |
Qsg |
231 |
Rocks of Sandy
Glacier volcano |
Pleistocene |
Qt |
33 |
Talus |
Holocene and
Pleistocene |
QTa |
242 |
Andesite |
Pleistocene or
Pliocene |
QTab |
243 |
Andesite of
Badger Butte |
Pleistocene or
Pliocene |
QTat |
227 |
Andesite of
Tom Dick and Harry Mountain |
Pleistocene or
Pliocene |
QTat? |
228 |
Andesite of
Tom Dick and Harry Mountain |
Pleistocene or
Pliocene |
QTb |
225 |
Basalt |
Pleistocene or
Pliocene(? |
QTba |
421 |
andesite |
Pleistocene or
Pliocene(?) |
QTbg |
256 |
andesite of Grasshopper Point |
Pleistocene or
Pliocene |
QTbme |
234 |
andesite of Mirror Lake and Eureka Peak |
Pleistocene or
Pliocene |
QTs |
601 |
rocks and deposits |
and Pliocene(?) |
QTtla2 |
321 |
Volcanic rocks
in Trillium Lake area, andesite |
Pleistocene or
Pliocene |
QTtlb |
322 |
Volcanic rocks
in Trillium Lake area, basalt |
Pleistocene or
Pliocene |
Qv |
61 |
Cinder cone or
small volcano |
Quaternary |
Qyba |
301 |
basaltic andesite |
Pleistocene |
Ta |
427 |
Andesite |
Pliocene |
Taef |
482 |
Andesite of
East Fork Hood River |
Miocene |
Taft |
435 |
Andesite of
Fifteenmile Creek |
Pliocene |
Tafv |
483 |
Andesite of
Fivemile Butte |
Miocene |
Taj |
438 |
Andesite of
Jordan Butte |
Pliocene and
Miocene |
Talb |
437 |
Andesite of
Little Badger Creek |
Pliocene |
Taop |
561 |
Andesite of
Lolo Pass |
and Miocene |
Taop? |
562 |
Andesite of
Lolo Pass |
and Miocene |
Tar |
428 |
Andesite of
Rocky Point |
Pliocene |
Tas |
593 |
Andesite of
Salmon Butte |
Miocene |
Tatc |
547 |
Andesite of
Tumble Creek |
Pliocene |
Tazm |
581 |
Andesite of
Zigzag Mountain |
Miocene |
Tb |
548 |
Basalt |
Pliocene and
(or) Miocene |
Tba |
426 |
andesite |
Pliocene |
Tbah |
436 |
andesite of Happy Ridge |
Pliocene |
Tbam |
595 |
andesite of Mack Hall Creek |
Miocene |
Tbao |
423 |
andesite of the Oak Grove Fork |
Pliocene |
Tbas |
439 |
andesite of Sunset Spring |
Miocene |
Tbbu |
235 |
Basalt of Bull
Run Watershed and other ridge-capping basalt |
Pliocene and
Miocene(?) |
Tbg |
422 |
Basalt near
Ghost Creek |
Pliocene or
Miocene |
Tbj |
549 |
Basalt of
Juniper Flat |
Pliocene |
Tcgn2 |
1003 |
CRBG, Grande
Ronde Basalt, normal-polarity unit 2 |
Miocene |
Tcgr2 |
1004 |
CRBG, Grande
Ronde Basalt, reversed-polarity unit 2 |
Miocene |
Tcwf |
1002 |
CRBG, Wanapum
Basalt, Frenchman Springs Member |
Miocene |
Tcwpr |
1001 |
CRBG, Wanapum
Basalt, Priest Rapids Member |
Miocene |
Td |
583 |
Formation |
Miocene |
Tdb |
425 |
Dacite of
Beaver Butte |
Pliocene |
Tdgb |
491 |
Dacite of
Graveyard Butte |
Pliocene(?) or
Miocene |
Tdl |
429 |
Dacite north
of Long Ridge |
Pliocene |
Tdm |
481 |
Dacite of Mill
Creek Buttes |
Miocene |
Tdp |
594 |
Dacite of
Plaza Lake |
Miocene |
Tfa |
592 |
andesite |
Miocene |
Tha |
424 |
andesite |
Pliocene |
Tia |
533 |
andesite |
Pliocene and
Miocene |
Tiba |
532 |
basalt or basaltic andesite |
Pliocene |
Tilh |
571 |
rocks of Laurel Hill |
Miocene |
Tlma |
541 |
Mountain volcanic sequence, andesite |
Pliocene |
Tlma? |
542 |
Mountain volcanic sequence, andesite |
Pliocene |
Tlmb |
543 |
Mountain volcanic sequence, basalt |
Pliocene |
Tlmd |
544 |
Mountain volcanic sequence, dacite |
Pliocene |
Tlmd? |
545 |
Mountain volcanic sequence, dacite |
Pliocene |
Tma |
591 |
Andesite of
middle and late Miocene age |
Miocene |
Toa |
431 |
Older andesite |
Miocene |
Toma |
1112 |
Volcanic rocks
of the Mutton Mountains, andesite |
Miocene and
Oligocene |
Tomr |
1113 |
Volcanic rocks
of the Mutton Mountains, rhyolite |
Miocene and
Oligocene |
Tomt |
1111 |
Volcanic rocks
of the Mutton Mountains, tuff and tuffaceous sedimentary rocks |
Miocene and
Oligocene |
Tos |
604 |
sedimentary rocks |
Miocene |
Tr |
449 |
Rhyolite |
Pliocene or
Miocene |
Trbg |
546 |
Rocks of
Barlow Ridge and Gunsight Butte |
Pliocene and
Miocene |
Trgd |
442 |
Rhyodacite of
Gordon Butte, domes and flows |
Pliocene |
Trgx |
441 |
Rhyodacite of
Gordon Butte, tuff breccia |
Pliocene |
Trh |
582 |
Formation |
Miocene |
Ts |
602 |
rocks |
Miocene |
Ttla1 |
323 |
Volcanic rocks
in Trillium Lake area, andesite |
Pliocene and
(or) Miocene |
Ttv |
451 |
Tygh Valley
Formation |
Pliocene and
Miocene(?) |
Ttvp |
452 |
Tygh Valley
Formation, pyroclastic and sedimentary rocks |
Pliocene and
Miocene(?) |
Tv |
531 |
Cinder cone or
small volcano |
Tertiary |
Tvmf |
563 |
rocks of Middle Fork of Hood River |
Miocene |
Tvmf? |
564 |
rocks of Middle Fork of Hood River |
Miocene |
Tvs |
484 |
rocks |
Miocene |
Tys |
603 |
sedimentary rocks |
Pliocene and
Miocene(?) |
u |
2001 |
Unmapped |
Line code |
Feature |
Line style |
Explanation |
21 |
fault, approximately or well located |
with ball and bar on downthrown side |
exposed or displaced stratigraphic units sufficiently close that position has
been determined by field work to within 100 m on the ground (1.0 mm at 1:100,000
scale) |
22 |
Normal fault, inferred |
Short dashed |
24 |
Normal fault, concealed |
Dotted |
Trace of fault concealed
by younger stratigraphic unit; positional accuracy uncertain but within 2 mm
at 1:100,000 (200 m on the ground) and commonly within 1.0 mm (100 m on the
ground) |
25 |
Reverse or thrust fault |
Solid, sawteeth on upper
plate |
Right-hand rule for
sawteeth ornamentation |
26 |
Reverse or thrust fault,
concealed |
Dotted, sawteeth on
upper plate |
Right-hand rule for
sawteeth ornamentation |
28 |
Fault, type not reported |
Solid |
From Swanson and others
(1981); may be oblique, reverse, or normal fault |
31 |
Anticline |
Solid, with opposing
arrowheads |
Showing crestline and
locally showing plunge; plunge arrowhead at end-node of polyline |
32 |
Syncline |
Solid, with converging
arrowheads |
Showing troughline |
33 |
Monocline hinge, abrupt
decrease in direction of arrow |
Solid |
Lower limb. Right-hand
rule for ornamentation, with arrow symbols converging on hinge line |
34 |
Monocline hinge, abrupt
increase in direction of arrow |
Solid |
Upper limb. Right-hand
rule for ornamentation, with arrowheads diverging from hinge line |
35 |
Lineament |
Dash-dot |
Mapped from air photos. Origin
most likely by small-offset faults or nowinfilled ground cracks |