7-3. Research Plan for Leg 1B (SW Oahu segment)
(August 30, 2001 on Kairei)
(1) Joint Research on a newly recognized volcano in the west of Oahu island
Group leader: E.Takahashi
1-1. Seabeam and SCS survey
(Takahashi, Kunikiyo, Robinson, G. Moore, Harada)
1-2. Volcanic Geology based on Seabeam, SCS and ROV dives
(Yokose, J.Moore, D.Clague, Takahashi)
1-3. Petgrology and geochemistry
(M.Nakagawa E.Takahashi D.Clague)
1-4. Isotope study
( Pb, Sr, Nd T.Kani; Rare gass Hanyu)
1-5. Dating
(K-Ar, Nakagawa; Ar-Ar, Mashima, Mn-coating J.Moore)
1-6. Volatiles & Trace elements
(Coombs FTIR, Takahashi SIMS)
1.7. Density and vesicularity of the volcanic rocks
(2) Study on K-204 site lava
2-1. Petrology and geochemistry
(Nakagawa D.Clague)
2-1. Isotope study
(Kani )
(3) Geology of Wsaianae landslide
3-1. SCS survey
(G. Moore, J.G. Moore, M.Coombs)
3-2. Petrology of K205 rocks
(M.Coombs, M.Nakagawa, D.Clague)
3-3. Geologic observation of the K205 site
(H.Yokose, J.Naka, J.G.Moore)