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Data Series 965

Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Company for Development of the São Francisco and Parnaiba River Valleys

Topographic and Hydrographic Survey Data for the São Francisco River near Torrinha, Bahia, Brazil, 2014

By Ryan L. Fosness and Benjamin J. Dietsch

GIS Datasets

Table 3. Metadata, preview illustrations, and compressed geospatial data sets for the Torrinha-Itacoatiara feasibility study, São Francisco River near Torrinha, Bahia, Brazil, 2014.

Geospatial data typePreview images and metadata
Topographic SFR_Topography_2014 thumbnail [GIS data]
Hydrographic SFR_Bathymetry_2014 thumbnail [GIS data]
SFR_Velocity_2014 thumbnail [GIS data]

First posted October 21, 2015

For additional information, contact:
Director, Idaho Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
230 Collins Road
Boise, Idaho 83702