Overview Field Activity Collections System (FACS) Log Topic Information USGS Activity 2016-316-FA Other ID (if any) XSTORMS.h20160308 Organization(s)/Program U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center Project/Theme Extreme Storm Coastal Change Hazards Area of Operation Part A: South Carolina/North Carolina border to Assateague Island, Virginia. Part B: Assateague Island, Virginia, to Montauk, Point, New York Principal Investigator(s) K.L.M. Morgan of the USGS in St. Petersburg, Fla. Information Specialist(s) None Activity Type Oblique Aerial Photographic Survey Scientific Purpose/Goals Winter survey to document the storm impact on the coast. Platform Cessna 182 aircraft, N8479S Starting Date March 8, 2016 Starting Port/Location Yorktown, Va. Ending Date March 9, 2016 Ending Port/Location Yorktown, Va. Equipment Used Nikon D810 digital camera, Garmin GPSMAP 696 receiver Information to be Derived (e.g., Grain Size, Depth to Basement) Baseline and winter coastal oblique photographs Summary of Activity and Data Gathered 4740 oblique photographs Notes (include staff, shop time etc) Flight days 1 and 2 were flown February 18-19, 2016. March 8, 2016 ÐFlight day 3: Excellent aerial photography weather at start point Assateague. Ceiling and visibility unlimited. Mild turbulence along route with light wind from southwest. Tides were low in the southern half of the shoot and very low in the northern half. Collected 2176 images; 44.85 GB of data. March 9, 2016 ÐFlight day 4: Excellent aerial photography weather from Barnegat, N.J. to Montauk Point, N.Y. Some morning haze in Northern N.J.; however, ceiling and visibility unlimited after 1300 UTC. Tides were very low for the entire shoot. Collected 2564 images; 54.87 GB of data. Notes: ¥ Nikon D810 DSLR Camera Body ¥ ISO: 100 for parallel to coast, Auto sensitivity control during profiles ¥ Interval timer shooting: one picture every 3 seconds. ¥ Nikkor 35 millimeter, 1.8 lens - standard lens for coastline images ¥ Focus: Infinity. Replicates 50-millimeter lens on our crop sensor DSLR camera body.