Identification_Information: Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Rick Fletcher Publication_Date: Unpublished material Title: Unpublished data from the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: Digital Other_Citation_Details: Data forwarded to Mark Zimmermann (NOAA/NMFS) and James V. Gardner (USGS) by email on May 14, 2001 by Rick Fletcher of NOAA/NMS Description: Abstract: No abstract available Purpose: From Rick Fletcher: "Attached is a zip file with two themes. 2000Reseachgrabs cruise are historical lie stations that we resample. It has been processed so you can see what we are producing as a product. We used the Udden-Wentworth method of classifying grain size. The second is Hab_grab which is all our grab positions, however you will see they are generally in groups of 4 & where that is the case only one is being processed for grain size the others are for biological analysis." Supplemental_Information: Data included as one dataset in usSEABED ( Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Range_of_Dates/Times: Beginning_Date: 20000804 Ending_Date: 20000927 Currentness_Reference: 2001 Status: Progress: Complete Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned Spatial_Domain: Bounding_Coordinates: West_Bounding_Coordinate: -125.37687 East_Bounding_Coordinate: -124.42291 North_Bounding_Coordinate: 48.44958 South_Bounding_Coordinate: 47.55480 Keywords: Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category Theme_Keyword: Oceans and Estuaries Theme_Keyword: Location Theme_Keyword: GeoscientificInformation Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: NASA/Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Earth Science Keyword. Version 5.3.3 Theme_Keyword: Marine Sediments Theme_Keyword: Sediment Composition Theme_Keyword: Sedimentary Structures Theme_Keyword: Sedimentary Textures Theme_Keyword: Terrigenous Sediments Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None Theme_Keyword: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Theme_Keyword: Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Theme_Keyword: Smith MacIntyre grab sampler Theme_Keyword: Shipek grab sampler Theme_Keyword: Unidentified grab sampler Place: Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: Geographic Names Information System Place_Keyword: Olympic Coast Place_Keyword: Washington Place: Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None Place_Keyword: Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Access_Constraints: None Use_Constraints: Cite the U.S. Geological Survey as the originators of the data. Point_of_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Contact_Person: Rick Fletcher Contact_Address: Address_Type: Mail Address: Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Address: 115 Railroad Ave. East, Suite 301 City: Port Angeles State_or_Province: WA Postal_Code: 98362 Contact_Voice_Telephone: 360-457-6622 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Browse_Graphic: Browse_Graphic_File_Name: OCNMS_2001 Browse_Graphic_File_Description: Screen grab of GIS-produced sample distribution, with bathymetry and land for reference. Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPG Data_Set_Credit: Rick Fletcher at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for the collection and analysis of data. For usSEABED, formatting: Jane Reid (USGS);Formatting corrections: Jane Reid (USGS) and Chris Jenkins (University of Colorado) Native_Data_Set_Environment: Tkme: Another editor for formal metadata by Peter N. Schweitzer (U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA 22092), version 2.9.13, Microsoft Windows Version 5.1; Microsoft Word 2000 9.0 Data_Quality_Information: Attribute_Accuracy: Attribute_Accuracy_Report: No estimate made for the accuracy of the data in the original report. Data digitized by the USGS and partners were visually compared to the source data, and corrected. Where appropriate, data were tested for completeness using MS Excel. Locations checked using GIS. Logical_Consistency_Report: Data fall within expected boundaries Completeness_Report: No assessment is made Positional_Accuracy: Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy: Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy_Report: No information on navigation is noted. Vertical_Positional_Accuracy: Vertical_Positional_Accuracy_Report: Water depths not given. Lineage: Process_Step: Process_Description: No information available. Process_Date: Unknown Spatial_Data_Organization_Information: Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Vector Point_and_Vector_Object_Information: SDTS_Terms_Description: SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: Point Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 206 Spatial_Reference_Information: Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition: Geographic: Latitude_Resolution: 0.00001 Longitude_Resolution: 0.00001 Geographic_Coordinate_Units: Decimal degrees Entity_and_Attribute_Information: Detailed_Description: Entity_Type: Entity_Type_Label: Point Entity_Type_Definition: SDTS point Entity_Type_Definition_Source: Source report Attribute: Attribute_Label: Sample number Attribute_Definition: Sample number Attribute_Definition_Source: US Geological Survey Attribute_Domain_Values: Unrepresentable_Domain: Alpha numeric number based on cruise and core information Attribute: Attribute_Label: Gravel Attribute_Definition: Amount of gravel in sample Attribute_Definition_Source: Source dataset Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.3 Range_Domain_Maximum: 4.3 Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Percent Attribute_Measurement_Resolution: 0.1 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Sand Attribute_Definition: Amount of sand in sample Attribute_Definition_Source: Source dataset Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 23.3 Range_Domain_Maximum: 98.3 Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Percent Attribute_Measurement_Resolution: 0.1 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Silt Attribute_Definition: Amount of silt in sample Attribute_Definition_Source: Source dataset Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 1.7 Range_Domain_Maximum: 70.1 Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Percent Attribute_Measurement_Resolution: 0.1 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Clay Attribute_Definition: Amount of clay in sample Attribute_Definition_Source: Source dataset Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.3 Range_Domain_Maximum: 14.1 Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Percent Attribute_Measurement_Resolution: 0.1 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Granulometric analyses Attribute_Definition: Percent of sample within a given phi-size bin Attribute_Definition_Source: Source report Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: < -2.25 Range_Domain_Maximum: > 10 Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Phi Attribute_Measurement_Resolution: 0.25 Distribution_Information: Distributor: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Contact_Person: Rick Fletcher Contact_Address: Address_Type: Mail Address: Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Address: 115 Railroad Ave. East, Suite 301 City: Port Angeles State_or_Province: WA Postal_Code: 98362 Contact_Voice_Telephone: 360-457-6622 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Resource_Description: Unpublished data from OCNMS in 2001 Distribution_Liability: Although this dataset has been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy of the data. Users of the data should be aware of limitations of the data due to possible imprecision due to navigational inaccuracies and limitations of the statistical data. Standard_Order_Process: Non-digital_Form: Unknown Fees: Unknown Technical_Prerequisites: Unknown Available_Time_Period: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2001 Metadata_Reference_Information: Metadata_Date: 2005 Metadata_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Person: Jane A. Reid Contact_Position: Geologist Contact_Address: Address_Type: Physical and mail Address: 400 Natural Bridges Drive City: Santa Cruz State_or_Province: CA Postal_Code: 95060 Contact_Voice_Telephone: 831-427-4727 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Contact_Instructions: Email preferred Metadata_Standard_Name: CSDGM Version 2 Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998 Metadata_Access_Constraints: None Metadata_Use_Constraints: Metadata was written by a user of the data. Any information contained in the physical report is authoritative and supercedes any information given here.