Leg2A - 1(Hilina slump)

K207: Western part of Hilina slump (T. Sisson)
Sept. 3, 2001

Purpose: The frontal scarp of the 3000m deep Hilina bench exposes bedded volcaniclastic rocks derived from both shoreline entry lava flows and from a submarine alkalic progenitor of Kilauea volcano. No primary volcanic deposits had been discovered from ancestral Kilauea. The volcanic edifice must have lain northwest of the Hilina frontal scarp, and a site of steep slopes southeast of Papafu Seamount offered the possibility of seeing primary deposits from ancestral Kilauea. That site also is situated close to a large north-northwest trending structure that bounds Papafu Seamount on the west, and it was possible that dive observations would reveal the nature of this structure.

Results: Dive K207 landed at -2936m depth, 19o 1.0f N 155o 11.5f W on sandy bottom with scattered talus boulders. A push core (P1) and a talus sample (R1) were collected very close to the touch down point. The dive proceeded in a north-northwesterly direction diagonaling up across the northeast walls of two small basins from -2930m to -2650m depth and from -2600m to -2100m depth. Steep, coarse talus mantles the slopes of both basins, with lesser exposures of massive, poorly indurated breccia.

Breccia consitutes nearly the only rock type exposed in the basins. Most exposed breccias are clast supported with highly angular blocks and little matrix. Rare, sub-horizontal sandy beds in the breccias are at a high angle to the slope and show that the breccia exposures are not slope mantle materials. Talus slopes range from 60% sediment covered to nearly sediment free (common). The sparse sediment cover on many talus slopes indicates recent tectonism in the area. Potentially primary volcanic deposits were restricted to a single exposure of poor pillow lava at -2657m near the top of the lower basin (samples R16, 17). This may have been pillow breccia.

Kaiko collected clasts from breccias throughout the dive, commonly with multiple samples from single exposures to check for homogeneous or heterogeneous sediment sources. Shipboard examinination shows that clasts from the lower basin are dominantly poorly-sorted, well-indurated glassy volcaniclastic rocks (11 volcaniclastic vs. 4 basalt samples). Clasts from the upper basin were judged during the dive to be mostly pillow lava fragments, and shipboard examination confirms this (2 volcaniclastic rocks vs. 8 basalts). Breccias in the upper basin are also coarser than those in the lower basin. Sampling of weakly indurated breccia matrix was attempted at 2 sites by push corer, but only one recovered material (green corer PC-3, -2808m). One sample was collected by push corer of a sand layer interbedded with breccia (blue corer PC-4, -2547m).

Surficial unconsolidated sediment overlies breccia unconformably, and local slumps near the top of the dive exposed internal stratification of alternating thin (cm) white (pelagic) and black (basaltic glass) sands sampled by yellow push corer (PC-2, -2062m) at the end of the dive. Kaiko left bottom at -2028m, 19o 2.8f N, 155o 12.5f W having collected 28 rocks, 4 push core samples, plus matrix debris in the sample basket for two sites.

Dive K207 found weakly indurated breccia almost to the complete exclusion of other rock types. Bedded, well-indurated volcanic glass sandstones, common on the frontal scarp of the Hilina bench, are completely lacking. Indurated volcaniclastic sandstone, gritstone, and fine breccia are common as clasts in poorly indurated breccias in the lower basin, and these are probably fragments of Hilina bench-type bedded deposits, resedimented during younger landsliding or slumping. The volcaniclastic clasts generally haved coarser consitituent grains than do frontal scarp sandstones, but are otherwise similar. These volcaniclastic rocks may have been more proximal equivalents to the frontal scarp sandstones, prior to being disrupted and resedimented. The upper basin breeccias are coarse, matrix-poor, and have clasts almost exclusively of pillow basalts. These breccias could be proximal deposits from landslides off of ancestral Kilauea, or they could be younger and derived either from the transitional basalt pillow lavas that overlie the Hilina bench sedimentary section, or from shoreline crossing subaerial Kilauea tholeiites (less likely). Chemical analyses of pillow glasses and whole rocks will help to answer these questions. The abundant almost completely uncemented breccias, as well as the young talus fields encountered during the dive show that the area southeast of Papafu Seamount is undergoing frequent tectonism. This may be due to uplift of the Seamount, faulting along the southwest margin of the Seamount, or internal deformation in the Hilina Bench.

Sample log

Sample depth description
K207-PC1 -2936m surficial unconsolidated sediment (red corer)
K207-R1 -2035m block from coarse talus - vesicular basalt
K207-R2 -2889m clast from isolated breccia exposure - crystalline basalt
K207-R3,R4 -2883m 2 clasts from breccia outcrop - both crystalline basalt
K207-R5 -2819 clast from breccia - indurated, poorly-sorted volcanic sandstone/hyaloclastite
K207-R6 -2808m clast from breccia - poorly-sorted volcanic sandstone/hyaloclastite, with surficial alteration
K207-PC3 -2808m breccia matrix from R6 site
K207-R7,R8,R9 -2804m 3 clasts from breccia - all poorly sorted volcanic sandstone/hyaloclastite
K207-R10,R11,R12 -2728m 3 clasts from breccia - all poorly sorted volcanic sandstone/hyaloclastite
K207-R13,R14,R15 -2678m 3 clasts from breccia - olivine-rich gritstone/hyaloclastite, abundance of olivine and general similarity of all clasts suggests a restricted source
K207-R16,R17 -2657m 2 pillow basalt fragments with glass, possibly in situ
K207-R18 -2568m clast of indurated volcanic breccia collected from weakly indurated breccia outcrop
K207-R19 -2569m clast of pillow basalt with glass from same breccia exposure as sample K207-R18
K207-PC4 -2547m weakly indurated sand layer (0.25m thick) statified between breccias
K207-R20 -2482m clast of pillow basalt with glass from breccia
K207-R21 -2482m clast of indurated volcaniclastic rock from same poorly indurated breccia exposure as sample R20
K207-R22 -2432m clast of vuggy pillow basalt with glass from breccia
K207-R23 -2410m clast of pillow basalt with glass from breccia
K207-R24 -2308m clast of well crystallized basalt from very coarse breccia
K207-R25,R26 -2137m clasts of olivine basalt from poorly indurated breccia
K207-R27 -2137m clast of basalt from same breccia exposure as R25, R26
K207-R28 -2137m clast of pillow basalt with glass from same breccia as R25, R26, R27
K207-PC2 -2062m push core (yellow) of slope mantling stratified sediments unconformably atop breccia section - note this core had previously been used at -2883m to attempt sampling of breccia matrix (negligible recovery) and had been assigned its PC-2 designation at that time.

Dive log

time depth (m) altitude (m) heading (degree) Narrative Sample
8:54 2730 60 still descending
9:01 2789 70 kaiko detached from launcher
9:10 2917 17.8 298 kaiko descending
9:11 2931 3.8 320 bottom seen
9:12 2933 2.6 319 flat, sand-silt bottom with scattered small blocks
9:13 2936 0.1 314 red pushcore taken near big white fish in muddy seds. Corer only penetrates a few cm, four pushes are taken PC 1
9:16 2936 0.7 331 bigger blocks surrounded by sediment
9:16 2937 0.3 327 approaching high reflectivity area on sonar40-60m away
9:17 2935 4.5 326 very big block (2-3 m)
9:18 2933 3.8 38 abundant talus
9:20 2935 0.8 27 sample K207-R1 in box 2 (~18 cm roundish) from talus 1
9:22 2927 2 340 steeper slope with streams of debris
9:24 2917 2 339 still in talus
9:26 2908 1.5 339 on crest of big talus cone
9:29 2896 2.2 340 more talus
9:31 2889 1.8 0 big block (breccia?) ~2m high. Sheared appearance
9:34 2889 1.8 0 sample on big block. Clast from block. Sample K207-R2 in box 2 (smaller, ~10 cm, avocado shaped) 2
9:35 2883 2.2 337 breccia outcrop (block from below likely part of this outcrop)
9:37 2883 1.2 321 sample from breccia. Sample K207-R3 in box 3. Sample K207-R4 in box 3. Both less than 10 cm long. 3, 4
9:41 2883 1.6 314 yellow push core in breccia matrix. Several pushes yield little material in the corer (corer reused at 14:17 near dive end) PC 2
9:42 2877 2.6 338 still in massive breccia outcrop
9:43 2868 337 massive outcrop mantled by thin talus
9:44 2867 340 dipping towards us? Small ridge (~10m) may reveal bedding planes or maybe fault related
9:45 2862 1.2 338 flattens out a bit, more sediment. Lost outcrop
9:50 2833 1.9 337 moving obliquely left up sediment covered slope
9:56 2825 2.7 339 more blocks, thinner sediment cover
9:58 2823 1.9 335 larger talus blocks, in discrete lobe. Outcrop? Probably not. Blocks up to 1m.
10:03 2819 0.8 336 slight dropoff on left
10:05 2818 3.5 30 small outcrop on edge of "gully" moving in to investigate. Find section of coherent outcrop
10:09 2819 1.6 60 sampling same outcrop. Sample K207-R5 in box 4. 10x6 cm. 5
10:12 2812 1.4 341 moving obliquely left up talus slope
10:13 2805 3.3 353 big outcrop on right (same side of gully as last one). Bedding planes, dipping downslope, fine-grained breccia
10:17 2808 1.4 32 sample from same outcrop. Sample K207-R6 in box 5 (8x8 cm) 6
10:18 2808 1.4 36 attempt to use push core in crumbly breccia (green). Very white color under surface. Push core of this whitish material is taken PC 3
10:23 2802 1.7 336 breccia outcrop still on the right
10:24 2803 1.9 40 sampling same outcrop. Sample K207-R7 in box 6 (pineapple size). Definitely in place, taken right out of matrix. Yellowish coating 7
10:29 2803 1.9 41 same outcrop. Sample K207-R8 in box 6 (softball size?) sample K207-R9 in box 6 (25 cm) 8, 9
10:34 2794 1.3 338 still passing over breccia outcrop
10:36 2768 4 338 just moving off of breccia, up above gully to the right
10:38 2756 3 337 more breccia forming small cliffs facing left
10:41 2750 3.3 343 lose outcrop, moving over muddy slope with scattered blocks
10:46 2749 3.3 339 moving over muddy slope with scattered blocks
10:52 2755 1.3 329 moving over muddy slope with scattered blocks
10:47 2742 1.7 332 moving over muddy slope with scattered blocks
11:03 2728 2.4 36 small outcrop? Another behind. Both are breccia
11:06 2728 1.6 28 sampling 2nd outcrop. Sample K207-R10 in box 7 (13 cm), K207-R11 in box 7 (12 cm, covered in matrix), K207-R12 in box 7 10, 11, 12
11:08 2724 3 335 moving up same series of scattered outcrops along left facing slope
11:10 2714 2.2 336 muddy bottom
11:13 2702 2.4 318 muddy/sandy bottom with ripple marks
11:15 2697 2.9 321 more blocks on bottom. Wall on right visible on sonar
11:17 2689 3.2 341 outcrop visible: breccia
11:19 2678 3.8 348 top of outcrop
11:22 2678 2.7 19 sampling same outcrop at top; sample K207-R13 (10x5 cm), -R14 (20x10x8 cm), -R15 (10x8 cm) all in box 4 13, 14, 15
11:26 2675 2.1 322 moving on, more outcrop to right
11:29 2664 1.4 320 moving over muddy slope with scattered blocks
11:29 2656 5.7 321 nice cliffy outcrop on right, several m high. Breccia, with some pillow clasts
11:33 2658 2 28 sampling same outcrop. Sample K207-R16 in box 5 (pillow fragment? ~15 cm), K207-R17 in box 5 (big, cone-shaped) 16, 17
11:35 2647 1.2 319 moving over muddy slope with scattered blocks
11:36 2640 1 314 muddy bottom
11:41 2618 2 321 muddy bottom with scattered breccias (10cm?)
11:46 2601 0.7 321 ripple is observed on the mud surface
11:48 2599 1.5 318 ripples disappeared, mud bottom with breccias
11:53 2568 2.2 338 outcrop of breccia Sample K207-R18 (breecia 10cm?), K207-R19 in box8 18, 19
11:57 2553 5.4 322 outcrop with showing thin sandy bed between breccias, sandy layer sampled by push core (blue) from the lower part PC 4
12:03 2539 5.8 347 outcrop of breccia
12:05 2518 1.1 336 breccia with bedding
12:06 2511 1.8 342 ripples on the sand-mud surface, large block of breccias
12:08 2516 1 344 the surface become steep going down rightward
12:09 2517 0.9 335 moving over flat bottom, mud with scarce breccias
12:12 2512 1.8 340 high proportion of breccia clasts on the bottom
12:14 2499 1.8 337 bottom going down leftward
12:16 2483 2.2 340 outcrop of interbedded sand and pillow fragment breccia, sampling from pillow layer, Samples K207-R20, -R21 in box8 20, 21
12:26 2456 2.3 327 beautiful talus composed of breccias
12:29 2442 5.4 319 the slope is steeply down leftward,
12:31 2429 15.7 336 bright reflection on right-hand sonar, steep cliff of pillow breccia above sediment-free talus; sample K207-R22 in box 9. Matrix- angular small clasts and scarce sand (matrix poor) 22
12:37 2430 1.1 319 moving over talus of breccias composed of almost same material, no sediment
12:39 2438 0.8 319 moving over talus without sand
12:40 2432 4.5 316 the edge of surface, sediment appears, sorting becomes bad,
12:44 2421 4.1 315 steep cliff of coarse breccia (~2 m), heterogenous clast size, white surficial sediments cover black breccias
12:47 2417 5.5 22 cliff of fine breccias no bedding
12:51 2411 2.5 55 Sampling from same point sample K207-R23 box 9 23
12:54 2406 0.4 315 horizontally moving, talus shed from breccias
12:56 2406 2.9 316 steep talus of breccias without sedinent
12:58 2398 4.2 323 moving over talus of breccias without sediment
13:00 2393 2.1 323 fine sediments covers breccias, trail of debris on the surface
13:02 2374 3 319 ridge of the talus, then flat bench appears
13:03 2364 2.8 323 moving over steep slope with trail of debris
13:06 2352 1 332 moving over steep slope of breccias
13:08 2341 3.4 332 moving over steep slope of breccias
13:10 2328 4 341 moving over steep slope of breccias without sediment
13:14 2310 2.2 343 breccia clasts scattered on flat sand-mud bottom
13:16 2307 3.6 38 sampling from steep slope, sample K207-R24 (pillow (?) breccia ~ 15 cm) in box 9 24
13:20 2301 2.2 338 moving over talus of breccia without sediment covering
13:22 2294 2.2 347 flat bench covered by sediments appears
13:27 2271 2.5 312 talus breccias covered by fine sediments
13:29 2268 5.3 328 trails of debris flow (?) at the left-hand side
13:33 2258 5.2 325 moving over talus of breccia clasts
13:37 2253 5.1 330 talus of breccia clasts, fine blocks in left side, coarse blocks in right side
13:40 2243 3.8 338 the slope becomes gradual, breccias partly covered by sediments
13:43 2226 3.1 337 coarse breccias (~ 10 cm)
13:46 2216 3.1 339 breccias covered by sediments
13:47 2205 2.6 338 finger like breccia concentrated parts
13:50 2186 2.3 338 flat surface covered by thin sediment, large block (~2 m)
13:52 2170 1.7 349 breccia concentrated part with large block (~ 2m)
13:57 2137 2.4 359 small cliff at the start point of channel, try sampling, sample K207-R25, -R26, -R27, -R28 in black box 25, 26, 27, 28
14:03 2128 2.8 357 continuous outcrop of breccia
14:07 2107 4.2 350 nice bedding in breccia seen at 2107, 2118 m, 2124 m
14:09 2080 351 top of continuous outcrop (total height=57 m)
14:10 2066 2.9 352 sand-mud bottom appears
14:13 2067 1.5 29 thin bedding in surficial sand-mud exposed by slumping
14:17 2062 1.7 8 micro-fault in bedded surficial sand-mud sampled by pushcore (yellow again) PC 2
14:23 2051 2.5 355 outcrop in surficial sand-mud with bedding textures (starting point of slumping ?)
14:26 2036 2.4 1 tiny slumping in surficial sand-mud
14:28 2026 4.4 5.1 the upper part is sediment, the lower part is breccias
14:30 2028 6 12 leave the bottom
