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Data Series 156 U.S. Department of the Interior

Prepared in cooperation with the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Public Health, Office of Environmental Health Services, Environmental Engineering Division, and the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water and Waste Management

Dissolved-Gas Concentrations in Ground Water in West Virginia, 1997-2005

By Jeremy S. White and Melvin V. Mathes

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Table of Contents



Data-Collection Methods


References Cited


Figure 1. Sampling locations.


Table 1. Summary of averaged dissolved-gas compositions (nitrogen, a...

Conversion Factors, Datum, and Abbreviations

Multiply By To obtain
foot (ft) 0.3048 meter (m)
cubic centimeter (cm3) 0.06102 cubic inch (in3)
liter (L) 0.2642 gallon (gal)

Vertical coordinate information is referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). Recharge elevation, as used in this report, refers to distance above the vertical datum.

Concentrations of gases are given in milligrams per liter (mg/L).


Dissolved-gas samples were collected from 170 wells and 1 spring in West Virginia during 1997-2005. Gas concentrations in milligrams per liter ranged from 3.66 to 53.98 for nitrogen, 0.150 to 1.234 for argon, 0.00 to 9.11 for oxygen, 0.2 to 198.8 for carbon dioxide, and 0.00 to 68.50 for methane.


This report presents previously unpublished dissolved-gas data for nitrogen (N2), argon (Ar), oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4) from ground water collected in water wells and one spring in West Virginia during 1997-2005. Sample sites (fig. 1) included both public-supply and privately owned wells. Samples were taken from untreated water and were collected as part of several hydrologic studies including the Allegheny-Monongahela National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) (Anderson and others, 2000), the Kanawha-New River NAWQA (Paybins and others, 2000), the West Virginia Ambient Ground-Water-Quality-Monitoring Network (Kozar and Brown, 1995), a current ground-water investigation in Leetown, W. Va., and an additional 30 samples collected during this investigation to supplement deficiencies in sampling coverage. Additional water-quality parameters were collected at most sites, and sample data for 1997-2004 are published in eight Water Resources Data reports for West Virginia (Ward and others, 1998-2005). These reports contain data for major ions, nutrients, trace metals, pesticides, indicator bacteria, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Water-quality data collected in 2005 were not published at the time of this report.

Data-Collection Methods

Wells were sampled by connecting a flowthrough chamber and sampling lines to the raw-water tap closest to the wellhead so that field measurements and water samples could be obtained without exposing the ground water to the atmosphere. Prior to sample collection, wells were purged for several minutes until field measurements stabilized (Koterba and others, 1995). Dissolved-gas samples were collected by placing a water line into the bottom of a 160-cm 3 septum bottle and filling the bottle to overflowing. The septum bottle while still overflowing was then submerged into a 2-L plastic beaker that had been previously filled with ground water from the sampling site. Then the sample line was removed, and all air bubbles adhering to the sides of the bottle were allowed to escape. A rubber stopper through which a syringe needle had been inserted was then pushed tightly into the bottle, and the needle was withdrawn while the bottle was still submerged in the beaker (U.S. Geological Survey, 2005b). Multiple bottles were filled to safeguard against bottle breakage or contamination. Filled bottles were shipped inverted and chilled to the U.S. Geological Survey Chlorofluorocarbon Laboratory (Reston, Va.). Water temperature and estimated elevation of recharge to the well were submitted with the samples to aid the laboratory analysis. All samples received in good condition were analyzed using dual gas chromatography (U.S. Geological Survey, 2005a). Average values for dissolved-gas concentrations are reported for each ground-water sampling site (table 1). N 2 concentrations ranged from 3.66 to 53.98 mg/L, Ar from 0.150 to 1.234 mg/L, O 2 from 0.00 to 9.11 mg/L, CO 2 from 0.2 to 198.8 mg/L, and CH 4 from 0.00 to 68.50 mg/L.


The data presented in this report were collected during 1997-2005 as part of the Allegheny-Monongahela NAWQA, the Kanawha-New River NAWQA, the West Virginia Ambient Ground-Water-Quality-Monitoring Network, ground-water studies in Leetown, W. Va., and during this investigation. N 2 concentrations ranged from 3.66 to 53.98 mg/L, Ar from 0.150 to 1.234 mg/L, O 2 from 0.00 to 9.11 mg/L, CO 2 from 0.2 to 198.8 mg/L, and CH 4 from 0.00 to 68.50 mg/L.

References Cited

Anderson, R.M., Beer, K.M., Buckwalter, T.F., Clark, M.E., McAuley, S.D., Sams, J.I., III, and Williams, D.R., 2000, Water quality in the Allegheny and Monongahela River Basins, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, and Maryland, 1996-98: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1202, 32 p.

Koterba, M.T., Wilde, F.D., and Lapham, W.W., 1995, Ground-water data-collection protocols and procedures for the National Water-Quality Assessment Program—Collection and documentation of water-quality samples and related data: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-399, 113 p.

Kozar, M.D., and Brown, D.P., 1995, Location and site characteristics of the ambient ground-water-quality-monitoring network in West Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-130, 48 p.

Paybins, K.S., Messinger, Terence, Eychaner, J.H., Chambers, D.B., and Kozar, M.D., 2000, Water quality in the Kanawha-New River Basin, West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina, 1996-98: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1204, 32 p.

U.S. Geological Survey, 2005a, Analytical procedures for dissolved gas, accessed November 17, 2005, at

U.S. Geological Survey, 2005b, Dissolved gas sampling instructions, accessed November 17, 2005, at

Ward, S.M., Rosier, M.T., and Crosby, G.R., 2003, Water resources data, West Virginia, water year 2002: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report WV-02-1, p. 238-245.

Ward, S.M., Rosier, M.T., and Crosby, G.R., 2004, Water resources data, West Virginia, water year 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report WV-03-1, p. 260-273.

Ward, S.M., Rosier, M.T., and Crosby, G.R., 2005, Water resources data, West Virginia, water year 2004: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report WV-04-1, p. 252-261.

Ward, S.M., Taylor, B.C., and Crosby, G.R., 1998, Water resources data, West Virginia, water year 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report WV-97-1, p. 342-351.

Ward, S.M., Taylor, B.C., and Crosby, G.R., 1999, Water resources data, West Virginia, water year 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report WV-98-1, p. 446-454.

Ward, S.M., Taylor, B.C., and Crosby, G.R., 2000, Water resources data, West Virginia, water year 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report WV-99-1, p. 239-250.

Ward, S.M., Taylor, B.C., and Crosby, G.R., 2001, Water resources data, West Virginia, water year 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report WV-00-1, p. 239-255.

Ward, S.M., Taylor, B.C., and Crosby, G.R., 2002, Water resources data, West Virginia, water year 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report WV-01-1, p. 240-249.

Figure 1 is a map of West Virginia showing the sampling locations.

Figure 1. Sampling locations.

Table 1. Summary of averaged dissolved-gas compositions (nitrogen, argon, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and methane) in water samples from wells and springs in West Virginia, 1997-2005.

[Map no., general reference number for map; Rech. elev., recharge elevation is land surface; ft, feet; n dg , number of dissolved-gas samples averaged; N 2 , nitrogen; Ar, argon; O 2 , oxygen; CO 2 , carbon dioxide; CH 4 , methane; mg/L, milligrams per liter; *, spring site]

Map no. Station name Date Rech. elev. (ft) n dg N 2 (mg/L) Ar (mg/L) O 2 (mg/L) CO 2 (mg/L) CH 4 (mg/L)
1 Bar-0149 8/18/2005 1,500 4 17.57 0.632 0.01 13.6 1.5370
2 Ber-0150 4/14/1999 520 1 22.51 0.736 0.93 53.5 0.0000
3 Boo-0253 6/3/1997 2,150 1 13.00 0.505 0.02 16.9 14.2564
4 Boo-0254 5/7/1997 2,200 2 17.24 0.628 0.10 4.2 22.7825
5 Boo-0256 5/4/1998 1,160 2 20.19 0.691 0.25 78.1 0.2789
6 Boo-0257 5/29/1998 1,180 2 7.95 0.291 0.00 113.2 12.1966
7 Boo-0258 5/6/1998 1,640 2 18.29 0.666 0.97 37.7 0.0000
8 Boo-0259 6/23/1998 1,560 2 24.68 0.887 0.00 5.8 8.2377
9 Boo-0260 5/15/1998 1,760 2 20.79 0.756 0.00 14.8 7.7542
10 Boo-0261 7/10/2003 980 3 6.51 0.249 0.00 9.1 37.1809
11 Brk-0077 3/16/2005 1,240 3 20.60 0.695 0.03 53.2 0.0094
12 Brx-0269 6/10/1997 1,400 1 21.55 0.738 0.15 23.1 0.0022
13 Brx-0270 6/9/1997 1,564 1 17.73 0.643 3.61 17.7 0.0000
14 Cab-0233 4/9/1999 900 1 21.56 0.722 0.00 6.4 0.6060
15 Cla-0141 5/8/1997 1,400 1 16.27 0.625 0.07 23.5 6.7144
16 Cla-0142 6/4/1997 1,220 1 10.43 0.371 0.05 4.5 5.1290
17 Cla-0143 6/9/2003 1,280 4 25.60 0.774 0.10 34.1 1.9190
18 Dod-0066 5/5/2004 1,080 4 21.67 0.673 0.03 2.4 0.1035
19 Fay-0233 7/20/2000 3,040 3 19.98 0.685 0.00 0.2 5.8524
20 Fay-0234 4/28/1999 2,880 1 49.10 1.234 5.46 2.6 0.0020
21 Fay-0242 7/11/2002 1,920 4 21.34 0.694 0.07 44.0 0.3059
22 Fay-0267 6/2/1997 2,345 1 20.09 0.689 0.00 26.2 0.0103
23 Fay-0270 5/22/1998 2,000 2 21.52 0.703 0.09 50.6 0.0318
24 Fay-0272 5/13/1998 2,480 2 19.37 0.686 0.07 77.6 0.0024
25 Fay-0274 5/21/1998 2,000 2 16.45 0.614 7.19 64.2 0.0000
26 Fay-0275 5/12/1998 2,440 2 17.50 0.653 3.94 16.8 0.0000
27 Fay-0276 5/8/1998 2,400 2 18.10 0.640 0.58 70.4 0.0000
28 Fay-0279 5/26/1998 2,240 2 24.07 0.767 0.38 42.4 0.4088
29 Fay-0281 8/1/2000 1,840 2 14.74 0.510 0.03 0.3 35.4037
30 Fay-0282 8/4/2000 1,840 2 18.73 0.644 0.00 17.1 2.7393
31 Fay-0285 8/10/2000 2,000 2 23.89 0.782 0.00 35.4 1.1943
32 Gil-0045 7/6/2000 1,160 3 19.89 0.644 0.00 17.0 8.1758
33 Gil-0198 7/6/2000 1,060 2 19.51 0.676 0.02 0.6 0.5395
34 Grb-0167 4/26/1999 3,440 2 22.51 0.746 0.30 24.9 0.3457
35 Grb-0172 6/22/2004 3,040 3 12.95 0.536 0.20 81.9 0.9788
36 Grb-0208 4/27/1999 3,080 1 23.04 0.737 0.26 62.8 0.2998
37 Grb-0280 5/13/1997 2,850 1 19.84 0.707 0.02 5.5 0.0007
38 Grb-0281 5/12/1997 2,600 1 20.77 0.700 0.06 4.1 0.0004
39 Grb-0283 5/19/1997 2,680 1 16.70 0.621 1.06 7.5 0.0000
40 Grb-0284 6/16/1998 3,320 1 26.48 0.818 1.13 46.5 0.0017
41 Grb-0285 4/27/1999 3,500 1 21.40 0.736 0.20 11.6 0.5438
42 Grb-0287 7/13/2000 2,440 2 21.76 0.696 0.08 13.6 0.1831
43 Grb-0291 3/24/2005 3,280 3 19.46 0.688 1.77 55.0 0.0035
44 Grt-0106 6/25/2003 3,600 4 20.64 0.674 0.05 16.8 0.2689
45 Har-0170 4/11/2005 1,600 3 20.61 0.703 0.00 12.8 2.3103
46 Har-0173 8/16/2005 1,300 4 18.17 0.638 0.00 3.9 14.9208
47 Har-0175 8/17/2005 1,400 4 20.99 0.715 0.06 6.0 0.0131
48 Har-0176 8/17/2005 1,460 4 22.27 0.763 0.11 0.3 7.0059
49 Hmp-0379 6/11/2001 1,240 4 19.89 0.744 0.58 23.8 0.0000
50 Hmp-0380 6/12/2001 1,220 4 22.62 0.751 0.07 13.1 0.0000
51 Hmp-0382 6/13/2001 1,220 2 30.66 0.942 0.09 54.2 0.0000
52 Hmp-0383 6/13/2001 1,700 4 20.33 0.727 0.07 16.4 0.0197
53 Hnc-0042 7/23/2002 1,200 4 21.06 0.718 0.27 9.3 0.0022
54 Hnc-0046 3/16/2005 1,260 3 22.50 0.770 0.07 31.5 0.9123
55 Hrd-0300 6/14/2001 1,780 4 23.11 0.743 0.08 33.4 0.0000
56 Hrd-0303 6/27/2005 2,250 4 22.66 0.749 0.07 10.3 0.0019
57 Jac-0166 5/27/1997 960 1 20.99 0.734 0.02 15.1 0.0000
58 Jac-0167 5/3/2004 820 4 25.63 0.813 0.10 1.2 0.0405
59 Jac-0168 6/14/2004 770 3 21.76 0.745 0.58 0.9 0.0000
60 Jef-0312 4/15/1999 480 1 23.06 0.797 8.08 15.9 0.0004
61* Jef-0327S 9/14/2004 500 4 20.67 0.701 0.37 56.3 0.0000
62 Jef-0579 7/15/2002 600 4 18.36 0.650 5.29 75.5 0.0000
63 Jef-0581 7/16/2002 540 3 18.34 0.642 3.46 85.8 0.0000
64 Jef-0585 7/21/2004 540 4 21.17 0.691 0.06 39.5 0.0000
65 Jef-0590 9/16/2004 500 4 20.30 0.690 0.55 67.1 0.0000
66 Jef-0592 7/27/2004 540 4 20.79 0.676 1.26 56.7 0.0000
67 Jef-0603 9/16/2004 510 4 25.74 0.797 0.06 29.3 3.3090
68 Jef-0641 5/20/2004 540 4 24.79 0.777 0.06 42.3 0.0000
69 Kan-0927 5/28/1997 1,000 1 20.62 0.722 0.04 48.0 0.0000
70 Kan-0928 5/29/1997 700 1 20.47 0.707 0.06 2.4 1.0421
71 Kan-0932 5/5/1997 1,120 2 22.14 0.729 9.11 51.2 0.0002
72 Kan-0934 5/6/1997 870 2 16.15 0.622 0.03 30.0 4.9371
73 Kan-0935 5/5/1998 1,440 1 20.37 0.699 0.08 24.5 0.0042
74 Kan-0938 6/22/1998 1,580 2 19.45 0.677 0.29 16.7 0.3759
75 Kan-0939 6/26/2002 1,920 4 15.95 0.545 0.04 3.7 37.3493
76 Kan-0940 7/10/2002 1,580 4 22.85 0.723 0.09 113.0 0.3097
77 Kan-0941 7/11/2002 1,520 4 22.83 0.750 0.07 44.0 1.3788
78 Lew-0215 4/11/2005 1,300 3 21.40 0.723 0.00 11.4 0.2589
79 Lew-0217 3/10/2005 1,360 1 21.05 0.775 0.00 0.5 21.1730
80 Lew-0221 8/15/2005 1,280 4 10.39 0.395 0.00 15.4 22.6376
81 Lin-0179 4/6/1999 660 2 19.47 0.637 1.66 34.7 9.9004
82 Lin-0180 4/5/1999 1,000 1 21.38 0.730 1.24 11.5 6.0110
83 Lin-0185 6/3/2004 950 3 21.22 0.735 0.13 45.4 0.0968
84 Log-0198 4/8/1999 1,300 1 17.02 0.558 1.89 13.6 30.1577
85 Log-0220 7/10/2003 1,400 4 7.75 0.317 0.00 14.7 32.4456
86 Mal-0407 3/16/2005 1,160 3 20.32 0.713 4.13 29.8 0.0000
87 Mal-0409 3/17/2005 1,220 2 20.22 0.670 0.05 20.1 0.0025
88 Mar-0296 6/27/2000 1,440 2 20.40 0.687 0.08 42.7 0.0000
89 Mas-0917 5/11/1999 620 1 19.31 0.676 0.06 28.3 0.0000
90 Mas-0930 4/1/2005 780 3 20.98 0.686 0.70 73.9 0.0004
91 Mas-0960 4/1/2005 880 3 23.11 0.773 0.00 60.3 0.1248
92 Mcd-0042 5/13/1999 2,300 2 5.84 0.227 0.43 18.4 55.6290
93 Mcd-0048 6/17/2004 2,280 4 20.44 0.681 0.28 4.4 0.8544
94 Mcd-0109 5/19/1999 2,240 2 20.36 0.680 0.31 137.4 0.7071
95 Mcd-0149 5/13/1999 1,760 2 3.66 0.150 0.43 14.6 68.5010
96 Mcd-0202 5/12/2004 2,080 3 10.65 0.440 1.17 12.3 24.2676
97 Mer-0162 8/2/2000 2,600 2 27.72 0.868 0.03 19.7 0.3902
98 Mer-0163 7/18/2000 2,680 2 18.27 0.635 0.00 41.3 2.0132
99 Mig-0140 5/18/1999 1,800 1 16.80 0.620 6.14 33.7 0.0006
100 Mig-0141 5/17/1999 1,800 2 11.53 0.416 0.32 8.6 47.2949
101 Mig-0142 5/13/2004 1,520 4 12.13 0.535 0.60 23.7 16.8967
102 Mig-0143 6/23/2005 1,450 4 12.41 0.515 0.00 6.5 34.5185
103 Min-0168 6/24/2003 840 4 32.13 0.940 1.34 52.0 0.0142
104 Min-0169 6/24/2003 960 4 28.58 0.903 0.14 32.9 0.0949
105 Min-0170 6/25/2003 860 4 25.48 0.789 0.06 50.0 0.0073
106 Min-0171 6/26/2003 1,960 1 20.95 0.712 4.83 19.2 0.0000
107 Mnr-0148 7/19/2000 2,240 2 19.02 0.653 3.18 26.0 0.0014
108 Mnr-0156 3/24/2005 3,200 3 22.57 0.741 0.04 2.7 0.0063
109 Mrg-0086 5/19/2004 1,020 4 28.01 0.872 0.10 71.1 0.0179
110 Nic-0207 6/5/1997 1,600 1 21.38 0.745 0.00 37.1 0.4314
111 Nic-0208 6/16/1997 2,200 1 20.95 0.739 0.03 32.3 1.9742
112 Nic-0209 6/8/1998 1,880 2 21.16 0.736 0.12 26.7 0.0717
113 Nic-0211 6/10/1998 2,480 2 16.08 0.620 0.00 37.5 5.4159
114 Nic-0212 5/19/1998 1,680 2 19.17 0.688 1.84 52.3 0.0000
115 Nic-0213 5/28/1998 2,200 2 25.13 0.779 0.21 78.0 0.1959
116 Nic-0214 6/3/1998 2,440 2 20.04 0.661 0.30 83.1 0.3831
117 Nic-0215 6/2/1998 2,440 2 23.88 0.819 0.00 11.6 6.2457
118 Nic-0217 6/12/1998 2,520 1 23.41 0.752 0.60 59.8 0.6122
119 Nic-0218 6/17/1998 2,560 1 18.13 0.630 3.12 198.8 0.0000
120 Nic-0219 6/4/1998 2,800 2 20.77 0.718 0.23 59.0 0.2528
121 Nic-0220 4/28/1999 2,120 1 20.02 0.705 1.40 6.8 7.6906
122 Pen-0145 8/7/2002 4,600 3 21.58 0.722 0.07 0.9 0.9386
123 Pen-0163 7/18/2002 2,840 4 18.36 0.656 1.59 23.2 0.0000
124 Pen-0164 8/6/2002 2,840 2 43.78 1.136 4.07 8.1 0.0000
125 Poc-0234 3/23/2005 3,000 3 22.51 0.729 0.00 7.2 1.8904
126 Poc-0257 5/20/1997 3,900 1 19.87 0.706 0.11 4.8 0.0000
127 Poc-0262 7/11/2000 3,360 2 21.10 0.717 0.21 8.2 0.0000
128 Poc-0263 7/8/2003 4,700 4 21.24 0.702 0.06 3.8 0.0000
129 Poc-0265 7/9/2003 3,600 3 17.12 0.623 2.78 1.4 0.0000
130 Poc-0266 3/23/2005 3,680 3 25.02 0.819 0.00 47.4 0.3520
131 Pre-0163 4/13/2005 2,660 3 18.08 0.666 8.03 52.0 0.0009
132 Pre-0164 4/12/2005 3,020 3 19.46 0.680 2.70 13.0 0.0083
133 Pre-0166 3/8/2005 2,840 4 20.12 0.684 0.06 16.3 0.0038
134 Pre-0171 4/12/2005 1,640 3 19.42 0.655 0.00 27.7 0.2865
135 Ral-0196 3/25/2005 2,680 3 17.77 0.652 1.32 130.1 0.0000
136 Ral-0220 5/13/1997 2,850 1 17.88 0.652 0.10 34.1 0.0000
137 Ral-0221 5/27/1998 2,584 2 15.93 0.576 0.07 77.5 0.0000
138 Ran-0260 3/10/2005 4,400 3 19.19 0.657 0.26 3.7 1.2004
139 Ran-0275 3/7/2005 2,120 2 19.06 0.669 0.06 18.3 0.1470
140 Ran-0276 6/19/2003 3,130 1 5.63 0.242 0.00 0.4 44.9857
141 Ran-0278 7/9/2003 2,800 3 18.22 0.639 0.16 0.6 8.5474
142 Roa-0093 4/11/2005 1,000 3 23.63 0.765 0.00 0.4 0.2310
143 Sum-0099 5/22/1997 1,956 1 19.14 0.683 0.22 28.9 0.0004
144 Sum-0103 6/18/1997 2,658 1 20.13 0.685 0.09 4.7 0.0024
145 Sum-0105 6/18/1998 2,380 1 32.88 0.918 2.54 41.1 0.0021
146 Tay-0127 4/12/2005 1,320 3 24.24 0.793 0.00 25.6 0.0473
147 Tuc-0124 3/9/2005 4,260 3 20.28 0.705 5.69 20.3 0.0000
148 Tuc-0125 3/9/2005 3,280 4 18.66 0.670 3.01 4.0 0.0000
149 Tyl-0092 5/5/2004 1,020 3 30.09 0.948 8.58 9.4 0.0000
150 Tyl-0093 5/6/2004 850 4 20.34 0.698 0.15 99.3 0.0002
151 Ups-0181 3/7/2005 2,060 4 19.90 0.691 0.13 54.2 0.0010
152 Way-0140 3/22/2005 1,100 3 19.76 0.683 0.00 12.6 14.4221
153 Way-0143 3/22/2005 1,000 3 22.43 0.786 0.00 9.3 9.7212
154 Way-0146 3/22/2005 1,020 3 17.63 0.650 0.00 3.7 21.9988
155 Wet-0111 5/3/1999 1,220 1 22.24 0.729 0.07 111.3 0.0012
156 Wet-0133 4/13/2005 1,080 3 15.30 0.593 0.00 0.2 7.9887
157 Woo-0185 5/6/1999 700 1 22.26 0.759 0.07 25.6 0.0009
158 Woo-0196 4/29/1999 780 1 20.03 0.687 0.06 33.2 0.0014
159 Woo-0213 3/15/2005 700 4 18.74 0.649 1.23 23.3 0.0226
160 Wyo-0060 6/6/2001 2,240 2 15.16 0.524 0.00 3.5 23.5714
161 Wyo-0062 6/6/2001 2,120 4 53.98 1.124 0.14 40.1 18.2007
162 Wyo-0263 6/5/2001 1,880 4 13.82 0.449 0.00 16.5 34.6053
163 Wyo-0265 6/7/2001 1,800 3 19.70 0.645 0.01 47.9 7.0480
164 Wyo-0268 6/4/2001 1,560 1 8.37 0.322 0.00 12.8 57.4555
165 Wyo-0269 6/5/2001 1,720 3 13.97 0.496 0.00 15.9 35.3647
166 Wyo-0270 6/7/2001 2,520 4 18.58 0.669 0.03 44.0 3.4398
167 Wyo-0271 6/22/2005 1,170 4 18.00 0.645 0.00 29.5 11.8826
168 Wyo-0273 7/18/2005 2,360 4 19.46 0.679 0.08 27.4 0.0000
169 Wyo-0274 8/2/2005 2,050 4 17.87 0.674 0.09 23.5 6.1080
170 Wyo-0275 8/2/2005 1,800 4 19.33 0.679 0.00 32.6 0.5580
171 Wyo-0276 8/3/2005 2,500 4 18.37 0.630 0.15 38.6 2.6887