Robert P. Kucks and Patricia L. Hill USGS Data Series 135 README.txt FILE FOR GRIDDED DATA TRANSFER DIRECTORY These grids are presented in Geosoft Oasis montaj (proprietary software) binary format, with two files describing each of the grids (suffixes .grd and The .gi file contains information about the projection used by the software. This grid format can be converted to numerous other formats using the downloadable free software offered by Geosoft at (look for download link). Below is the projection information for each grid as defined in the Geosoft format. ---------------------------------------------------------- Projection Lambert Conformal Conic Parameters: 1st standard parallel 33 0 0.000 2nd standard parallel 45 0 0.000 central meridian -93 0 0.00 latitude of projection's origin 0 0 0.000 false easting (meters) 0.00000 false northing (meters) 0.00000 horizontal datum - NAD27 ellipsoid - Clarke 1866 -----------------------------------------------------------------