7-0. Research Policy for JAMSTEC-2001 Hawaii cruises

Principal Investigator, Eiichi Takahashi

1. Seek for the best quality science.
2. Understand the evolution of Hawaiian volcanoes
3. Develop good scientific exchange between US and Japan
4. Encourage young researchers and students
5. Reasonable amount of publications by 2003 (2004)

*Onboard scientist has higher priority for 2 years
*Encourage other scientists (not onboard) to join
*Accept new research plan at any time (PI must be informed)
*Japan-US collaborated work highly appreciated
*Allow overlapping researches if necessary
*Organize research group with group leader for joint program
*Avoid unnecessary lines of names (including PI) in the research product.

Role of the group leader in each research project
1. Check research progress of the group.
2. Encourage mutual communication and collaboration
3. Group leader (as well as PI) must be informed if a member of the group wants to expand the working area, add colleagues or change research disciplines.
