Leg 2A-2 (South Kona landslide)
K211: Distal block of South Kona landslide
(H. Yokose)
Sept. 7, 2001
In order to understand both geological and
petrological growth history of the Mauna
Loa that is the biggest volcano in the world,
dive K211 was conducted one of the distal
block in the south Kona landslide area southwest
of Hawaii Island on September 7, 2001. K211
traversed 2.4 km west from the base of the
eastern slope of the distal megablock and
up to the highest place of it.
The succession of the landslide block can
be divided into upper part (volcaniclastics
deposits: -4200 to -4400 m) and lower part
(alternation of hyaloclastie and sheet lava:
-4400 to -4700 m) . The lower part of the
block is composed of product of volcanic
eruption, hyaloclastite and sheet flows.
Both deposits show brownish orange in their
appearance due to palagonitization. The size
of clasts in each hyaloclastite layers indicate
upward fining through the succession. On
the other hand, the upper part is composed
mainly of debris flow deposits. These deposits
contained coarse subrounded boulder of basalt.
This imply that the clasts were abraded by
shoreline process.
On board descriptions indicate that these
rock specimens are mostly olivine basalt.
Glassy rind has slightly altered to paragonite
but no Mn coatings.
その地滑りブロックの層序は,上部(火山砕屑性堆積物:-4200 から -4400 m)と下部(ハイアロクラスタイトとシート状溶岩の互層:-4400 から -4700m).に二分できる.下部は,火山噴出物,ハイアロクラスタイトとシート状溶岩,によって構成されている.両堆積物は,パラゴナイト化のために外観状茶色を帯びたオレンジ色を示す.ハイアロクラスタイト層中の礫径は,層序を通して上方細粒化を示す.一方,上部は,主に火山砕屑性堆積物を主体としている.これらの堆積物には,粗粒の玄武岩質亜円礫が含まれる.これは,その礫が,海岸の過程で円摩されたことを示唆する.
Purpose of Dive K211
Topographic features of submarine landslide
have been recognized in many volcanic island.
It is important to evaluate the hazard of
tsunami produced by submarine slope failures.
There are four large submarine landslides
on the western flank of Hawaii: the North
Kona, Alika phase 1, Alika phase2 and South
Kona landslides. These landslides have been
discussed based on the GLORIA image and detailed
bathymetric maps(e.g, Lipman et al., 1988;
Moore et al., 1989). It is expected that
such megablocks produced by a gigantic landslide
can serve us essential information about
internal structure of a volcanic island.
In the case of South Kona landslide area,
hummocky terrane extends to western offshore
of Hawaii (ca. 80 km ). Two of the landslide
blocks in this area were investigated using
submersible and dredge(Moore et al., 1995).Unfortunately,
the submersible investigation could not collected
in situ rock samples due to manipulator malfunction.
The purpose of K211 are (1) to describe geological
succession of landslide block, (2) to collect
in situ rock sample from outcrops,(3) to
compare with geological succession of bench
on southwest flank of Hawaii, which was investigated
by K210. Rock samples collected in situ during
this dive will be a good clue for early volcanic
history of Mauna Loa volcano.
Dive K211 investigated one of the megablock
South Kona landslide area offshore of island
of Hawaii. We landed on the base of east
wall of the megablock. The strata outcropping
on this megablock can be divided into two
major groups: consolidated strata (product
of volcanic eruption and volcaniclastic deposit)
and unconsolidated landslide deposits. The
megablock composed of the former. The later
deposited as a buttress unconformity.
Geology of landslide block
The megablock is composed mainly of layered
hyaloclastite accompanied with debris flow
deposits, sheeted lava and pillow lava.
We observed hyaloclastite layer in the lower
part of this megablock succession approximately
-4400 m to -4650m in depth. The hyaloclastite
layers which have different in average clast
size and thickness of the layer (50 cm to
100cm ) are deposited coherently. The hyaloclastite
layers have basically clast-support texture
and indicate NW-SE striking and incline to
southward. Average clast size vary from sand
to pebble . The shape of the clasts are completely
angular without any abrasion. On board descriptions
indicate that hyaloclastite layer which is
composed of sand grain have sedimentary textures.
The breccia in the hyaloclastite layers are
monomictic and is the same as matrix of the
Sheet lava shows well developed columnar
joint. During the dive course, only one outcrop
of pillow lava was observed at the depth
of 4360m. The lava occurs as a truncated
pillow and are covered with pebbly mud layer.Outcrops
of pillow joint-block rubble were observed
on the southern gentle slope in the depth
from -4400 to -4300m.
The debris flow deposit intercalated with
hyaloclastite are composed of subangular
to subrounded cobble to boulder and are clast-support
texture. Clasts in the debris flow deposits
indicates imbrication.
Landslide deposite
Unconsolidated pebbly mud layers which composed
of reddish-brown mud with clast (about 5%
in volume) covered partly with manganese
coating was observed everywhere during the
diving. The bottom of the layers are rich
in clast. The clast often indicates normal
grading. The size of the clast seems to correlate
positively with the thickness of the layer.
In muddy matrix, we observed fine lamina
in some layers. The unconsolidated pebbly
mud layers cropped out on the east wall of
the megablock shows a buttress unconformity.
Almost every gentle slope are mantled with
upper fine grained part of the layer (ca.
50-100cm in thickness)
Rock samples
Volcanic rocks collected from this area are
composed mainly of picritic basalt and olivine
rich basalts.The rocks of lava flows and
hyaloclastite layers in the landslide block,
are picritic basalts. On the other hand,
breccia in landslide deposits and debris
flow deposits are olivine basalt. The vesicularity
of the rocks are high compared with picrites.
A rock sample collected from southern slope
have high vesicularity up to 20%. On board
descriptions indicate that these rock specimens
are mostly olivine basalt. Glassy rind has
slightly altered to paragonite but no Mn
time | depth (m) | altitude (m) | heading (degree) | Narrative | Sample |
9:28 | 4562 | 129 | 303 | kaiko detaches from launcher | |
9:37 | 4694 | 5.7 | 264 | kaiko touches down on muddy bottom (no talus visible) | |
9:38 | 4694 | 0.1 | 264 | green push core taken in muddy bottom sediments (corer filled) | PC 1 (green) |
9:42 | 4689 | 1.5 | 270 | traveling over flat muddy bottom | |
9:43 | 4686 | 1.3 | 270 | no reflectors on sonar | |
9:45 | 4682 | 1.4 | 270 | reflector 80 m straight ahead | |
9:50 | 4676 | 2.9 | 270 | traveling over flat muddy bottom | |
9:54 | 4674 | 2.1 | 271 | traveling over flat muddy bottom, maybe thin mud over gravel, as we are in high reflector area | |
10:00 | 4667 | 2.3 | 272 | one rock appears! | |
10:01 | 4665 | 2.8 | 269 | several more scattered on slope | |
10:02 | 4663 | 2.9 | 250 | may be sediment covered outcrop. Round and angular cobbles, may be pillows | |
10:03 | 4663 | 250 | sample outcrop, #1 put in box 2 (may be two stuck together, barely fit in box) | 1 | |
10:05 | 4659 | 4.1 | 269 | large boulders just upslope | |
10:06 | 4655 | 4.9 | 270 | massive solid outcrop, irregularly jointed on large scale | |
10:09 | 4655 | 2.1 | 254 | sample 2 in box 2 (smaller than #1) taken from base of big outcrop | 2 |
10:11 | 4635 | 3.6 | 270 | outcrop becomes more rubbly | |
10:12 | 4616 | 7.6 | 270 | still in outcrop, highly fractured, breccia? Autobreccia? | |
10:15 | 4611 | 7.6 | 262 | sampling attempt | |
10:22 | 4603 | 7.8 | 268 | more massive, but highly fractured, outcrop | |
10:24 | 4588 | 5.5 | 272 | leaving outcrop, facing only water | |
10:24 | 4585 | 3.8 | 269 | see muddy bottom with scattered chunks | |
10:25 | 4580 | 4.6 | 269 | more outcrop, some reddish material in outcrop | |
10:26 | 4565 | 1.6 | 269 | big round boulders of same material as in outcrop | |
10:26 | 4561 | 1.4 | 268 | muddy bottom | |
10:27 | 4556 | 2.6 | 268 | reddish clasts on mud | |
10:27 | 4554 | 3.3 | 269 | bedded red outcrop, with black clasts imbedded in some horizons | |
10:31 | 4553 | 1.6 | 264 | sampling red outcrop. Sample 3a in box 3 (black clast) 3b in box 3 (another clast with matrix stuck on) | 3 |
10:33 | 4553 | 1.6 | 264 | yellow push core of red matrix (although mostly loose material on top of outcrop) | PC 2 (yellow) |
10:36 | 4548 | 5.5 | 270 | upper shelf of outcrop. Nice subhorizontal beds | |
10:37 | 4540 | 3.8 | 271 | muddy slope with scattered blocks | |
10:38 | 4522 | 4.9 | 269 | breccia (?) outcrop, small clasts size. Quite indurated or surface cemented, though doesn't have MnO color | |
10:41 | 4515 | 4.1 | 284 | sampling attempt thwarted | |
10:44 | 4514 | 5.4 | 278 | sample 4a put in box 4 (clast from breccia) sample 4b put in box 4 (smaller clast) | 4 |
10:46 | 4503 | 4.8 | 270 | more outcrop | |
10:48 | 4483 | 5.1 | 272 | more reddish outcrop, large black clasts | |
10:49 | 4477 | 2.4 | 225 | sample 5a put in box 5 (large red chunk). | 5a |
10:51 | 4477 | 2.5 | 246 | Sample 5b put in box 5 (larger black chunk) | 5b |
10:53 | 4458 | 2.8 | 272 | top of cliffy outcrop | |
10:54 | 4452 | 1.7 | 273 | muddy slope with scattered blocks | |
10:55 | 4436 | 4.9 | 270 | outcrop, looks like conglomerate (rounded clasts) reddish matrix | |
10:56 | 4430 | 2.7 | 262 | sampling attempt. Sample 6a in box 6 (squarish clast). Sample 6b in box 6 (smaller angular clast) | 6a, 6b |
10:59 | 4430 | 3.1 | 265 | sample 6c put in box six (platier) sample 6d in box 6 | 6c |
11:01 | 4417 | 2.7 | 271 | muddy slope with scattered blocks | |
11:03 | 4399 | 3.2 | 269 | abundant cobbles on mud, some rounded | |
11:04 | 4389 | 3.6 | 269 | more abundant talus | |
11:07 | 4376 | 2 | 270 | talus | |
11:09 | 4355 | 3.2 | 269 | outcrop. Massive, black, irregularly jointed. some red at base | |
11:13 | 4354 | 2.2 | 311 | sample 7 in box 7. | 7 |
11:14 | 4351 | 5.9 | 270 | red bedded rocks above black | |
11:14 | 4348 | 8.2 | 274 | v. nice breccia with red matrix and angular black clasts | |
11:15 | 4335 | 4.1 | 272 | talus | |
11:16 | 4329 | 3.9 | 269 | outcrop. Massive black, fractured/irregularly jointed | |
11:17 | 4328 | 2.4 | 262 | sample 8 in box 7. looks mn coated | 8 |
11:19 | 4320 | 4.3 | 268 | still in breccia-looking outcrop | |
11:20 | 4316 | 0.9 | 270 | muddy flat(end of outcrop) | |
11:23 | 4305 | 2.1 | 270 | short little outcrop (breccia, uniform clast size).mn-coated | |
11:26 | 4304 | 1.1 | 271 | sample #9 in box 8. | 9 |
11:32 | 4304 | 1.1 | 271 | sampling attempt failed (tough MnO coating) | |
11:33 | 4299 | 272 | muddy slope | ||
11:39 | 4270 | 0.5 | 157 | mud | |
11:43 | 4276 | 6.3 | 182 | changed course to look for outcrop (head south, then west again) | |
11:46 | 4298 | 7.2 | 178 | passing over some outcrop, but too high to see | |
11:50 | 4318 | 5.2 | 181 | passing high over cliff | |
11:55 | 4322 | 6.3 | 182 | still descending | |
12:00 | 4340 | 1.5 | 186 | still descending | |
12:12 | 4363 | 6.2 | 187 | some rocks on muddy surface, keep going south | |
12:27 | 4401 | 1.5 | 178 | still descending and head south | |
12:35 | 4415 | 1.5 | 205 | change direction to west, sampling attempt | |
12:38 | 4417 | 0 | 231 | sample #10 in box 4 (mn coated and some sand on the rock surface) | 10 |
12:40 | 4404 | 0.2 | 262 | mantle bedding | |
12:46 | 4367 | 3 | 283 | mud | |
12:55 | 4369 | 1.4 | 280 | still mud, shallow slope | |
13:01 | 4358 | 2.1 | 281 | the same | |
13:07 | 4357 | 1.9 | 278 | mantle bed slope deposit | |
13:12 | 4350 | 3.1 | 300 | mantle bed slope deposit, sampling attempt | |
13:15 | 4351 | 1.6 | 292 | sampling failed (soft sandstone) | |
13:19 | 4344 | 2.1 | 277 | mud | |
13:26 | 4344 | 2.2 | 268 | mud | |
13:30 | 4342 | 2.6 | 268 | mantle bed slope deposit, sampling attempt | |
13:33 | 4343 | 1 | 278 | sample #11 in box 1 (mn coated bedding rock) | 11 |
13:40 | 4318 | 1.5 | 280 | mud | |
13:48 | 4295 | 2.8 | 307 | many rounded rocks on the floor, sampling attempt | |
13:50 | 4295 | 1.2 | 301 | sample #12a,b in box 8 | 12a, 12b |
13:58 | 4300 | 0.5 | 252 | apploaching cliff | |
14:01 | 4302 | 0.9 | 278 | sampling attempt at outcrop on the steep slope | |
14:02 | 4302 | 1.3 | 275 | sample #13 in box 9 (mn coated medium size rock) | 13 |
14:03 | 4297 | 4.3 | 270 | mantle bedding rock, sampling attempt | |
14:05 | 4287 | 5.8 | 284 | but could not succeed sampling (too soft to nibble) | |
14:10 | 4279 | 1.8 | 280 | attempt sampling of mantle bedding rock, but not successful | |
14:12 | 4278 | 3.1 | 278 | push core (red) to collect the same mantle bedding rock | PC 3 (red) |
14:15 | 4259 | 2.2 | 281 | low-lying sedimentary outcrop | |
14:16 | 4254 | 1.7 | 281 | mud | |
14:20 | 4231 | 1.2 | 279 | flat muddy surface | |
14:27 | 4218 | 0.7 | 280 | flat muddy surface (presumably close to the top) | |
14:29 | 4218 | 0.4 | 281 | push core (blue) on the muddy surface | PC 4 (blue) |
14:31 | 4217 | 1.7 | 288 | Good bye |